
Bikes Quotes

Quotes tagged as "bikes" Showing 1-24 of 24
Mark Twain
“Get a bicycle. You will not regret it, if you live.”
Mark Twain
tags: bikes

“Bike lane: the section of the road that accommodates wide loads and has speed bumps to protect drunk drivers.”
Bauvard, Some Inspiration for the Overenthusiastic

Sarah Dessen
“Maybe if I'd agreed to do the debutante thing like she wanted. Or taken up pageants instead of riding jump bikes with a bunch of grungy boys. I'd always tell her, why can't I do both? Who says you have to be either smart or pretty, or into girly stuff or sports? Life shouldn't be about the either/or. We're capable of more than that, you know?”
Sarah Dessen

Julio Cortázar
“Se sabe que las bicicletas han tratado por todos los medios de remediar su triste condición social. Pero en absolutamente todos los países de la tierra 'está prohibido entrar con bicicletas'. Algunos agregan: 'y perros', lo cual duplica en las bicicletas y en los canes su complejo de inferioridad.”
Julio Cortázar, Historias de cronopios y de famas

“It never gets easier, you just get faster.”
Greg LeMond

“It's been a while since I've had sex. I figured it was just like riding a bike, the only difference is that after a while, the bike doesn't turn you over and ride you.”
Beatrice Stark Girl Detective

William Faulkner
“People will pay any price for motion. They will even work for it. Look at bicycles.”
William Faulkner, The Reivers

Francesca Zappia
“The first thing I noticed about East Shoal High School was that it didn't have a bike rack. You know a school is run by stuck-up sons of bitches when it doesn't even have a bike rack.

I shoved Erwin behind the blocky green shrubs lining the school's front walk and stepped back to make sure the tires and handlebars were hidden. I didn't expect anyone to steal, touch, or notice him, since his rusty diarrhea color made people subconsciously avert their eyes, but I felt better knowing he was out of harm's way.”
Francesca Zappia, Made You Up

Emmanuelle de Maupassant
“What if you should forget yourself in the excitement and just peddle straight through the park and out the other end?’ she warns. ‘If you keep your feet on the pedals and don’t stop, where might you end up?’

The idea appeals to Maud more than she can say. She doesn’t want to know where she may ‘end up’.”
Emmanuelle de Maupassant, The Gentlemen's Club

A.D. Aliwat
“Baskets on bikes are pretty inefficient, and overall pretty stupid… for show, for women and dandies who want to use them as transportation to and from picnics.”
A.D. Aliwat, In Limbo

“If you happen to be out at night on the bike path without a light, ring your bell constantly. No bell? Then sing "Hotel Yorba" on a continuous loop, loud enough to warn the unseen.”
Grant Petersen, Just Ride: A Radically Practical Guide to Bikes, Equipment, Health, Safety, and Attitude

Michael Donaghy
“So this talk, or touch if I were there,
Should work its effortless gadgetry of love,
Like Dante’s heaven, and melt into the air.

If it doesn’t, of course, I’ve fallen. So much is chance,
So much agility, desire, and feverish care,
As bicyclists and harpsicordists prove

Who only by moving can balance,
Only by balancing move.”
Michael Donaghy

Elly Blue
“We're caught up in a vicious cycle of debt. We borrow money to build a giant road project. That project attracts new development, which brings more traffic. Eventually the road needs to be expanded; the initial debt has not been paid off, so a new, larger loan is taken out to fund the new project and pay off the old one. The money is borrowed against the promise of further development to bring in new tax revenue. And so it continues.”
Elly Blue, Bikenomics: How Bicycling Can Save The Economy

“Plenty of people advocate for sustainability systems like bike infrastructure without considering the racism and wealth inequality embedded in how we plan and use urban space.”
Adonia E. Lugo, Bicycle/Race: Transportation, Culture, & Resistance

Foster Kinn
“He was an outsider chasing the unknown.”
Foster Kinn, The Poet, The Professor, and The Redneck: How Men Die, How They Live

Kristian Ventura
“There was also a term for bikers called “target fixation.” When a rider looked at something for too long and focused on a passing object, or any small distraction to the left or right of him, he had an increased chance of colliding with that object. It was extremely dangerous to fixate. Any concentration expended that was not ahead of the rider oftentimes resulted in severe injury or death. A biker who wanted to live must not be thrown off course. And after miles and miles of riding, of looking ahead, of sixty mile per hour winds piercing his neck, the gloss of his eyes hardening, he naturally never target fixated on things or people either.”
Karl Kristian Flores, A Happy Ghost

Mehmet Murat ildan
“When we see a bicycle in the city, we rejoice as if we saw nature itself; when we see a bicycle in nature, we rejoice as if we saw two great friends!”
Mehmet Murat ildan