
Captain America Quotes

Quotes tagged as "captain-america" Showing 1-30 of 38
J. Michael Straczynski
“Doesn't matter what the press says. Doesn't matter what the politicians or the mobs say. Doesn't matter if the whole country decides that something wrong is something right.

This nation was founded on one principle above all else: The requirement that we stand up for what we believe, no matter the odds or the consequences. When the mob and the press and the whole world tell you to move, your job is to plant yourself like a tree beside the river of truth, and tell the whole world -- "No, YOU move.”
J. Michael Straczynski, The Amazing Spider-Man: Civil War

“Compromise where you can. Where you can't, don't. Even if everyone is telling you that something wrong is something right. Even if the whole world is telling you to move, it is your duty to plant yourself like a tree, look them in the eye, and say 'No, you move'.”
Christopher Markus

J. Michael Straczynski
“When the mob and the press and the whole world tell you to move, your job is to plant yourself like a tree by the river of truth, and tell the whole world 'No, You Move.”
J. Michael Straczynski

Mark Twain
“Each of you, for himself or herself, by himself or herself, and on his or her own responsibility, must speak. It is a solemn and weighty responsibility and not lightly to be flung aside at the bullying of pulpit, press, government or politician. Each must decide for himself or herself alone what is right and what is wrong, which course is patriotic and which isn’t. You cannot shirk this and be a man, to decide it against your convictions is to be an unqualified and inexcusable traitor. It is traitorous both against yourself and your country.
Let men label you as they may, if you alone of all the nation decide one way, and that way be the right way by your convictions of the right, you have done your duty by yourself and by your country, hold up your head for you have nothing to be ashamed of.”
Mark Twain, The Bible According to Mark Twain: Irreverent Writings on Eden, Heaven, and the Flood by America's Master Satirist

“You can't justify murder by masking it with a cause.”
Steve Rogers

Marvel Comics
“I'm with you until the end of the line.”
Marvel Comics

“I can do this all day.”
Steve Rogers, Captain America

“The price of freedom is high, it always has been. And it's a price I'm willing to pay. And if I'm the only one, then so be it.”
Steve Rogers, Captain America

“The price of freedom is high. It always has been. And it’s a price I’m willing to pay. And if I’m the only one, then so be it. But I’m willing to bet I’m not.”
Captain America

Ed Brubaker
“It's because of my grandfather that I became a Young Avenger. But it's hard sometimes, to be a black kid carrying a name like "Patriot". I remember talking to Captain America about before he died, and he explained what Patriotism meant to him...
It wasn't about blindly supporting your government. It was about knowing what your country could be, what it should be... And trying to lead it there through your example. And holding it accountable when it failed. I remember he said: "There's noting patriotic about corruption or cover-ups... or defending them. But exposing them, well, that takes a hero.”
Ed Brubaker, Young Avengers Presents #1

“He's tried to explain this a couple of times to a few of his buddies after about five beers. Like listen, listen. Imagine you live in this country, right? And there's a brutal war, and you witness and maybe participate in a horrific amount of violence, and you lose absolutely everyone you care about. Then you end up in this other country, where the culture and ways of doing things are completely foreign to you, and random assholes make fun of you for how you dress and act and talk while you're still coming to grips with the fact that everyone you love is gone and you can never go home again. Meanwhile, everyone around you is like "smile, motherfucker, you're in the Land of Plenty now, where there's a Starbucks on every corner and 500 channels on TV. You should be grateful! Why aren't you acting more grateful?" So you have to pretend to be grateful while you're dying inside. Sound like an traumatized, orphaned refugee? Also sounds like Steve fucking Rogers, Captain Goddamn America. Except that most refugees were part of a community of other people who were going through the same thing. Steve is all alone, the last damn unicorn, if the last unicorn had horrible screaming nightmares about the time when it helped to liberate Buchenwald.”
spitandvinegar, Ain't No Grave (Can Keep My Body Down)

Mark Waid
“We all want to live in a world where we can make a difference... That's why Spider-Man fights the good fight. Or Captain Marvel. Or me. Or... There are a lot of us. And we don't all wear masks these days. Iron Man went public. So did Captain America. Others. Probably because it's harder to keep secrets in an internet surveillance age. But I think some of it, too, is that the ethical paradox can wear you down. No one on the white-hat side has ever hidden his or her identity with less than noble intent: to make the fight about something bigger than us. To represent a greater justice, where the focus can be on right and wrong... and not on whether the bad guys will exact reprisal on those close to us. And sometimes you have to lie... because you can justify a lie if lives are riding on it. Even as you fight for, as the saying goes, truth and justice... even if you're a lawyer who has sworn to live by the truth... you willingly bear false witness.”
Mark Waid, Daredevil, Volume 7

“When the mob and the press and the whole world tell you to move, your job is to plant yourself like a tree by the river of truth, and tell the whole world 'No, You Move.”
Steve Rogers

“You know the last time I was in Germany and saw a man standing above everybody else, we ended up disagreeing...”
Steve Rogers, Captain America

Neil Gaiman
“I fought for America. My country. I protected America. Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Democracy. Not something you people have seen much of yet. But it's worth fighting for...”
Neil Gaiman, Marvel 1602

Stacey Ballis
“There are food stations around the room, each representing one of the main characters. The Black Widow station is all Russian themed, with a carved ice sculpture that delivers vodka into molded ice shot glasses, buckwheat blini with smoked salmon and caviar, borsht bite skewers, minipita sandwiches filled with grilled Russian sausages, onion salad, and a sour cream sauce.
The Captain America station is, naturally, all-American, with cheeseburger sliders, miniwaffles topped with a fried chicken tender and drizzled with Tabasco honey butter, paper cones of French fries, mini-Chicago hot dogs, a mac 'n' cheese bar, and pickled watermelon skewers. The Hulk station is all about duality and green. Green and white tortellini, one filled with cheese, the other with spicy sausage, skewered with artichoke hearts with a brilliant green pesto for dipping. Flatbreads cooked with olive oil and herbs and Parmesan, topped with an arugula salad in a lemon vinaigrette. Mini-espresso cups filled with hot sweet pea soup topped with cold sour cream and chervil.
And the dessert buffet is inspired by Loki, the villain of the piece, and Norse god of mischief. There are plenty of dessert options, many of the usual suspects, mini-creme brûlée, eight different cookies, small tarts. But here and there are mischievous and whimsical touches. Rice Krispies treats sprinkled with Pop Rocks for a shocking dining experience. One-bite brownies that have a molten chocolate center that explodes in the mouth. Rice pudding "sushi" topped with Swedish Fish.”
Stacey Ballis, Out to Lunch

Ed Brubaker
“Sometimes I think if you didn't have me, there wouldn't be a single person in the world who really understood you...”
Ed Brubaker, Captain America: Winter Soldier - Ultimate Collection

“Ian was too Captain America for my taste.”
Gloria Craw, Atlantis Rising

Ed Brubaker
“Bucky did the things I couldn’t. I was the icon. I wore the flag… But while I gave speeches to troops in the trenches… He was doing what he’d been trained to do… and he was highly trained.”
Ed Brubaker, Captain America: Winter Soldier - Ultimate Collection

Jean Baudrillard
“Whatever the case may be, there is a major inconsistency in continuing to use a discourse of the universal as a discourse of reference when it has no meaning or effect anywhere - neither with global power nor in opposition to it.
To relativize our concept of the universal: with the increasing globalization of the world, discrimination becomes more ferocious.
The cartography should not confuse these zones beyond reality with those that still give signs of reality in the same hegemonic system of globalization, even though they do not function in the same way. We could even say that the gap separating them is growing and something that was only a cultural singularity in a non-unified world becomes real discrimination in a globalized universe. The more the world is globalized, the worst the discrimination.”
Jean Baudrillard, The Agony of Power

“Superman – Moses in a costume, with his underpants on the outside. Captain America – the poster boy of the mad American patriot. Wonder Woman wore a bathing suit bearing the American flag. She was as beautiful as Aphrodite, as wise as Athena, as strong as Hercules, and as swift and as great a warrior as Diana. Superheroes fought enemy spies at home. They battled reds under the beds. America is a mythological country in the modern world. By surrounding itself with modern myths, it has made itself less and less real. America simulates being a real country via its modern myths, but only succeeds in become phonier.”
David Sinclair, Superheroes and Presidents: How Absurd Stories Have Poisoned the American Mind

Matt Fraction
“Hold that thought, ya tracksuit Dracula. You asked about The Avengers. Y'wanna know the best part about being an Avenger? Having Captain America around you all the time. He just– The guy just brings out the absolute best in people. You… want to be good when he’s around. You really do. Ivan, look around you real quick. Because, right now? Captain America ain’t here.”
Matt Fraction, Hawkeye, Volume 1: My Life as a Weapon

“Neither Superman nor Captain America is real. Real heroes who will save our planet are activists and biodiversity savers.”
Hakan Kapucu

Rick Remender
“Patriotism taken too far is fanaticism. No matter who you are or where you're from.'
'These filthy foreigners made us look bad.'
'Foreigners aren't your enemy, son. I'm the son of immigrants.'
'When I was a kid it was my father's people, the Irish, who were looked down on. Called filthy foreigners. Discriminated against. Is that the xenophobic America you want? All religions, all nationalities, we all want the same thing. To see our children grow strong. To provide safety for our families. To live in quiet times. Peace, son. Isn't that why we became soldiers? To fight for a peaceful world?”
Rick Remender, Captain America, Vol. 3: Loose Nuke

Rick Remender
“What the hell do you know about what we lost?! You think we had it easy? That we had it better than you? That our war was somehow easier? War is hell! You think you're honoring your troops by reopening these wounds?! By murdering these people?! All you've done is perpetuate the cycle! Leaving a new generation of broken families! You came here, where you didn't belong-- You bomb their homes-- You murder their children-- And you wonder why they hate us?!”
Rick Remender, Captain America, Vol. 3: Loose Nuke

Steve Englehart
“I've seen the big lie technique -- say anything loud enough, often enough, and it'll sound like the truth. But I considered it a tool of totalitarian governments, and not possible in America. I was wrong! Suddenly they capped their campaign by framing me-- --for murder!”
Steve Englehart, Captain America (1968-1996) #154

Chip Zdarsky
“You call yourself 'Bullseye'... but I know a Hawkeye when I see one.”
Chip Zdarsky, Avengers: Twilight

J. Michael Straczynski
“The Great War was born in anger. The war rising around us will come in hatred wrapped in a flag, with a madman at the helm. And that is the war I fear most”
J. Michael Straczynski, Captain America: Stand

Rick Remender
“Sam Wilson continuously stood up. Giving everything he had to try and shape the world into the one that his father dreamed of. He dedicated himself to the service of those in need. As the Falcon he’s been right at my side–fighting on the front lines–for all these years. No magic hammer. No super-soldier serum. Just a man. A man dedicated to showing what one person could accomplish after a lifetime of misfortune. Sam Wilson’s always been a hero… Today, he became something more.”
Rick Remender, Captain America, Vol. 5: The Tomorrow Soldier

Rick Remender
“Oh, to see what they did to you. It would break your Captain’s heart.”
Rick Remender, Winter Soldier: The Bitter March

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