CherD asked Kate Morton:

I have now read all 5 of your books. You certainly have a way of weaving a story, and I love how you shift from the past and then into the present day. I have truly never read any books quite like yours. I often pride myself on figuring out a mystery within the story, but I have to say your endings are so surprising. When is your next book coming out? You are such a gifted writer.

Kate Morton Thanks for your lovely note, Cheryl -- I especially love that you used the verb 'weaving', because that's just what it feels like when I'm writing. I'm deep in edit on another book at the moment (which happens to be the part of the process that most resembles weaving, as all of the threads are loosened and stitched back together in a tighter, more pleasing way) and will have news very soon. Happy reading in the meantime, Kate
Kate Morton

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