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For the Everbloom boss with the same name, see Witherbark.
NeutralWitherbark tribe
Witherbark Village BfA
Witherbark Village
Main leader IconSmall ForestTroll Male Zalas Witherbark
  Formerly IconSmall ForestTroll Female Ojin'ba â€ 
Secondary leaders Unknown
  Formerly IconSmall ForestTroll Male Nimar the Slayer â€ 
IconSmall ForestTroll Male Witch Doctor Mai'jin â€ 
Race(s) Forest trollForest troll Forest troll
Character classes Axe thrower, Berserker, Headhunter, Rogue, Shadowcaster, Shadow hunter, Shaman, Warlock, Warrior, Witch doctor
Capital Witherbark Village
  Formerly Shadra'Alor
Other major settlements None
  Formerly Stromgarde Keep, Zun'watha
Theater of operations Arathi Highlands
  Formerly Hinterlands
Language(s) Zandali, Common
Affiliation Independent
  Formerly Horde, Old Horde, Amani Empire[1]
Status Active

The Witherbark tribe, also known as the Witherbark Trolls,[2] is a tribe of forest trolls that currently inhabit a village in the Arathi Highlands.


The Witherbark tribe split off from the Amani Empire after the Troll Wars and returned to their ancestral lands, in the areas that are now called the Hinterlands and the Arathi Highlands. Like all other forest trolls, the Witherbarks allied themselves with the Old Horde during the Second War for the assault on Quel'Thalas.[3] under the leadership of Zul'jin, a famous troll hero from the Amani tribe. When the Horde was soundly defeated, Zul'jin disappeared, and the forest trolls abandoned their orcish allies.[4][5]

The Witherbark trolls are known to be sworn enemies of the Stromgarde.[6]

World of Warcraft[]

WoW Icon update This section concerns content related to the original World of Warcraft.

The Witherbarks living in the Hinterlands settled several places, including the Hiri'watha village, the Zun'watha ruins, and the temple of Shadra'Alor. They eventually happened across the Revantusks and launched many attacks against the small tribe. The dwarves of Aerie Peak also became a noticeable threat against the troll tribe.[5]

The Witherbarks were once allied with the Horde and Thrall, but they betrayed him, and the Darkspear tribe unleashed the fury of the Darkspear trolls and young adventurers upon them.[7]

The Witherbarks living in the Arathi Highlands grudgingly allied themselves with the Boulderfist ogres in order to wipe out the Horde forces who have constructed the settlement of Hammerfall.[5]

When Hakkar was brought back in Zul'Gurub, the Witherbarks sent Witherbark Speaker, as an ambassador for their tribe, in order to possibly ally themselves with the Gurubashi.


Cataclysm This section concerns content related to Cataclysm.

Following the Cataclysm, the Witherbark trolls have vanished from the Hinterlands, it's unknown if they were driven off or simply killed. They still remain in the Arathi Highlands. Zul'arek Hatefowler occasionally appears among the old Zun'watha ruins which have since been abandoned. The Hiri'watha village was taken by the Forsaken and turned into a research station, while Shadra'Alor temple was taken over by the Vilebranch trolls.


Legion This section concerns content related to Legion.

By the time of the Legion's third invasion, Stromgarde was taken by Galen Trollbane and the Witherbarks led by Ojin'ba attacked the city and holed up in the mage district. The death knights of the Ebon Blade killed them following a deal between them and Galen.[8]

Battle for Azeroth[]

Battle for Azeroth This section concerns content related to Battle for Azeroth.

By the time of the Battle for Stromgarde, the Witherbark trolls still remained active in the region, and the Witherbark Village has been reinforced. The area has far more trolls, a denser forest surrounding it, more huts have been added and its architecture has been updated.

Witherbark Speakers can be found in Zuldazar on Zandalar. The tribe also sends regular attacks against both the Alliance and Horde, and are now the target of both factions who wish to see them disappear.[9] Among them, Nimar the Slayer is a priority target, for his dangerousness,[10] taking many fighters with him in death.[11] Their alliance with the Boulderfist clan appears to have fallen apart, as members of their tribe can be found in the ogre den's cages.

Nathanos Blightcaller claims that the tribe was wiped out in the Hinterlands by the Forsaken, and the Witherbark in the Arathi Highlands are all that remain of the "broken tribe".[12]



Name Role Status Location
Mob IconSmall ForestTroll Male Zalas Witherbark Leader of the remnants of the tribe Killable Witherbark Village, Arathi Highlands
Mob IconSmall ForestTroll Female Ojin'ba Former leader of the tribe Deceased Stromgarde Keep, Arathi Highlands
Mob IconSmall ForestTroll Male Witch Doctor Mai'jin One of the leaders of the tribe within the Hinterlands Deceased Hinterlands
Mob IconSmall ForestTroll Male Nimar the Slayer Warband leader Killable-Deceased Witherbark Village, Arathi Highlands
Mob IconSmall ForestTroll Male Beastrider Kama Rider Killable Witherbark Village, Arathi Highlands
Mob IconSmall ForestTroll Male Zul'arek Hatefowler Killable Zun'watha, Hinterlands
Neutral IconSmall ForestTroll Male Rin'ji Unknown Unknown



  • They brought giant bats to the Highlands and keep raising them.[13]
  • The Witherbarks worship a spider god, Shadra, whom they collect a very powerful venom from.[14]
  • Upon completing their rites of passage, the young shadow hunters receive knives.[15]
  • Oran Snakewrithe is a well-known scholar on matters concerning them.[16]


This article or section includes speculation, observations or opinions possibly supported by lore or by Blizzard officials. It should not be taken as representing official lore.

It's likely they also worshiped the many of the same loa as the Amani tribe.

See also[]


External links[]
