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“When we challenge ourselves to move beyond what we know and can do well, we rebel against the comfortable cocoon of the status quo, improving ourselves and positioning ourselves to contribute more to our partners, coworkers, and organizations”
― Rebel Talent: Why It Pays to Break the Rules at Work and in Life
― Rebel Talent: Why It Pays to Break the Rules at Work and in Life
“The first is novelty, seeking out challenge and the new. The second is curiosity, the impulse we all had as children to constantly ask “why”? The third is perspective, the ability rebels have to constantly broaden their view of the world and see it as others do. The fourth is diversity, the tendency to challenge predetermined social roles and reach out to those who may appear different. And the fifth is authenticity, which rebels embrace in all that they do, remaining open and vulnerable in order to connect with others and learn from them.”
― Rebel Talent: Why It Pays to Break the Rules at Work and in Life
― Rebel Talent: Why It Pays to Break the Rules at Work and in Life
“The traditions and rituals you encounter in your organization and in society often endure out of routine, rather than as the result of thoughtful deliberation. Psychologists and economists alike have a name for this phenomenon: the status quo bias.”
― Rebel Talent: Why It Pays to Break the Rules at Work and in Life
― Rebel Talent: Why It Pays to Break the Rules at Work and in Life
“Rebels recognize that it is more important for the team to work well and get the job done than it is to display their power or respect some formal hierarchy.”
― Rebel Talent: Why It Pays to Break the Rules at Work and in Life
― Rebel Talent: Why It Pays to Break the Rules at Work and in Life
“Like IDEO’s leaders, he believed that people perform at their best not because they’re specialists, but rather because their depth of skill is accompanied by an intellectual curiosity that leads them to keep exploring.”
― Rebel Talent: Why It Pays to Break the Rules at Work and in Life
― Rebel Talent: Why It Pays to Break the Rules at Work and in Life