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Not to be confused with Witherbark Speaker (Zul'Gurub).
NeutralWitherbark Speaker
Image of Witherbark Speaker
Gender Both
Race Forest troll (Humanoid)
Level 110 - 120
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Witherbark tribe
Occupation Ambassador, Speaker
Location Terrace of the Speakers, Dazar'alor
Status Alive

Witherbark Speakers are forest troll emissaries of the Witherbark tribe located at the Terrace of the Speakers in Dazar'alor.

One was present in Zanchul during Talanji's coronation.

Objective of[]


  • Da Golden Fleet be da real Zandalari power. Whoever got da fleet, got the power.
  • Da Zandalari be lettin' blood magic into dere borders. Only a matter of time before it destroy dem.
  • Da Zandalari can't be hidin' from da world anymore. Their days be numbered.
  • De Zandalari tink dey high an' mighty over da rest. But dey be nothin' more than dyin' relics.
  • I hate da elves. I hate da undead. Da Horde got both.

Patch changes[]

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