Intended for healthcare professionals


MPs set for historic vote on bill to legalise assisted dying in England and Wales

BMJ 2024; 387 doi: (Published 07 October 2024) Cite this as: BMJ 2024;387:q2191
  1. Clare Dyer
  1. The BMJ

A bill to legalise assisted dying for terminally ill people in England and Wales is expected to be introduced in the House of Commons on 16 October.

The bill will be introduced by the Labour MP Kim Leadbeater, who came first in the ballot allowing backbenchers to bring forward private members’ bills. It is expected to be similar to a bill tabled in the House of Lords by the former Labour lord chancellor Charlie Falconer, and would allow terminally ill adults believed to have no more than six months to live to receive medical help to end their lives.

Assisted dying was last debated by MPs …

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