Potatoes are one of the world's most common vegetables, yet they are probably the most misunderstood.
Destructive tomato virus leads to 120 job losses at Victorian farm
Workers say they feel "sad and hopeless" after being indefinitely stood down due to the virus, which can slash crop yields by up to 70 per cent.
Evergreen trees are shedding leaves. Is chemical spray drift to blame?
Harry Barclay says the peppercorn tree on his property loses its leaves when nearby cotton farms spray their plants with defoliant, but the environmental regulator says there is no proof of a link.
Hundreds complain about failing mobile phone service since 3G switched off
It has been more than 80 days since Telstra and Optus flicked the switch on the 3G mobile network. Hundreds of regional and remote Australians say they can no longer rely on the network and struggle to make calls.
Restored vintage harvesters on display for final time
Retired farmer Kerry Pietsch spent six decades restoring vintage machines and has put them on display harvesting wheat for fascinated crowds.
South Australian farmers count their losses after worst season in decades
South Australian farmers have grappled with a series of uncontrollable weather conditions that have created one of the most challenging seasons on record.
At 97, Sam Russo isn't ready to retire from the cane fields
It takes a true love for the land to stay on in the North Queensland cane fields for 84 years. Still going strong, Sam Russo has no plans to retire.
Pearler of a Christmas ahead for these oyster farmers
The countdown to Christmas is on and oyster farmers on the NSW south coast are embracing what is shaping up to be the best season in nearly a decade.
Queensland's failed Paradise Dam will cost at least $4.4b to rebuild
It has been revealed the 300,000 megalitre dam south-west of Bundaberg will cost at least $4.4 billion to rebuild. However, the dam operator says the cost could go even higher.
Bringing healthcare to the farmers
In country Victoria a new model takes healthcare outside the hospital - delivering it directly to farmers at the Yea saleyards.
NSW bushfire recovery struggles as Queensland farmers receive more cash
Farmers on one side of the New South Wales-Queensland border are receiving fire recovery grants while those opposite are struggling with "unforgivable" inequality.
Drought relief for South Australian farmers struggling with driest years on record
The South Australian government has announced an $18 million drought support package to alleviate financial stress for farmers.
Gnomes at popular WA tourist attraction bear the brunt of 'extraordinary' storm
More than 100 millimetres of rain have fallen in the state's South West in the last 24 hours, damaging a local landmark and leaving farmers counting their losses.
Why bacon lovers are having to fork out more
What used to be a cheaper protein is getting dearer, but the pork industry says the price rise on bacon is on imported product and is actually helping Australian farmers compete.
Farming families say their futures will be on hold if Chinese-backed mineral sands mine takes over their land
Avonbank mineral sands' company informs farmers their land will be used for a 3,000-hectare mine, under compulsorily acquisition powers in Victoria's Mining Act.
This grazier's shopping list hasn’t changed much since 1986 — 34kg of flour, 26kg of sugar, four litres of tomato sauce
As wet season looms in northern Australia, the stockpiling of food in pantries and freezers is underway. Here's how the experts prepare for the big wet.
'It's frustrating': Grain farmers are losing signal and connectivity since Telstra's 3G shutdown
It's been one week since the 3G network was switched off in Western Australia and farmers in the middle of the grain harvest say connectivity has suffered.
The art of getting the winning shot in livestock photography
When spending thousands of dollars at auctions, potential buyers want great pictures to showcase their product. But how do you capture a ram or a bull's best side? That's where livestock photographers come in.
A small-town solution to the 100-million kilos of agricultural plastic buried in Australian tips each year
Before food even gets to the grocer, tonnes of plastic have been used to produce it on the farm. Now, Victorian farmers have built a recycling plant to tackle the issue — and it all started in the local pub.
Victorian farmers seething at final route of renewable energy transmission line
Farmers along the proposed route of a major overhead transmission line in Western Victoria vow to protest against the project and prevent access to their land.
Thirty-five kegs of beer and 20kg of bacon a week fuels tiny town's bumper harvest
A sensational season on the land is flowing into regional communities in northern NSW where populations swell as workers arrive to harvest crops.