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de Vincent #1

Moonlight Sins

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New York Times bestselling author Jennifer L. Armentrout delivers the unforgettable story of a woman whose new life has just begun—but may end in murder . . .

Julia Hughes has always played it safe until she learned a very painful lesson. Now Julia’s starting over with a job in the Louisiana bayou—and a scorching encounter with a stranger, only to discover he’s Lucian de Vincent . . . her new employer. The de Vincent brothers share a massive fortune and a dark reputation. Julia cares for their troubled sister, but a menacing presence in the mansion—and the ever-present temptation of Lucian—prove dangerously distracting.

Lucian’s grandmother claimed de Vincent men fall in love once—and hard. Apparently, it’s Lucian’s turn. Julia’s compassionate care of his twin makes Lucian want to lay himself bare. But some secrets are better for Julia not to know.

The recent “suicide” of Lucian’s father is the latest in a string of deaths on the estate. Someone is eliminating the de Vincents. And the best way to get to Lucian may be through Julia. . . .

Kindle Edition

First published January 30, 2018

About the author

Jennifer L. Armentrout

171 books148k followers
Hey Guys! Please note: I don't send out ARCs for review. If you're interested in reviewing a book of mine before release date, please contact the appropriate publisher. I also do NOT check my Goodreads email.

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# 1 New York Times and # 1 International Bestselling author Jennifer lives in Charles Town, West Virginia. All the rumors you’ve heard about her state aren’t true. When she’s not hard at work writing. she spends her time reading, watching really bad zombie movies, pretending to write, hanging out with her husband and her Jack Russell Loki. In early 2015, Jennifer was diagnosed with retinitis pigmentosa, a group of rare genetic disorders that involve a breakdown and death of cells in the retina, eventually resulting in loss of vision, among other complications. Due to this diagnosis, educating people on the varying degrees of blindness has become of passion of hers, right alongside writing, which she plans to do as long as she can.

Her dreams of becoming an author started in algebra class, where she spent most of her time writing short stories….which explains her dismal grades in math. Jennifer writes young adult paranormal, science fiction, fantasy, and contemporary romance. She is published with Tor, HarperCollins Avon and William Morrow, Entangled Teen and Brazen, Disney/Hyperion and Harlequin Teen. Her Wicked Series has been optioned by PassionFlix. Jennifer has won numerous awards, including the 2013 Reviewers Choice Award for Wait for You, the 2015 Editor’s Pick for Fall With Me, and the 2014/2015 Moerser-Jugendbuch- Jury award for Obsidian. Her young adult romantic suspense novel DON’T LOOK BACK was a 2014 nominated Best in Young Adult Fiction by YALSA. Her adult romantic suspense novel TILL DEATH was a Amazon Editor’s Pick and iBook Book of the Month. Her young adult contemporary THE PROBLEM WITH FOREVER is a 2017 RITA Award Winner in Young Adult Fiction. She also writes Adult and New Adult contemporary and paranormal romance under the name J. Lynn. She is published by Entangled Brazen and HarperCollins.

She is the owner of ApollyCon and The Origin Event, the successful annual events that features over hundred bestselling authors in Young Adult, New Adult, and Adult Fiction, panels, parties, and more.

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Profile Image for Patty ~ Wrapped Up In Reading Book Blog.
1,260 reviews10.2k followers
January 9, 2018
*****FOUR STARS*****
{ARC Generously Provided by Publisher}

MOONLIGHT SINS was gothic, creepy and insanely sexy!! At times I didn’t know what to make of it. It started off feeling like a scary paranormal story but as the plot thickened it turned out to be more of a suspenseful thriller that packed a mighty punch in the steam department. Having read only a couple of books by J. Lynn Armentrout that were outside of the LUX series, I forgot that she definitely knows how to deliver the sexy and then some. I found myself in need of an ice-cold shower after reading some of the steamier bits in the book. While the pace of this story was a little too slow for my liking, the suspense, mystery, and steam were what kept me fully vested in it.

Julia Hughes is leaving her home in Pennsylvania and her job as a nurse in a local hospital to move to New Orleans where she will be a live-in nurse in charge of caring for a young woman who is in some sort of comatose condition. On the night before her departure, her friends take her out to a bar to celebrate. She ends up meeting a devastatingly beautiful man who for some strange reason seems to be attracted to her. Julia decides for one night she’s going to be adventurous and bring this guy back to her place for a night of unadulterated pleasure. She has the most erotic night of her life but the two quickly part ways as this was only to be a one-night stand. Julia, however, can’t seem to get the man off her mind.

When Julia arrives at the lush estate of her new employer, she finds out their true identity. She had no idea that she would be caring for Madeline de Vincent. The de Vincent’s are known for being one of the wealthiest families in the U.S., and the three brothers, who are each insanely gorgeous, also are notorious for their debauchery. Endless amounts of scandals and tragedies follow this family wherever they go. When Julia has her first meeting with the de Vincent brothers, it’s as if she’s been punched in the gut because the man she had the romantic tryst with is standing in front of her. Lucian de Vincent is the youngest brother and wildly known for the countless number of women he’s seduced. Julia feels like she’s been played and is the biggest fool. But Lucian never meant for things to get out of hand with her. His intention was just to meet with her and make sure that she was the right person to be in charge of caring for his twin sister. From the moment he saw Julia, he couldn’t control the desire he was feeling for her.

For a big chunk of the story, they have a hate/love vibe going on between them. Julia believes that Lucian is nothing more than a flirtatious playboy who is out to make her one of his conquests and then will quickly be over her once he has his way. Lucian has other plans in mind for her. He is completely enraptured by Julia and tries his hardest to win her affections.

Aside from the romance building between Lucian and Julia, there is the recent suicide by Lucian’s father that is currently plaguing the brothers because the police have determined that it was murder and not suicide after all. The plot thickens more and it all surrounds Maddie de Vincent who mysteriously disappeared ten years ago, the night their mother died, and then all of a sudden resurfaces in some severe catatonic state. Unexplained deaths and mental instability make up the morbid family history of the de Vincents.

Here are my overall ratings on the book:

Hero: 4
Heroine: 4
Plot: 4
Angst: 3
Steam: 5
Chemistry Between Hero & Heroine: 5

MOONLIGHT SINS releases on January 30th. Gabe and Devlin de Vincent will be getting their own books and I for one can’t wait to read about the remaining brothers!

AMAZON: http://amzn.to/2CHsxDD
B&N: http://bit.ly/MoonlightSins-Nook
iBooks: http://bit.ly/MoonlightSins-iBooks
PREORDER OFFER: http://bit.ly/MoonlightSins-Offer

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Profile Image for Cristiina♡Reads.
592 reviews3,493 followers
January 30, 2018
➳A novel filled with romance that has a dark meaning in which oozes passion and elaboration towards the better of an individual...

➳I have not been a huge fan of Jennifer's writing, and when I got this ARC I hesitated for a second on reading it. But since I knew who sent it to me and I love her to death, I decided "why not?"

➳With that being said, this suspense romance is one that I am looking forward to the following books in the series. Knowing Jennifer's diverse type of romance writing, my hesitation was present but I am glad I was able to get over it since I truly did enjoy this novel. As details go, this is a romance story that requires for you to actually, thoroughly read it since it can be confusing with the little, and very descriptive details Jennifer provides. What I can say about this romance is that is it one that should be anticipated by many of Jennifer's readers/fans. The story plot itself is also another factor in which one should really appreciate and read.

➳The romance, the chemistry, the lust, the passion towards life that both Lucian and Julia have is one to really admire. I really hope we get more of their chemistry in the future books. They can both be described as two individuals, looking for a physical aspect of temptation but internally, craving the indulgence of emotional ties or connections. This book is filled with so much raw passion, one that many can say is just "smut," but in reality, it is just the act of both individuals (fictional or not) wanting the pure angst of being in contact with a soul individual who wants the same thing.

➳Overall, this was indeed a love story that I do not regret reading at all. When it comes down to finding out the truth about yourself, both from yourself or coming from someone else, I found this novel appealing for an audience that seeks the thrill of a dark romance. Thank you to Kristen and also AVON publishing for a chance at reading this ARC. I cannot wait to meet Jennifer in the summer and let her know how much I loved her novel and how excited I am for the next books in the series to come.

➳ARC kindly provided, in exchange for an honest review coming...

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Profile Image for Melanie.
1,212 reviews102k followers
Shelved as 'dnf'
January 7, 2018
ARC provided by the publisher via Edelweiss in exchange for an honest review.

DNF @ 8%

Well, I made it seven days before DNFing my first book of 2018. Hopefully, this won’t be a trend to continue much this year. I’m sorry guys, I just can’t do it. This is my first Jennifer L. Armentrout book and I only made it two chapters in.

So, the basic premise of the 8% that I read is that brothers find their father dead from what looks to be a suicide, but upon further inspection, appears that that might not be the case.

The main character, Lucian, lives in a mansion that is so big that there are rooms he hasn’t been in for years, but he does have a girl captured in one of these rooms, but her appearance is still a mystery to me, because I’m stopping at 8%. Also, Lucian is oh so strong for saying no to a super-hot blonde woman that is naked and throwing herself at him in another room, while he is discovering the death of his father.

You all, life is short and precious, and I can’t be spending mine reading books that don’t interest me in the slightest. But I hope if you pick this one up, especially if you are a big Jennifer L. Armentrout fan, that you will find much more enjoyment with it than I did. Happy reading!
Profile Image for Sabrina.
3,952 reviews2,335 followers
January 30, 2018
Amazon US * Amazon UK

When I read the blurb for Moonlight Sins I was immediately intrigued. It sounded like a book that I would enjoy so I jumped at the chance to read it. Unfortunately it wasn't as intriguing as I thought and ended up not being one of my favorites.

Honestly I was just kind of bored with the story. It started out really well and I was all ready to get involved with these brothers. There was the mystery that I had been expecting and a little creepiness thrown in. But from there it all seemed to just die down. No solving of the mystery, no more thrilling moments, just no more anything really. Everything started dragging for me because other than Lucian and Julia circling each other, there wasn't much going on.

Then the ending came and it felt very rushed. There were no hints of answers throughout the story and then suddenly at the very end all the answers were thrown out into the open, yet by then I didn't really care about them.

This story had some good parts for me, mostly in the beginning, and the brothers did have some moments that made me want to know more about them. It wasn't a total bust and overall I can say I did like the story, just had a few issues with the pace.

ARC kindly provided in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Maria Clara.
1,157 reviews659 followers
July 28, 2022

(Pero, ¿qué dice esta loca ahora😱?)

🍎Es más, esta noche tú y yo pecaremos.

(Ay, que me veo haciendo el salto del tigre y estrellándome contra el suelo🥴)

🍎Nos pondremos cómodos, con una copa de vino y el aire acondicionado.

(Ay, que ya adivino cuál va a ser tú pecado después: la pereza🤔)

🍎Al contrario, yo pecaré de lujuria, pues estos libros me tienen enganchadita a sus ardientes páginas y necesito saber cuál es el misterio que rodea a estos hermanos tan... 🔥

(Ay, que mi pecado va a ser la ira😤)
Profile Image for Jacqueline's Reads.
2,967 reviews1,522 followers
October 5, 2017

5 Moonlight Stars

I didn’t know what to expect from reading Moonlight Sins. I just finished the book and I have to say, Moonlight Sins was a good surprise. Moonlight Sins is mysterious, it has well developed characters and the storyline is flawless. I’m so excited and jumping for joy that I have another Jennifer L. Armentrout (JLA) series to get hooked on.

Moonlight Sins is a standalone and is part of the de Vincent series. Each book (I am assuming) will be focusing on one brother. JLA hasn’t mentioned who the next book will be about, but I hope (fingers crossed) it will be Gabe!

I really enjoyed this book because I love a good mystery thriller with a touch of steam and heavy on the romance. I love the tension between Julia and Lucian and I liked how it was really subtle and slowly crept up on me. If you are a fan of a slow-burn book, then this one is for you.

Julia is a nurse and she has an opportunity to take a job in Louisiana. The job is very hush hush so she takes it on with little detail to what she will be doing.

If only she knew what she was getting herself into.

Lucian’s twin sister shows up after ten years being missing. She’s not herself and needs a nurse to take care of her daily needs. Lucian has no idea what kind of person Julia is, but he likes everything he sees.

The book starts out with a bang and a lot of events start moving forward. You soon realize the house Lucian, his siblings and Julia now live in isn’t what it seems.

Is this book spooky? A little, but it’s not a scary book. Is this book paranormal? Umm… I like it keep this all mystery because I’m evil like that. Also it was fun for me to figure out if it was.

That’s right, the best part of reading this book was ALL the mystery elements to it. JLA has a great way in laying breadcrumbs for the reader to obtain and figure out. Okay and the second best part is the push and pull between Julia and Lucian. I like the interactions they have between each other and I like that each moment they had it either brought them closer together or pushed them apart. It keep me interested in the book.

Moonlight Sins is a meaty book, you get plenty out of it. There’s so much storyline, tension and buildup that your heart will be racing from page one. I love the characters, the side characters and the flow of the story.

You will be questioning EVERYONE, who did what, who is who, who is good and who is bad and is everyone being truthful? Gah, it was deliciously good.

AN ARC was provided

AMAZON - http://amzn.to/2fTWfy0

Reading as an ...

Profile Image for Rachel  L.
2,054 reviews2,472 followers
January 30, 2018
3.5 stars

"Legend goes that only two things can happen to women of the de Vincent family or women who come here. They either end up.... unstable or they end up dead."

Moonlight Sins is the beginning of a new contemporary romance series by Jennifer Armentrout and this book was a promising start! Julia is a live in nurse who gets hired by a wealthy client to care for a family member. But when she gets to her new job in Louisiana she doesn't realize it's one of the wealthiest families in the country.

The person she's to care for is to remain a secret, and the house she's staying in has eerie flickering lights and the sounds of footsteps. Julia also finds herself attracted to one of the de Vincent men Lucian, a notorious playboy. And he seems to have taken a liking to her too...

"You know what we are. What we always end up doing to people. We destroy them and then go about our lives like nothing fucking happened."

I really enjoyed this story, Jennifer Armentrout is great at writing mystery and heroes to swoon over. This first book in a series holds so much potential and I cannot wait to see how the rest of the series goes.

The romance was really sweet, but surprisingly I found myself more interested in the mystery plot of the book more than the romance. I was hooked and wanted all my questions answered, so I sped through this book!

Fans of mystery romance genre, you will love this book!

"How can you be here and be the most beautiful creature I've ever seen?"

ARC provided by the author. All/any quotes in this review came from an advance unedited copy and may be subject to change in the final product.

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Profile Image for jessica.
2,617 reviews46k followers
February 22, 2018
can you believe this is the first time i have ever read a book that has a half-naked man on the cover?? i know, i know - what took me so long?? lol.

but jennifer armentrout is a queen in my eyes and she reliably did not disappoint. the story was rich with mystery and intrigue (even a little spooky at times) and the writing was easy-going, which made me not want to stop reading. how could i not enjoy it??

4 stars
Profile Image for Pavlina Read more sleep less blog  .
2,434 reviews5,100 followers
January 30, 2018
live amazon https://www.amazon.com/Moonlight-Sins...

4-4,5 stars

Wow I loved it, I was intrigued from the beginning until the end!I didn't know what to expect and this make me to enjoy it even more!The mystery aspect and the set up was perfect!I loved the back story and it was nice that we have a dual POV!I find myself many times wondering what is happening!It was captivating and fast paced!


Both characters were lovable and also the secondary!Lucian is a myterious,dangerous, sexy and interesting character!The attraction between Julia and Lucian is obvious but they both keep torturing each other with slow burn.Together they have some really intense and passionate moments between them!

Overall Moonlight Sins was a great story who has it all!Romance, mystery and suspense!I can't wait for the next book in the series!


Profile Image for Lisa (A Life Bound By Books).
1,117 reviews919 followers
December 25, 2017
4 Stars - Loved it! Love broken characters that need layers peeled back to expose their shards and shadows. Their scars and pain hidden so deep they start to believe the lies they tell others. You know the type of characters I'm talking about.

And there's just so much mystery hidden in the depths of more than just these brothers lives, but the family as a whole going back generations.

It's intriguing from beginning to end. And while some things are answered, there are more questions left open for the next book. Which I say bring it on! Can't wait!

JLA doesn't disappoint in the first twisted tale set in New Orleans. Her stories always offers their readers something extra special that makes you start a book and loose track of time.

And while this one took me two days to read over grabbing time to be consumed in the story, I knew almost instantly that if I'd have had a chance this would have easily been devoured in one sitting.

Does JLA bring it this time around? That'd be a resounding HELL YES!
Would I recommend this book? Yep! No question really there.
Will I be reading the next book? DUH!

Read, enjoy, swoon.
Profile Image for Cris Moon Books.
69 reviews298 followers
December 2, 2021
Pecados a la luz de la luna ha conseguido engancharme por completo.

Ha tenido cosillas que no me han convencido, como algunos comentarios tóxicos de Lucian a Julia y viceversa.

Salvo por ese detalle, me ha gustado mucho. Tiene algunos clichés que me han recordado en algunos aspectos a la saga de Los Royal, lo que ha hecho que lo disfrute un montón ya que esos libros me gustaron bastante.

Es una lectura que empieza fuerte, ya desde el principio engancha, tanto por la trama amorosa, como por la de misterio, que de hecho no se resuelve al 100%, por lo que pienso que en los siguientes libros nos van a acabar de aclarar lo que sucede.

Los siguientes dos libros son de otros personajes, y estoy deseando leerlos, ya que los hermanos de Lucian me han generado muchísimo interés y quiero conocer sus historias.

Por mi parte, lectura recomendada 👌🏼
Profile Image for Lana ❇✾DG Romance❇✾.
2,216 reviews13.4k followers
February 2, 2018
2.5-3 STARS
when the de Vincent men fell in love, they did so fast and hard, without reason or hesitation.

I struggled with my rating for this book. A LOT. On the one hand, the characters were multi-layered and intriguing.

I was immediately sucked into the mysterious world of the de Vincents. These brothers are a captivating mix of cold, ruthless, and totally magnetic. With each piece of information the author feeds the reader, you grow more and more intrigued by their world and the demons that they clearly hide in their dark closet of secrets.
This is screwed up,” she said. “You’re screwed up.”
“I’m not just screwed up, Ms. Hughes. I’m as broken as they come, but I don’t need to be fixed. I don’t want to be fixed.” He caged her in. “I like all my fucked-up shards and pieces. They make me who I am. They make me real. The question is, can you handle real?”

Lucian de Vincent is the playboy. He goes through women like he goes through expensive liquor. He doesn't do repeats and he doesn't do feelings. But that suddenly changes when he lays on the beautiful nurse his brother hired to take care of their sister. Their connection is instantaneous, though they do their best to deny it.

At first I wasn't sure about Julia. She gives off a very innocent, slightly naive vibe. But I'm happy to report that she was neither. She hasn't lived the life that Lucian has, but she's also no wallflower. This is a woman that's not afraid to stand up for herself and turn down Lucian's blatant advances over and over, until the heat between them proves to be her undoing.

Sadly, this is also where the story began to lose me. While I love a slow burn, I found the pacing of the story to be entirely too slow. By 20% my interest began to wane, and by 40% I was almost completely disengaged. The only thing that kept me pushing through to the end was my curiosity about the mysterious happenings and suspense around the de Vincent family. I needed to know how it all turned out. It took a great deal of effort to push through. I read the book over the span of almost 2 weeks because I kept finding excuses to put it down to read something else. I found myself skimming some parts and bored with others. And while the ending was definitely a twist, it wasn't completely surprising either. I can't say it felt anticlimactic, but I suppose that I just wanted something a little bit...more.

There was plenty to like about this story, which is why I had such a tough time rating it. But ultimately, the pacing was too slow for me and I was just too bored with parts of the book to rate it anything higher. I'm certainly hooked on the de Vincent brothers and will eagerly read the enact books in the series. Unfortunately this one just didn't blow me away.

ARC courtesy of publisher in exchange for an honest review

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Profile Image for Denisa.
1,339 reviews323 followers
October 25, 2020
I dunno...

The blurb made me really wanna try this one, it sounded so interesting and fun. Too bad it wasn't...

I wanted to DNF it a few times, especially at the beginning. The characters were a bit too annoying most of the time.

1. Hmm...
2. Let me think
3. Nope. Can't find anything that I really liked
4. Ah, yes! The writing style! That one was pretty good, it managed to keep me interested even though I wanted to DNF it so many times.

1. The characters. Annoying and idiotic for most of the book. And the guy changed too fast, too sudden for it to be realistic (*sigh*).
2. The plot. Again, a bit too far-fetched. I get it, it's fiction, but that doesn't mean it has to be, well, so fictious (is that even a word?), it's not fantasy after all.
3. The chemistry (or lack thereof).

So, why did I not DNF it? Frankly, I have absolutely no clue. I was probably too lazy to start something else.
Profile Image for em.
367 reviews745 followers
March 25, 2019
"Their great-great-grandmother once claimed that when the de Vincent men fell in love, they did so fast and hard, without reason or hesitation."

To say I have been anticipating this book would be putting it lightly. But if you know me a little bit, then you are aware of my obsession with Jennifer's work. And I say work, because there is not one thing I don't like about the woman as a writer. She just presses my buttons no matter what.

With the anticipation of the book, comes the stalking of the author and lucky reviewers in hands of an arc. I got to the point that I would just be happy with anything I could get, really. I've read all of Jennifer's highlights and promo posts she is been bombing us with since the beginning of the year. And man, I built my own expectations and unconsciously, I had a very particular image of what Lucian de Vincent would be like.

“Is there literally anything you can’t make sound sexual?”
“No. It’s like a superpower of mine.”

And also something like,

“But do you know what I like even more?” Lowering his head, his lips brushed along her cheek as he said, “I know there’s a very bad girl in there who wants to come out and play.”

I know right? Let me tell you, Lucian de Vincent is that infuriatingly cocky. And I was ready for it, even if I would never go for the cocky millionaire trope if we were talking about a different author. But we aren't, this is one of Armentrout's fictional men, after all, so I am safe here. And to my pleasant surprise, there were many more different layers to Lucian, some I adored, some that set my blood a little bit on fire, and some that made me want to snuggle with him under a blanket and feed him pralines.

Because that is what I do when I snuggle with my fictional husbands.

“I’m not just screwed up, Ms Hughes. I’m as broken as they come, but I don’t need to be fixed. I don’t want to be fixed.” He caged her in. “I like all my fucked-up shards and pieces. They make me who I am. They make me real. The question is, can you handle real?"

...I can handle real alright, baby de Vincent.

Spoiler alert, Lucian de Vincent is not that big of a cocky *ss. He’s a tough cookie with a chocolate melted interior. Like all Armentrout heroes.

Special mention to the banter and the dynamic between Julia and Lucian. Almost as good as the sparks flying between them. And well, something else Armentrout never disappoints delivering? a relatable and likeable heroine with great traits and fears she overcomes throughout the book.

Regarding the plot, expect SECRETS, some paranormal vibes, a little bit of intrigue, sparking chemistry, fire and the star of the side plot that will connect all books in the series: a cursed manor and a doomed family.


And now, my only complaint. Channnn chan chaaaaan. The third person narration. I know, I am an awfully picky reader. But whereas I don't mind (even if I don't favour) a third person narration in some YA or fantasy books (Yes Cassie Clare I am looking at you), I don't know if I am really into it in a romance novel. - EDIT, one year after, I can say, I AM NOW INTO IT-. I felt like I would have been more engaged otherwise. Because sadly, I expected freaking fireworks. And maybe because of that or perhaps because the Stars didn't quite align, I was left a tiny bit hungry after finishing my de Vincent meal. But hey, a 4 stars Armentrout is still a higher rating than a normal 4 stars, if you know what I mean. (And that is why I would be a bad bad teacher, I shamelessly play favourites)

- EDIT: the series get better and better. Book 3 is THE BESSSSST. Yes, and Dev is mine.
Profile Image for Nieves .
1,114 reviews1,369 followers
April 14, 2022
3'75 🌟 Julia es enfermera y desde que se separó de su exmarido siente la necesidad de darle un cambio a su vida, por eso decide dejar su hogar y aceptar un nuevo trabajo donde donde le hace firmar unos cuantos acuerdos de confiabilidad pero hasta que no llegue a su lugar de trabajo no entenderá la razón, y es que se va encargar de cuidar a un miembro de la familia De Vincent. La noche antes de marcharse Julia conocerá a un hombre con el que se dejará llevar, lo que nunca imaginó es que se lo volvería a encontrar y menos que sería uno de los hermanos De Vincent.

Es una novela intensa, intrigante y con un toque de suspense que te mantiene en vilo durante toda la lectura. Además, tenemos tiras y aflojas constantes entre los protagonistas. Es una lectura que no está centrada en el romance entre los protagonistas ya que la trama de suspense es muy importante, y en este libro se van dando pinceladas y giros que a lo largo de los otros libros de la serie se irán desarrollando más y descubriremos todo lo que oculta la mansión de la familia De Vincent. El libro consta de 409 páginas con 35 capítulos, estos son un tanto largos no obstante, tiene un ritmo bastante ágil. Es una lectura que destaca por el aire de misterio que la envuelve y por como comienza porque lo hace de una manera que te deja con ganas de más ✨

Cuando la editorial anunció que iba a sacar estos libros de la autora estaba deseando leerlos porque Jennifer es una de mis autoras de cabecera y todo lo que se publique lo quiero leer 😍 Ha sido una lectura que me ha gustado, es verdad que no se ha convertido en mis libros favoritos de la autora pero me ha tenido muy entretenida e intrigada. La novela tiene un halo de misterio que me tiene con la mosca detrás de la oreja porque siento que en el último libro la autora me va a dejar con la boca abierta, la mansión es un personaje más porque en ella suceden cosas muy extrañas y además, que las mujeres de la familia nunca tengan un buen final me tiene de lo más intrigada. Seguiré conociendo las historias de los otros hermanos, no sé cual de los dos que quedan me da más curiosidad si Gabe o Dev. Si tenéis ganas de leer una historia con unos protagonistas con una gran tensión y que mezcla el romance con el suspense os animo a leer esta novela 😍

"Pecados a la luz de la luna" es la primera entrega de la serie Hermanos De Vincent. Una historia sorprendente que esconde muchos secretos y giros inesperados. Una familia donde suceden cosas inesperadas y una mansión donde se escuchan ruidos extraños. Una lectura entretenida con un buen romance 🌹🌑🔥🎨💉💚

Reseña completa: https://aprovechalavidacadadiaa.blogs...

Profile Image for Grecia Robles.
1,643 reviews438 followers
June 19, 2022
Soy muy fan de Jennifer L. Armentrout y todo lo que escribe es muy bueno pero este libro pareciera que no está escrito por ella.
Batallé muchísimo para que me enganchara y siento que nunca me atrapó completamente, tiene bastantes descripciones y monólogo interno y eso lo quita el dinamismo a la historia.

En sí la historia es interesante, es un thriller y hay dos misterios de por medio, uno la muerte del papá que pareciera que es suicidio y el otro es el regreso de la hermana que ha estado desaparecida por 10 años desde la muerte su madre, nadie sabe que pasó con ella y ahora en su regreso parece que sufrió un trauma porque no reacciona a ningún estímulo y ahí es donde esntra Julia una enfermera que es contratada para cuidarla.

Espero que el siguiente libro sea mejor porque quedan todavía misterios por resolver y los hermanos me intrigan.
Profile Image for Belén Sancho.
Author 1 book1,958 followers
February 8, 2022
Mi opinión completa en Wrap up Enero💕

Es un libro adictivo lleno de misterio y tensión sexual para pasar el rato que no intenta ser nada más. Tiene una trama sencilla y fácil de seguir, un personaje masculino atractivo y estereotipado, y un romance que comienza como pura atracción.

Si bien la tensión sexual entre los personajes me gustó y es uno de los fuertes de la autora creo que su romance fue medio instalove ya que comenzó como una atracción sexual y no sentí que su relación pudiera ser algo más que eso. Vemos como los protagonistas desarrollan sentimientos que, para mi gusto, salen de la nada y no tienen mucho sustento. Igualmente, disfruté mucho las escenas entre ellos y creo que, si el libro hubiera sido más largo, ese romance se podría haber desarrollado mejor.

Además del romance, lo que más me atrapó del libro fue el misterio. Creo que los hermanos de Vincent son muy buenos personajes. Eran muy intrigantes y sospechosos, y el libro te deja con ganas de saber más sobre ellos. Asimismo, las cosas que pasaban en la casa y la maldición, me mantuvieron enganchada y, aunque me resultó todo bastante predecible, me gustó la atmosfera medio sombría que creó la autora.

En fin, un libro de romance adictivo con un poco de misterio, que aunque es predecible, se disfruta. Sé que el segundo libro es sobre otro de los hermanos y no puedo esperar para leerlo.
Profile Image for AnaBells.
381 reviews49 followers
July 5, 2022
3.75/5 🔥🧡

Este libro pertenece a los del lado Oscuro (🤣) de Jennifer L. Armentrout (J.Lynn). Libros New Adult actuales, llenos de maromos macizorros 🤤 que despliegan sus artes amatorias por doquier, es decir más metidos en una romántica subida de tono 🔥🔥🔥 que otro tipo de género (aunque esa preciosa portada en español pueda confundir un poco pero a mí me encanta).
Me ha entretenimiento mucho. No voy a entrar a valorar la profundidad de los personajes ni de la historia. Creo que para la propia autora , estos libros son una forma de despejarse de otros libros de fantasía más extensos que escribe y que a mí me sacan de muchos bloqueos también, por lo que solo diré que me ha gustado, a cumplido con mi objetivo y que leeré el resto al detalle y disfrutándolos igualmente.
Profile Image for Alyssa.
1,069 reviews856 followers
March 4, 2018
3.5 stars. Ehhh?

***Review posted on The Eater of Books! blog***

Moonlight Sins by Jennifer L. Armentrout
Book One of the de Vincent series
Publisher: Avon
Publication Date: January 30, 2018
Rating: 3 stars
Source: eARC from Edelweiss

Summary (from Goodreads):

Julia Hughes has always played it safe until she learned a very painful lesson. Now Julia’s starting over with a job in the Louisiana bayou—and a scorching encounter with a stranger, only to discover he’s Lucian de Vincent . . . her new employer. The de Vincent brothers share a massive fortune and a dark reputation. Julia cares for their troubled sister, but a menacing presence in the mansion—and the ever-present temptation of Lucian—prove dangerously distracting.

Lucian’s grandmother claimed de Vincent men fall in love once—and hard. Apparently, it’s Lucian’s turn. Julia’s compassionate care of his twin makes Lucian want to lay himself bare. But some secrets are better for Julia not to know.

The recent “suicide” of Lucian’s father is the latest in a string of deaths on the estate. Someone is eliminating the de Vincents. And the best way to get to Lucian may be through Julia. . . .

What I Liked:

I had high hopes for this book, because (1) it's a JLA book, and she's a great storyteller, and (2) the whole New Orleans/Gothic vibe really pulled me in. I love stories involving the heroine living in the same house as the hero (like this case, in which Julia is hired as a live-in nurse, or historical romance novels in which the heroine is a governess or chaperone, or whatever). So I excited to like this book a lot. In the end, I felt kind of meh about it. I have no doubt that fans of JLA will enjoy the book. For me, I just didn't love it.

Julia is a sweet, caring young woman in her late twenties, looking for a fresh start. She's leaving her job as a nurse to move to Louisiana and work as a live-in nurse, caring for a young woman in a near-coma. But Julia doesn't know that the young woman is Madeline de Vincent, and that the family hiring her is the notorious de Vincent family. Three brothers live in the de Vincent mansion - Devlin, Gabriel, and Lucian. There is something strange about the house, and there is something even stranger about the brothers. No matter how she tries, she can't get Lucian from under her skin. Lucian would do anything for his twin sister Maddie, including allowing a nurse to live in the mansion and become privy to the de Vincent secrets. But he doesn't plan on falling for her. His feelings for her put her in danger, something neither of them realize until it is too late.

For the most part, I liked Julia. She is different from JLA's repetitive heroines, who are usually spitfire spunky girls who are always looking for a fight. Nothing wrong with those types, but it seems like ALL of JLA's heroines are like that. Julia is actually very sweet and caring, and takes her job as a nurse very seriously. I liked how resolute and determined she was to treat Maddie as best as possible, and how she tried to keep things professional between her and Lucian. Julia, for the most part, is very smart, and I loved her sweetness and near-docility. Her strength is quiet and smooth, not loud.

Lucian is such a flirt, and a charming, swoony one at that. He has his own emotional baggage, including his relationship with his father, his tense relationship with the eldest de Vincent (Devlin), and all that he has done to protect the de Vincent family. I liked Lucian even though he's such a flirt - he is very honest and open about what he wants, so you can't even really fault him for being a flirt.

The mystery/suspense part of the story deals with the murder (but apparent suicide) of the de Vincent patriarch (the brothers' father), which happened right around the time Maddie shows up, lying face-first in the family's pool. Maddie is unresponsive and barely moves, but something strange is going on, and it has to do with her reappearance, after ten years of absence. Sometimes the suspense was intriguing, other times it was boring.

The romance started off really lusty and eventually progressed to deeper feelings. I liked the chemistry between Lucian and Julia and also liked how they fit together as a couple, beyond the sexy times. They circled each other for nearly the entire book but it was gratifying to see them finally get together. They had good chemistry!

I didn't really care about the other two brothers, though I'm curious to see if Devlin will crack under his perfect, cold facade. Gabe got on my nerves and I don't really care to read his book (the next one, Moonlight Seduction). But I did like the bond between the three brothers, tense as things were.

Overall, the book wasn't bad, but I have a bit of a bad taste in my mouth after finishing the book, like something didn't settle right with me. There were a couple things that I didn't care for, minor as they might seem.

What I Did Not Like:

I just can't shake the "meh" feeling I have for this book. Like it was an okay read but 10/10 would not reread, that sort of thing. At times I was intrigued, other times I was bored. The beginning was somewhat boring, and then it got interesting, and then it got boring again, and you get the idea.

The middle 40% of the book is kind of a drought in terms of sexy times, so that might have factored into things. Maybe the other should have spread things out, in terms of the sexy times. Also I kept seeing people say how this book was sooooooo hot. It really wasn't? I mean it was pretty hot but not scorching hot? I think my expectations, in that regard, were too high.

I really could have done without Gabe's initial interest in Julia. Seriously? It wasn't the formation of a love triangle, thank goodness, but the author could have dropped that part, especially since it clearly went nowhere. I h a t e when there is any hint of anything when it involves brothers, so that didn't need to be in the story at all. When Julia meets Gabe for the first time? Unnecessary. Other interactions? Unnecessary. Again, no love triangle, no messiness, but it just felt unnecessary, especially since Julia had no feelings or attraction towards him.

It's amazing how a heroine who is supposedly not super attractive, somehow attracts aaaaallllll the hot men in town. Good for Devlin for being a cold-hearted bastard with no interest in Julia.

The climax and ending felt really rushed. I completely expected the ending, actually from the moment a key character was introduced I knew what was going on, and yet I still had a hard time keeping track of what was going on in the end. There was a lot to sort through. Also? There was that cliche thing in which the villain took the time to explain everything to the hero/heroine. Does this ever actually happen in real life? I highly doubt it. This is a pet peeve that seriously bothers me.

Would I Recommend It:

If you're a fan of JLA's adult work then it's fair to give this book a shot - especially since the "meh" feeling that I have could very well just be me. I wanted to fall in love with this book and also be seriously creeped out and chilled by the Gothic setting and curses and hauntings and whatnot. Mostly I was just annoyed with Julia for not jumping Lucian's bones, and for Gabe not leaving everyone alone (he's so annoying), and for everyone not waking up and seeing what was in front of them. Also don't read this book if even a shred or hint of love triangles mess with you. There isn't a love triangle but it still bothered me (Gabe's interest in Julia).


3 stars. I do not think I will be reading Moonlight Seduction, especially since Gabe's story now has a trope that I do not like (feel free to contact me if you want to know more). Don't get me wrong! These books can be read as standalone novels and this trope I mention has nothing to do with Lucian and Julia. If book three focuses on Devlin, then I will probably read book three! But not book two.
Profile Image for Kate.
2,217 reviews349 followers
January 13, 2019
The de Vincent men fell in love, they did so fast and hard, without reason or hesitation

Characters & Chemistry.

Julia Hughes has always played it safe. Never strayed far from home. Never done anything wild and out of character. After her marriage where she gave her all and was destroyed in the process, she one night decided to do something out of character she applied for a job in Louisiana. She packs up her life, quits her job and moves from Pennsylvania to Bayou to take on a job as a live in nurse. She gets a lot more than she bargained for.

I liked Julia and I felt with her. I didn’t always get her but she is loyal, true to her heart, believes in what is right and truly good person far too good for Lucian. IMO.

Lucian de Vincent resident bad boy of New Orleans comes from one of the most prominent and richest families from New Orleans. But they are also one of the most f$cked up families too many secrets in a mansion full of rooms that aren’t open anymore where ghosts haunt all of the corridors.

Lucian and I didn’t get off to the best start most likely as the first scene in the book was of him trying to get a hard on while whatever her name was working him. It took me a while to get over that. He hadn’t met the heroine yet and once he had he was all about the heroine.

There was chemistry between these two but to be honest I didn’t really care about them that much I was more interested in the overall plot in what was going on with the Lucian’s twin sister Maddie.

Writing, Plot & Pace.

The author has a strong writing style and she seems at ease with the way the story was planned and what was going on. One of the things that bothered me is of some words and phrases that were used. The author said that the weather in New Orleans was tacky. Tacky for me is dowdy, cheap or shabby.

I have been intrigued by this series for a while now so with the third and last book coming out in the series I decided to give it a go. All in all I liked it. I loved the premise of the book and the gothic vibe that it gave out, there are secrets, lies and intrigues. They say that the de Vincent family is cursed that the women either die or go crazy.


It was a good start to the series but I kind of expected more. I will read the rest though.
Profile Image for jennyliest.
214 reviews296 followers
January 16, 2020
Der Klappentext klang für mich so vielversprechend, was im Endeffekt aber alles in die Geschichte gepackt wurde, hat mir nicht gefallen. Ich hatte das Gefühl das Jennifer L. Armentrout möglichst viele Klischees und Genre in einem Buch unterbringen wollte. Mit dem Krimi Aspekt kam ich ja noch klar, aber der Mystery-Touch war mir leider zu viel des Guten. Ich bin kein Fan von Paranormalem & fand es letzten Endes auch total unpassend und sinnlos!
Auch wenn ich die Charaktere & deren Entwicklung ganz gern mochte, werde ich diese Reihe nicht weiterlesen.
Profile Image for Cecilia.
327 reviews490 followers
March 18, 2023
¿Me ha entretenido? Sí
¿Es el mejor libro de Jenny? No

La historia es ligera, descubrir el misterio que gira en torno a los hermanos de Vincent; mezclada con romance 🔥.

Creo que con lo anterior he resumido todo. Ah! Y es autoconclusivo, por lo que se resuelve el misterio; asumo que en los siguientes se darán a conocer otros aspecto de esta familia.
Profile Image for Lydia Benavent.
Author 2 books85 followers
October 17, 2021
Sorprendida. No. Sorprendidísima con este libro. La mezcla de romántica/erótica con misterio/terror que ha creado la autora con este libro me ha maravillado. Más aún, porque para mi normalmente no son géneros que casen bien, sin embargo creo que ha encontrado el equilibrio perfecto y el resultado ha sido una novela impecable.
Por una parte, los protagonistas mantienen una tensión tal, que consigue mantenernos pegados a sus páginas, dándonos la dosis justa para que no canse, pero es que además, el entorno, la ambientación en una casa encantada... Sin palabras. Hay escenas verdaderamente siniestras que te pondrán los pelos de punta, aunque en su justa medida. En mi opinión, alguien que no sea muy fan del género de terror también puede disfrutarlo mucho.
La narración me ha sorprendido, ya que la autora ha escogido en esta ocasión un narrador en tercera persona y se ha notado mucho la evolución que ha tenido. Ya desde la primera página puedo decir que sabía que me iba a gustar.
El final es cerrado en parte. Deja una trama abierta que se recuperará en los siguientes libros de la trilogía, los cuales, pasan a centrarse en los otros hermanos como protagonistas.
En conclusión, es un libro para leerlo sí o sí.
Profile Image for Ana.
162 reviews35 followers
May 30, 2022
decir que me ha gustado es quedarse corto, iba con bastante miedo con este libro porque había leído muchas opiniones que no lo dejaban en un buen puesto, pero por suerte eso no consiguió que lo dejase y ahora lo agradezco porque me gustó muchusimo, la historia de suspense que se esconde en el libro me gusta y me mantuvo enganchada todo el tiempo, la historia de Lucian y Julia también me gustó mucho.
Tengo que reconocer que Lucian es mi hermano De Vincent favorito aunque Gabe también me llama la atención y tengo muchisimas ganas de saber su historia.
June 14, 2018
***4.5/5 Stars***

Moonlight Sins slowly ensnared me in its web of games. It was sexy, twisted, suspenseful, charismatic and I devoured this book in one day. It refused to be put down. Mystery filled the pages and I loved that the characters all felt so much larger than life! So when I closed that last page I was thankful that there would be two more books about the other brothers. There was no way I was ready to say goodbye to all of these characters that captured my heart.
His breath now danced over her ear. “I don’t know why you’re resisting this. I know you want me just as badly as I want you.”
She did. Oh God, she did.
Her eyes closed.
It was official.
Julia was already in over her head when it came to Lucian de Vincent and she wasn’t coming up for air anytime soon.

Right from the start I liked Julia Hughes. She was fiery, smart and she didn't have any problems standing up for herself. She was also kind hearted and such an honest person. When we stepped into her life, she was in the process of leaving everything behind. Her job, home and friends, all for a fresh start. It was definitely needed since Julia had some shadows in her closet. Yet when she arrived at her new job, it was unlike anything she ever could have imagined.
Her lips parted as her body flashed hot, really hot, and then cold. “Is there literally anything you can’t make sound sexual?”
“No. It’s like a superpower of mine.”
Her eyes narrowed.
Lucian smiled.

Julia discovered that she'd be caring for Maddie de Vincent. The de Vincent's are notorious and one of the wealthiest families in the US. And each of Maddie's three brothers had a dark reputation. Julia found herself stepping into a world filled with mystery, luxury, curses and so much more. Thankfully we alternated between Julia and Maddie's twin Lucien. And while I loved Julia, hearing every single honest thought from Lucien sent me into a tailspin.
“I’m not just screwed up, Ms. Hughes. I’m as broken as they come, but I don’t need to be fixed. I don’t want to be fixed.” He caged her in. “I like all my fucked-up shards and pieces. They make me who I am. They make me real. The question is, can you handle real?”

Lucien de Vincent was sexy, charismatic, loved to be in control and was off the charts scorching hot. Whether it was his looks, to the way he walked and even the words that came out of his mouth, everything he did was seductive. So if you love alpha playboys then you definitely have to meet Lucien. But Lucien loved his twin with his whole heart, I loved seeing that side of him. And while he had a vested interest in who would be caring for Maddie, he crossed the line with Julia. Oh man did he cross the line! But I loved the first time he did it and every single time after that!
“Had a moment?” she whispered, and then yanked her hand free. She lifted her chin. “It was barely a moment.”
A surprised laugh almost escaped him as he stared down at her. Damn. He liked that. He liked
her . He was smart enough to keep his expression blank, because at least she wasn’t trying to grab her purse and storm out.

Julia and Lucien played such a sexy game. She was drawn to him, but he was her boss. And while he was drawn to her, he was never with the same woman twice. But Julia continually stood up and challenged Lucien. She was unlike anyone he'd ever met before. Which seemed to fuel his want for her. But there was no way they could ignore that anytime they were together the sexual tension and fun banter was off the charts! It all just added to the list of reasons why this book was impossible to put down!
Julia’s hips tipped back, into his, and she bit down on her lip at the sound of his deep, throaty growl.
God, she never heard a man make that sound before. Not like that. Not like he was about to devour her.

There is so much more I want to say, especially about that sexy beginning, those mysterious footsteps and the fact that it felt as though there were hints of paranormal elements in the house and even with the brothers. But so much of this tale is shrouded in mystery, so my lips are zipped. And it was a lot fun to watch as everything slowly unfolded while we got little clues here and there. While I guessed two of the main mysteries, it definitely didn't take away from my enjoyment. I found myself always second guessing my thoughts, because there were so many different ways it could all play out. So hang on, because you're going to be on one crazy ride. Now I can't wait to start the second book in this series, Moonlight Seduction. It's about Lucien's brother Gabe, and I'm excited to step back into this gothic feeling series!
Profile Image for Chris  C - A Midlife Wife.
1,740 reviews377 followers
January 14, 2018
Ever done something on the spur of the moment that will completely change your life’s direction? When Julia meets her new employer, her life is going to change. It could be for the better or for the worse but either way, the intense story of Julia and Lucien will get your attention.

With amazing depth and clarity into how we think and feel, the author creates a fabulous story loaded with tragedy, pain, emotion, and deep passion. Plenty of family drama, secrets, and plot twists brings the de Vincent family to life in such a way that you become completely invested into this story.

I love this story and the storytelling ability of this author. She brings in history and mystery, anticipation and suspense in this book. Even a bit of creep factor. The intense plot also keeps you guessing in many parts all the while winding you up for a few surprises and emotion too.

Lucien is an intense, sexy man and it is no wonder that Julia cannot resist his charms. With plenty of heat and mounting anticipation, the author builds a passionate connection that just begs to be explored. And the good part is, we get to witness this heated connection, soul to soul.

This book is an awesome read and I am so glad that the next story is about brother Gabe. Another intense and complicated man that deserves his own story.

Jennifer L. Armentrout writes with emotion, passion, and intense connections. Do yourself a favor and get to know the de Vincent family. You will definitely love the time invested!

* copy received for review consideration
full review - http://amidlifewife.com/moonlight-sin...
Profile Image for Catherine Lefay.
748 reviews389 followers
March 8, 2022
Creo que llegué a un colapso total con las historias románticas/eróticas/dramáticas/etc (y culpo a wattpad).
Intelectualmente reconozco que no es el peor libro de Jenn - ese es Como el Hielo - y que realmente es entretenido si tomamos en cuenta es otro plagio di plagio al estilo Jenn donde su prota masculino es el mismo que en todos sus otros libros y la protagonista femenina igual.
No ayudó que el libro es dolorosamente obvio desde el inicio, el único plot que me interesaba saber si había adivinado es algo que sucede en los siguientes libros, pero ya me confirmaron que sí sucede, así que perdí gran parte de mi interés.
Creo que he leído demasiado de lo mismo estas ultimas semanas y necesito un cambio de género porque ya no estoy en mood de este tipo de libros.
Profile Image for Heather❀Kiss The Pages❀.
744 reviews293 followers
June 20, 2018
Audiobook Review

My first audiobook in a long time and it took me a few chapters to get into "reading" this way. Once I adjusted though, I was fully engrossed. This was sexy and suspenseful with great plot twists.

This is Lucian's story and he is the youngest of the de Vincent brothers. The de Vincents are exceptionally wealthy and there is an air of mystery that surrounds the family with rumors of their mansion being haunted. The supposed belief of a curse on the family set in the backdrop of the Louisiana bayou create a suspenseful storyline that had me on the edge of my seat.

Lucian has a reputation as a playboy but Julia soon discovers that here is much more to him than meets the eye. He is certainly sexy and arrogant but he also has a great heart and cares very deeply for his family, especially his sister who Julia has been hired to care for. While Julia feels overwhelmed and at times out of place with the luxury and extravagance that surrounds the de Vincents, she cannot deny the deep seated attraction to Lucian. The chemistry with these two were scorching and the adult scenes were quite explicit.

The narrators did a great job. I forgot that there were only two narrators for the dual POVs even when they gave voice to the secondary characters. I think listening rather than reading gave an added element of scare to this story for me with all the strange occurrences and deaths that have occured on the estate.

This was a great adult suspense romance and I'm excited to get Gabe's story in the next book.

4 Stars
Suspense Romance
Heat Level: Moderate to Hot
POV: Dual


Let's connect!

Profile Image for Nadine.
1,316 reviews234 followers
January 30, 2018
Everything about this book captured my attention from the first page. The characters, the setting, the romance, and mystery were expertly executed to bring together an alluring story about deadly family secrets.

Moonlight Sins is Armentrout at her best. She’s crafted an intricate mystery with complicated family dynamics all housed within a steamy romance. Armentrout has been expanding her writing horizons lately into the mystery genre. Earlier last year (2017), she released Till Death (a murder mystery romance) and now Moonlight Sins. These types of novels she’s writing are thrilling and steamy and I hope she doesn’t stop.

Moonlight Sins follows Julia as she decides to upend her entire life by taking a nursing position in another state. This leads her to meet the de Vincent family, a family shrouded in secrets, sins, and money. Most notably, she meets Lucien. The immediate chemistry between the characters is palpable and only increases. Their romantic tension is off the charts and banter rivals some of the best.

The other de Vincent brothers are just as compelling as Lucien. Gabe’s past is touched upon briefly in Moonlight Sins, so I’m incredibly excited for his story. I found Gabe to be intriguing, relaxed, and sexy. Dev, on the other hand, is mysterious, hard, intimidating, and downright scary at times. The mix of personalities creates interesting dynamics that play out throughout the entire novel and never get repetitive.

Overall, Moonlight Sins was absolutely captivating in everything it accomplished. I kept my review purposely vague because I went into the novel without reading the synopsis and found that it gave the best reading experience. If you’re looking for a steamy romance within an intricate mystery and interesting family politics, look no further. Moonlight Sins will delight you in every way possible.

** I received an ARC from the author in exchange for an honest review.
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