


[ awr-kon ]


  1. a river in eastern central Asia, flowing east, north, and then northeast from the northern central Mongolian People's Republic to the Selenga River. About 400 miles (645 km) long.

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Some wondered if Icho, now 32, still had what it takes to survive an Olympic tournament - especially after Orkhon Purevdorj of Mongolia snapped Icho’s 189-match winning streak this year.

History in the trees In 2010, forest scientists Amy Hessl and Neil Pederson were driving along the Orkhon Valley, in central Mongolia, where eight centuries earlier Genghis Khan had established his capital of Karakorum.

Driving by the Orkhon Valley, the original seat of the Mongol empire, they saw a huge lava field that had been produced by a volcanic eruption 7,000 years ago and checked it for ancient wood.

"It may be that a decline in moisture in the Orkhon Valley helped spur the Mongols to relocate their capital to Beijing," Hessl says.

The bodies of himself and companion had to be tightly bandaged to enable them to stand the excessive fatigue of this enormous ride, which led them across the Ural Mountains and River past the northern part of the Caspian, across the Jaxartes, whose name they could not find out, along the Dzungarian Lakes till they reached the Imperial Camp, called the Yellow Pavilion, near the Orkhon River.



