- For warlock abilities and talents on retail servers, see Warlock abilities.
Warlock talents and abilities in the various Classic expansion versions.
Prior to Cataclysm, there was no explicit choice of specialization. Abilities were divided up for organizational reasons, but could be freely learned by all characters.
Ability Level Source [Corruption]
4 Trainer [Curse of Weakness]
4 Trainer [Life Tap]
6 Trainer [Curse of Agony]
8 Trainer [Fear]
8 Trainer [Drain Soul]
10 Trainer [Curse of Recklessness]
14 Trainer [Drain Life]
14 Trainer [Drain Mana]
24 Trainer [Curse of Tongues]
26 Trainer [Curse of the Elements]
32 Trainer [Howl of Terror]
40 Trainer [Death Coil]
42 Trainer [Curse of Shadow]
44 Trainer [Curse of Doom]
60 Trainer -
Ability Level Source [Immolate]
1 Trainer [Shadow Bolt]
1 Default [Searing Pain]
18 Trainer [Rain of Fire]
20 Trainer [Hellfire]
30 Trainer [Soul Fire]
48 Trainer
Minion abilities[]
Imp Ability Level [Firebolt]
1 [Blood Pact]
4 [Phase Shift]
12 [Fire Shield]
14 -
Voidwalker Ability Level [Torment]
10 [Sacrifice]
16 [Consume Shadows]
18 [Suffering]
24 -
Sayaad Ability Level [Lash of Pain]
20 [Soothing Kiss]
22 [Seduction]
26 [Lesser Invisibility]
32 -
Felhunter Ability Level [Devour Magic]
30 [Tainted Blood]
32 [Spell Lock]
36 [Paranoia]
Burning Crusade Classic[]
Ability Level Source [Corruption]
4 Trainer [Curse of Weakness]
4 Trainer [Life Tap]
6 Trainer [Curse of Agony]
8 Trainer [Fear]
8 Trainer [Drain Soul]
10 Trainer [Curse of Recklessness]
14 Trainer [Drain Life]
14 Trainer [Drain Mana]
24 Trainer [Curse of Tongues]
26 Trainer [Curse of the Elements]
32 Trainer [Howl of Terror]
40 Trainer [Death Coil]
42 Trainer [Curse of Doom]
60 Trainer [Seed of Corruption]
70 Trainer -
Ability Level Source [Demon Skin]
1 Default [Summon Imp]
1 Class quest [Create Healthstone]
10 Trainer [Summon Voidwalker]
10 The Binding (Voidwalker) [Health Funnel]
12 Trainer [Unending Breath]
16 Trainer [Create Soulstone]
18 Trainer [Demon Armor]
20 Trainer [Ritual of Summoning]
20 Trainer [Summon Incubus]
20 The Binding (Incubus) [Summon Succubus]
20 The Binding (Succubus) [Eye of Kilrogg]
22 Trainer [Sense Demons]
24 Trainer [Banish]
28 Trainer [Create Firestone]
28 Trainer [Subjugate Demon]
30 Trainer [Summon Felhunter]
30 [30] The Binding
[Summon Felsteed]
30 Trainer [Shadow Ward]
32 Trainer [Create Spellstone]
36 Trainer [Detect Invisibility]
38 Trainer [Inferno]
50 [Grimoire of Inferno]
[Ritual of Doom]
60 [60G] Suppression
[Summon Dreadsteed]
60 [60D] Dreadsteed of Xoroth
[Fel Armor]
62 Trainer [Soulshatter]
66 Trainer [Ritual of Souls]
68 Trainer -
Ability Level Source [Immolate]
1 Trainer [Shadow Bolt]
1 Default [Searing Pain]
18 Trainer [Rain of Fire]
20 Trainer [Hellfire]
30 Trainer [Soul Fire]
48 Trainer [Incinerate]
64 Trainer
Minion abilities[]
Imp Ability Level [Firebolt]
1 [Blood Pact]
4 [Phase Shift]
12 [Fire Shield]
14 -
Voidwalker Ability Level [Torment]
10 [Sacrifice]
16 [Consume Shadows]
18 [Suffering]
24 -
Sayaad Ability Level [Lash of Pain]
20 [Soothing Kiss]
22 [Seduction]
26 [Lesser Invisibility]
32 -
Felhunter Ability Level [Devour Magic]
30 [Tainted Blood]
32 [Spell Lock]
36 [Paranoia]
42 -
Felhunter Ability Level [Anguish]
50 [Cleave]
50 [Intercept]
52 [Demonic Frenzy]
56 [Avoidance]
Wrath of the Lich King Classic[]
Ability Level Source [Corruption]
4 Trainer [Curse of Weakness]
4 Trainer [Life Tap]
6 Trainer [Curse of Agony]
8 Trainer [Fear]
8 Trainer [Drain Soul]
10 Trainer [Drain Life]
14 Trainer [Drain Mana]
24 Trainer [Curse of Tongues]
26 Trainer [Curse of the Elements]
32 Trainer [Howl of Terror]
40 Trainer [Death Coil]
42 Trainer [Curse of Doom]
60 Trainer [Seed of Corruption]
70 Trainer -
Ability Level Source [Immolate]
1 Trainer [Shadow Bolt]
1 Default [Searing Pain]
18 Trainer [Rain of Fire]
20 Trainer [Hellfire]
30 Trainer [Soul Fire]
48 Trainer [Incinerate]
64 Trainer [Shadowflame]
75 Trainer
Minion abilities[]
Imp Ability Level [Firebolt]
1 [Blood Pact]
4 [Phase Shift]
12 [Fire Shield]
14 -
Voidwalker Ability Level [Torment]
10 [Sacrifice]
16 [Consume Shadows]
18 [Suffering]
24 -
Sayaad Ability Level [Lash of Pain]
20 [Soothing Kiss]
22 [Seduction]
26 [Lesser Invisibility]
32 -
Felhunter Ability Level [Devour Magic]
30 [Fel Intelligence]
32 [Spell Lock]
36 [Shadow Bite]
42 -
Felhunter Ability Level [Anguish]
50 [Cleave]
50 [Intercept]
52 [Demonic Frenzy]
Talents become available at level 10. Prior to Mists of Pandaria, players could freely mix talents from multiple trees, as long as they had available talent points.
Tier Talent Ranks Requirement 1 [Suppression]
5 [Improved Corruption]
5 2 [Improved Curse of Weakness]
3 [Improved Drain Soul]
2 [Improved Life Tap]
2 [Improved Drain Life]
5 3 [Improved Curse of Agony]
3 [Fel Concentration]
5 [Amplify Curse]
1 4 [Grim Reach]
2 [Nightfall]
2 [Improved Drain Mana]
2 5 [Siphon Life]
1 [Curse of Exhaustion]
1 Amplify Curse [Improved Curse of Exhaustion]
4 Curse of Exhaustion 6 [Shadow Mastery]
5 Siphon Life 7 [Dark Pact]
1 -
Tier Talent Ranks Requirement 1 [Improved Healthstone]
2 [Improved Imp]
3 [Demonic Embrace]
5 2 [Improved Health Funnel]
3 [Improved Voidwalker]
3 [Fel Intellect]
5 3 [Improved Sayaad]
3 [Fel Domination]
1 [Fel Stamina]
5 4 [Master Summoner]
2 Fel Domination [Unholy Power]
5 5 [Improved Enslave Demon]
5 [Demonic Sacrifice]
1 [Improved Firestone]
2 6 [Master Demonologist]
5 Unholy Power 7 [Soul Link]
1 Demonic Sacrifice [Improved Spellstone]
2 -
Tier Talent Ranks Requirement 1 [Improved Shadow Bolt]
5 [Cataclysm]
5 2 [Bane]
5 [Aftermath]
5 3 [Improved Firebolt]
3 [Improved Lash of Pain]
2 [Devastation]
5 [Shadowburn]
1 4 [Intensity]
2 [Destructive Reach]
2 [Improved Searing Pain]
5 5 [Pyroclasm]
2 Intensity [Improved Immolate]
5 [Ruin]
1 Devastation 6 [Emberstorm]
5 7 [Conflagrate]
1 Improved Immolate
Burning Crusade Classic[]
Tier Talent Ranks Requirement 1 [Suppression]
5 [Improved Corruption]
5 2 [Improved Curse of Weakness]
2 [Improved Drain Soul]
2 [Improved Life Tap]
2 [Soul Siphon]
2 3 [Improved Curse of Agony]
2 [Fel Concentration]
5 [Amplify Curse]
1 4 [Grim Reach]
2 [Nightfall]
2 [Empowered Corruption]
3 5 [Shadow Embrace]
5 [Siphon Life]
1 [Curse of Exhaustion]
1 Amplify Curse 6 [Shadow Mastery]
5 Siphon Life 7 [Contagion]
5 Siphon Life [Dark Pact]
1 8 [Improved Howl of Terror]
2 [Malediction]
3 9 [Unstable Affliction]
1 Contagion -
Tier Talent Ranks Requirement 1 [Improved Healthstone]
2 [Improved Imp]
3 [Demonic Embrace]
5 2 [Improved Health Funnel]
2 [Improved Voidwalker]
3 [Fel Intellect]
3 3 [Improved Sayaad]
3 [Fel Domination]
1 [Fel Stamina]
3 [Demonic Aegis]
3 4 [Master Summoner]
2 Fel Domination [Unholy Power]
5 5 [Improved Enslave Demon]
5 [Demonic Sacrifice]
1 [Improved Firestone]
2 6 [Mana Feed]
3 [Master Demonologist]
5 Unholy Power 7 [Demonic Resilience]
3 [Soul Link]
1 Demonic Sacrifice [Demonic Knowledge]
3 8 [Demonic Tactics]
5 9 [Summon Felguard]
1 -
Tier Talent Ranks Requirement 1 [Improved Shadow Bolt]
5 [Cataclysm]
5 2 [Bane]
5 [Aftermath]
5 3 [Improved Firebolt]
2 [Improved Lash of Pain]
2 [Devastation]
5 [Shadowburn]
1 4 [Intensity]
2 [Destructive Reach]
2 [Improved Searing Pain]
5 5 [Pyroclasm]
2 Intensity [Improved Immolate]
5 [Ruin]
1 Devastation 6 [Nether Protection]
3 [Emberstorm]
5 7 [Backlash]
3 [Conflagrate]
1 Improved Immolate [Soul Leech]
3 8 [Shadow and Flame]
5 9 [Shadowfury]
1 Shadow and Flame
Wrath of the Lich King Classic[]
Tier Talent Ranks Requirement 1 [Improved Curse of Agony]
2 [Suppression]
3 [Improved Corruption]
5 2 [Improved Curse of Weakness]
2 [Improved Drain Soul]
2 [Improved Life Tap]
2 [Soul Siphon]
2 3 [Improved Fear]
2 [Fel Concentration]
3 [Amplify Curse]
1 4 [Grim Reach]
2 [Nightfall]
2 [Empowered Corruption]
3 5 [Shadow Embrace]
5 [Siphon Life]
1 [Curse of Exhaustion]
1 Amplify Curse 6 [Improved Felhunter]
2 [Shadow Mastery]
5 Siphon Life 7 [Eradication]
3 [Contagion]
5 Siphon Life [Dark Pact]
1 8 [Improved Howl of Terror]
2 [Malediction]
3 9 [Death's Embrace]
3 [Unstable Affliction]
1 Contagion [Pandemic]
1 Unstable Affliction 10 [Everlasting Affliction]
5 11 [Haunt]
1 -
Tier Talent Ranks Requirement 1 [Improved Healthstone]
2 [Improved Imp]
3 [Demonic Embrace]
3 [Fel Synergy]
2 2 [Improved Health Funnel]
2 [Demonic Brutality]
3 [Fel Vitality]
3 3 [Improved Sayaad]
3 [Soul Link]
1 [Fel Domination]
1 [Demonic Aegis]
3 4 [Unholy Power]
5 Soul Link [Master Summoner]
2 Fel Domination 5 [Mana Feed]
1 Soul Link [Master Conjuror]
2 6 [Master Demonologist]
5 Unholy Power [Molten Core]
3 7 [Demonic Resilience]
3 [Demonic Empowerment]
1 Master Demonologist [Demonic Knowledge]
3 8 [Demonic Tactics]
5 Decimation (warlock ability) 2 9 [Improved Demonic Tactics]
3 Demonic Tactics [Summon Felguard]
1 [Nemesis]
3 10 [Demonic Pact]
5 11 [Metamorphosis]
1 -
Tier Talent Ranks Requirement 1 [Improved Shadow Bolt]
5 [Bane]
5 2 [Aftermath]
2 [Molten Skin]
3 [Cataclysm]
3 3 [Demonic Power]
2 [Shadowburn]
1 [Ruin]
5 4 [Intensity]
2 [Destructive Reach]
2 [Improved Searing Pain]
3 5 [Backlash]
3 Intensity [Improved Immolate]
3 [Devastation]
1 Ruin 6 [Nether Protection]
3 [Emberstorm]
5 7 [Conflagrate]
1 Improved Immolate [Soul Leech]
3 [Pyroclasm]
3 8 [Shadow and Flame]
5 [Improved Soul Leech]
2 Soul Leech 9 [Backdraft]
3 Conflagrate [Shadowfury]
1 [Empowered Imp]
3 10 [Fire and Brimstone]
5 11 [Chaos Bolt]
Wrath of the Lich King Classic[]
See also[]