Here We Go...

Reaper (Demonica, #20) by Larissa Ione Wow. Okay, so it's been like, 4 years since I last logged in to Goodreads.

A lot has happened since then. There was this perfect storm of stuff that hit me all at once, and I had to take a step back from writing as much as I wanted to. Thankfully, I had the support of 1001 Dark Nights, which allowed me to write a novella or two a year while I got my shit together.

What shit, you ask? SO much.

I realized that I was writing so much that I was missing my son grow up. Then we started building a house. Then we had to send our son off to college. Then move him back home. Then move ourselves. Then move our son again. Then move my mom. (We still have two more Mom moves ahead of us, and we're STILL not done building the house. Oh, and we still have to SELL our old house.) And I got a crazy dog that needs more time than my son ever did.


But the good news is that things are finally starting to slow down just a little, and I'm ready to hit the keyboard again. I knew it was time when my "novellas" started pushing the limits of short novels. I was itching to go deeper and more complex.

I got that in REAPER, which throws a big freaking bomb into the world I created. It's the book that brings a final end to the Demonica series and all its spinoffs and that will launch the new series about the kids...all grown up. What happens in REAPER will have repercussions that no one saw coming.

There are consequences to everything, as the Grim Reaper is about to discover.

So anyway, I'm energized about this, and I'm back to full speed. Stay tuned for more news about the upcoming series.

I can't wait to share the new journey with you!
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Published on September 19, 2019 11:07 Tags: demonica, larissa-ione, reaper
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message 1: by Carmen (new)

Carmen Looking forward to reading. We totally understand we are all on this rollercoaster ride called life. that we don't know if we are going up down or in a loop. but eventually there will be a lull and we can breath and enjoy the view from the top of the ride.

message 2: by Sky (new)

Sky OMG I’m a little scared now?

message 3: by Larissa (new)

Larissa Ione Carmen wrote: "Looking forward to reading. We totally understand we are all on this rollercoaster ride called life. that we don't know if we are going up down or in a loop. but eventually there will be a lull and..."

:) Love that!

message 4: by Larissa (last edited Sep 21, 2019 08:04AM) (new)

Larissa Ione Sky wrote: "OMG I’m a little scared now?"

Don't be scared! :) The book is intense, but everything happens for a reason. There will be a point where you're going to want to send me a nastygram, but just keep reading. Trust me. It all works out. :)

message 5: by Monikat (new)

Monikat YAY!! So glad You're back on track! I can't wait for Reaper... I'm thinking I should reread the series to get in the mood. I love entering the world you've created. :)

message 6: by Misty (new)

Misty Real life can be busy... and kids are kids only once in a lifetime, a parent should never put something else before them. So, it's absolutely ok! And we know you never forgot your series, the novella were awesome :)

I'm anxiously waiting for The Reaper, the Demonica world is one of my favorites!

message 7: by Deanna (new)

Deanna When will the book be released in audiobook format Larissa? I am hoping the same day as paper and kindle editions.

message 8: by Larissa (new)

Larissa Ione Monikat wrote: "YAY!! So glad You're back on track! I can't wait for Reaper... I'm thinking I should reread the series to get in the mood. I love entering the world you've created. :)"

Yay! I hope you love it as much as I do. I truly loved every minute of writing it. Usually there is some hair-pulling, crying, and heavy drinking with each book, lol - but this one came so easily! <3

message 9: by Larissa (new)

Larissa Ione Misty wrote: "Real life can be busy... and kids are kids only once in a lifetime, a parent should never put something else before them. So, it's absolutely ok! And we know you never forgot your series, the novel..."

(((hugs))) Thank you so much!!!

message 10: by Larissa (new)

Larissa Ione Deanna wrote: "When will the book be released in audiobook format Larissa? I am hoping the same day as paper and kindle editions."

Unfortunately, there will be a delay, but I'm hoping not a long one. I'll be sure to announce when I have more information!

message 11: by Dana (new)

Dana Delamar Yay!!!! So looking forward to REAPER! And hang in there with the life stuff. I've been hit by much of the same, and it's done the same thing to my writing too.

Aly is so frigging bored Larissa I really missed your novels, but the novellas helped a bit :) I finished Reaper a few hours ago and it was amazing! Thank you!

Can you share more hints about the new series? When will it take place? Who will be featured in the 1st book? When do you think you'll publish it?

Thank you so much for writing!

message 13: by Megan (new)

Megan Just finished the MoonBound Clan Vampires series! So excited to hear you will be back into writing shortly! Your books are amongst my favourite reads! Art and perfection takes time and effort and sometimes everyone reaches a point where they need a break. Don’t beat yourself up that you have ranked family needs above writing, as Mums we appreciate that sometimes there are more important things in life that we need to sit back and absorb before those moments are gone!

message 14: by Kathryn (new)

Kathryn And then Covid hit. I'm looking forward to seeing what you come up with next. I'm just curious why you decided to move from Sturgeon Bay to the middle of nowhere Wisconsin.

message 15: by Trulydivyn (new)

Trulydivyn Hoping all has been well with all your life changing adventures prior to Covid and all are well after Covid too! I've been a fan since reading the MoonBound Clan series, which had me look up and start reading the Demonica/Lords of Deliverance/Underworld's in order which has me to Z and Razr on deck. I'm so happy I found your books and I'm encouraged to know you're just as human as the rest of us as we struggle/trudge through life events as they happen - - - your writing takes time, and family needs should always come first! We will be here when you provide us with more, believe me!

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