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Ability mount onyxpanther red
  • Ruby Panther
  • Mount
  • Use: Teaches you how to summon this mount. This mount will fly or run, depending on your riding skill and location.
  • Requires Level 17
  • Requires Journeyman Riding
  • Sell Price: 2g 50s
Ruby Panther

Ruby Panther


This item is crafted with Jewelcrafting (600); taught by Inv scroll 03 [Design: Ruby Panther], an Order of the Cloud Serpent reputation reward.

Materials required:
Inv misc enchantedpearla 1x [Orb of Mystery] Inv ingot livingsteel 4x [Living Steel]
Inv misc gem x4 rare uncut red 20x [Primordial Ruby] Creatureportrait sc eyeofacherus 02 2x [Serpent's Eye]

As an ingredient[]


The Jewel Panther set[]

Mount Materials Reputation with
Order of the Cloud Serpent
Ability mount onyxpanther green [Jade Panther] Inv misc enchantedpearla [Orb of Mystery], Inv ingot livingsteel [Living Steel] x4, Creatureportrait sc eyeofacherus 02 [Serpent's Eye] x2, Inv misc gem x4 rare uncut green [Wild Jade] x20 Honored
Ability mount onyxpanther yellow [Sunstone Panther] Inv misc enchantedpearla [Orb of Mystery], Inv ingot livingsteel [Living Steel] x4, Creatureportrait sc eyeofacherus 02 [Serpent's Eye] x2, Inv misc gem x4 rare uncut yellow [Sun's Radiance] x20 Honored
Ability mount onyxpanther red [Ruby Panther] Inv misc enchantedpearla [Orb of Mystery], Inv ingot livingsteel [Living Steel] x4, Creatureportrait sc eyeofacherus 02 [Serpent's Eye] x2, Inv misc gem x4 rare uncut red [Primordial Ruby] x20 Revered
Ability mount onyxpanther blue [Sapphire Panther] Inv misc enchantedpearla [Orb of Mystery], Inv ingot livingsteel [Living Steel] x4, Creatureportrait sc eyeofacherus 02 [Serpent's Eye] x2, Inv misc gem x4 rare uncut blue [River's Heart] x20 Revered
Ability mount onyxpanther [Jeweled Onyx Panther] Ability mount onyxpanther yellow [Sunstone Panther], Ability mount onyxpanther green [Jade Panther], Ability mount onyxpanther red [Ruby Panther], Ability mount onyxpanther blue [Sapphire Panther] Exalted


Patch changes[]

See also[]

External links[]
