Profession mounts that are available from most of the professions in the game, whether primary or secondary.
Alchemists can use archaeology to find a recipe that will teach them to create [Vial of the Sands]. The vial teaches players how to turn into a
[Sandstone Drake], a flying mount that allows for one passenger.
- The
[Fossilized Raptor] requires 150 skill to find and 100x Fossil Archaeology Fragments to solve.
- The
[Scepter of Azj'Aqir] requires 450 skill to find and 150x Tol'vir Archaeology Fragments to solve.
- The
[Spirit of Eche'ro] is a quest reward from the Archaeology quest,
[45] Laying to Rest.
Blacksmiths can craft the [Steelbound Harness], which teaches the Steelbound Devourer mount.
There are two flying machines that can be crafted and used only by engineers.
Engineering also allows a character to create a faction-specific ground mount that can carry one passenger. Unlike flying machines these bikes can be used by non-engineers. Obtaining this mount awards the achievement [Get to the Choppa!].
Engineers can learn to create a rocket mount based on their specialization, which can be sold to non-engineers. Gnomish engineering can only make the [Geosynchronous World Spinner], while Goblin engineering can only make the
[Depleted-Kyparium Rocket].
There are also other unique flying mounts that engineers can learn and sell to other players.
- The
[Sea Turtle] can be fished from some zones, Shipwreck Debris around Darkmoon Island or can drop from a Lunarfall Cavedweller / Frostdeep Cavedweller with a Level 3 Fishing Shack at the garrison.
- The
[Brinedeep Bottom-Feeder] can be purchased for 100x
[Drowned Mana], which the mana can be fished from Margoss's Retreat.
- The
[Darkwater Skate] can be purchased for 500x
[Darkmoon Daggermaw], which these fishes can be caught in the Darkmoon Island ocean waters.
- The
[Pond Nettle] can be fished from the fel pools in Krokuun and Antoran Wastes.
- The
[Great Sea Ray] can be fished from the ocean waters surrounding Kul Tiras and Zandalar.
Jewelcrafters can learn to make five jewel panther mounts that can be sold. The first four are the [Jade Panther],
[Sunstone Panther],
[Ruby Panther] and
[Sapphire Panther]. The first four are then themselves used as mats to create the
[Jeweled Onyx Panther]. This means to have all five, the first four are created twice, one set to be mounts, and another set as mats.
Leatherworkers can craft two mounts, and only the Dustmane Direwolf requires Leatherworking to ride.
Tailors can craft four flying carpets which require tailoring to be used.