The Dom The Other Asylum Seekers from Syria Report.pdf

2017, Kırkayak Kültür

This report is prepared in the scope of the “The Rights of Dom and Other Related Minorities from Syria Seeking Asylum in Lebanon, Jordan and Turkey Project” to determine the living conditions, types of being exposed to exclusion and discrimination and other problems faced by The Dom the “Other” Asylum Seekers from Syria who took refuge in Lebanon, Jordan, Turkey. The Dom are composed of peri-patetic communities whose roots are based in India and who are named by Middle Eastern Societies as Nawar, Gypsy, Zott, Ghajar, Bareke, Gaodari, Krismal, Qarabana, Karaçi, Abdal, Ashiret, Qurbet, Mitrip, Gewende, Dom, Abdal, Tanjirliyah, Haddadin, Haciye, Albaniant, Halebi, Haramshe and Kaoli. In our day Dom communities live almost in all countries such as Egypt, Iran, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Israel, Palestine, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and United Arab Emirates.