New Year. New Hope.

I’m late with my thoughts on this new year – 2025. With the fires in California and being sick for two weeks occupying my mind, along with seeing the finishing touches put up on my new website, I’ve been a little distracted.

But while I sit in my warm home, praying that my hubby gets over his bout with this illness quicker than I did, I am also reminded that today is Sanctity of Human Life Sunday. This is the time of year when we remember that life in the womb is a precious gift from God. While many want to consider a baby whom God is weaving together in secret an inconvenience or even a tragedy, those of us who believe life begins at conception, speak up for those who have no voice. Every life is supremely loved by the Creator of all.

I pray that this year women who find themselves in a situation where they think that abortion is their only answer to a frightening dilemma will see things differently. And for those who have been through this ordeal, please know that God still loves you. We all sin against Him and we can all be forgiven if we but ask.

This cold Sunday in Michigan is also the first day that a very few of the Israeli hostages have been released. Hostages that should never have been taken in the first place. Where were the voices across the world crying out for their release over a year ago? I know that even I did not raise the cry against the injustice soon enough. While I prayed and mourned and longed to see them returned, I wish I had done more, said more far sooner. I wish our national leaders would have spoken against the terror rather than condemn the innocents. There is no place for anti-semitism in this world any more than we should hate and condemn any people-group because of race or religion.

I’m not a fan of the cease-fire hostage exchange agreement because it’s too one-sided. Why on earth would you release 1000 terrorists to free less than 100 hostages? There is something seriously wrong with that math. But I also rejoice with anyone who is finally freed from terror, and for that we can be thankful.

Tomorrow, also in January, we will inaugurate a new president and new administration, which will be interesting to watch unfold. Whether you like him or voted for him or not, if you are a believer, please remember to pray for him and for all those in positions of leadership. God is pleased when we pray, whether we like the leader or not.

Every year holds hope and promise, but it also, inevitably, will bring unwanted change. We can’t predict what is yet to come, but as we recognize the preciousness of life, let us also remember life’s fragility. A family member has already lost her dad, and a neighbor is dealing with a very sick wife. Since we do not know how long life will last, let us do all we can to live at peace with all people. Let us forgive easily and love abundantly. Set aside differences and mend the broken things lest we lose the chance to do so at all.

My hope for this new year is that while I find myself in the middle of all things book related, that I never put work above the people I love or anything else God might want me to do.

Let us choose to love God and love people and hold the things we desire with a light touch in an open hand. Do not cling to this life because this world is not the end. It is not our eternal home. Yet while we still have breath, we have the ability to love. Value what matters most and remember that every life is a life God wants to save. He created us all to be with Him forever. We only have to ask Him.


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Published on January 19, 2025 17:19
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