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For the retail talent, see Spell fire playingwithfire [Backlash].
Spell fire playingwithfire
  • Backlash (3 ranks)
  • Destruction, Tier 7
  • Increases your critical strike chance with spells by an additional 1/2/3% and gives you a 8/16/25% chance when hit by a physical attack to reduce the cast time of your next Shadow Bolt or Incinerate spell by 100%. This effect lasts 8 sec and will not occur more than once every 8 seconds.
Class Warlock
Tree Destruction
Points required 30
Affects Spell fire burnout [Incinerate], Spell shadow shadowbolt [Shadow Bolt]
Related buff
Spell fire playingwithfire
  • Magic
  • Backlash
  • Your next Shadow Bolt or Incinerate spell has its cast time reduced by 100%.
  • Duration: 8 seconds
"I want you to hit me as hard as you can."[1]

Backlash is Destruction warlock talent.


This will probably have greatest effect against melee attackers with very fast swing rate such as hunter pets and druids in Ability druid catform [Cat Form]. Nuke to the face, close range!

Patch changes[]

  • Warlords of Draenor Patch 6.0.2 (2014-10-14): Removed.
  • Mists of Pandaria Hotfix (2012-10-04): The instant cast Incinerates generated by Backlash will now correctly consume Backlash.
  • Mists of Pandaria Patch 5.0.4 (2012-08-28): Now a level 32 Destruction ability (was a tier 4 Destruction talent).
  • Cataclysm Patch 4.0.1 (2010-10-12): No longer increases chance to critically hit with spells. Now at tier 4 (was tier 5).
  • Wrath-Logo-Small Patch 3.1.0 (2009-04-14): Moved to tier 5, up from tier 7. Now requires Spell fire lavaspawn [Intensity].
  • Bc icon Patch 2.0.3 (2007-01-09): When a Warlock is under the effects of Backlash and Spell shadow twilight [Nightfall], only one of the effects will be consumed by a Spell shadow shadowbolt [Shadow Bolt] cast.
  • Bc icon Patch 2.0.1 (2006-12-05): Added.

See also[]


External links[]

Rank 1Rank 2Rank 3