This category is for Warcraft lore articles and categories only.
The only articles in this category should be articles dealing with various lore terminology, practices, and explanations, such as retcons.
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This category has the following 52 subcategories, out of 52 total.
- Artifact lore‎ (12 P)
- Hearts‎ (157 P)
- History of Warcraft‎ (46 P)
- Languages‎ (60 P)
- Lanterns‎ (38 P)
- Loa‎ (71 P)
- Lore characters‎ (1,716 P)
- Spyglasses‎ (30 P)
- Squires‎ (20 P)
- Time periods‎ (13 P)
- Torches‎ (128 P)
- Trinkets‎ (101 P)
- Wars‎ (65 P)
Pages in category "Lore"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 664 total.
(previous page) (next page)A
- A Toast to 15 Years
- Adventurer
- Aegwynn and the Dragon Hunt
- Aesir
- Age of a Hundred Kings
- Age of Ascension
- Age of Chaos
- Age of Colossals
- Age of Memory
- Age of Mortals
- Age of Order
- Airship
- Aldrachi
- Alliance Internment Act
- The Alliance of Lordaeron
- The Alliance Splinters
- Alor'el
- Alterac crisis
- Alternate timeline
- Amberseed
- An Ode to Returning Heroes
- Andrassil
- Anima
- Anima (blood fluid)
- Animacone
- Apprentice Conjurer to the Court
- Aqir and Troll War
- Arathor
- Arathor and the Troll Wars
- Arcan'dor
- Arcanomicon
- Archimonde's Return and the Flight to Kalimdor
- Arcwine
- Argunite
- Argus Wake
- Arkonite
- Ashbringer
- Ashbringer/Old Hillsbrad Ashbringer event
- Ask CDev
- Assault on Azsuna
- Assault on Highmountain
- Assault on Stormheim
- Assault on Val'sharah
- Astrolabe
- Astromancy
- Ata'mal crystal
- Atal'
- Auchindoun
- Augur
- Axe of Cenarius
- Azeroth
- Azurite
- Ban'dinoriel
- Barkskin Furbolgs
- Battle for Azeroth in-game cinematics
- Battle of Crestfall
- The Battle of Grim Batol (History of Warcraft)
- Battle of Hillsbrad Foothills
- The Battle of Mount Hyjal (History of Warcraft)
- Battle of Shar'gel
- Battle of the Black Teeth
- Behemoth
- Bell of Dethmoora
- User:Berenal/Sandbox2
- User:Berenal/Sandbox3
- User:Berenal/Sandbox4
- The Betrayer Ascendant
- Beyond the Dark Portal (disambiguation)
- Bindings of the Windseeker
- Bird
- The Birth of the Lich King
- Bjornharta
- Black bird
- Black dragon
- Black dragonflight
- Blackroot
- Blacksteel
- House Blackwood
- Blade thrower
- Blingtron
- Blizzard lore posts
- BlizzCon 2005: The Burning Crusade Reveal
- Blood Horde
- Blood magic
- Bloodcurse
- Bloodhoof Runespear
- Bloodmead
- Bloodmyst Radiation
- Bloodstone Artifacts
- Bloodstones
- Blowgun
- Blue dragonflight
- Boar's grog
- Book of the Ancients
- Boomstick
- Brilliant Star
- Broadsword
- Bronze dragonflight
- Bronze Scepter Shard
- Bronzebeard
- Bronzebeard clan
- Brotherhood of the Horse
- Brotherhood of the Light
- Burning Crusade
- Burning Crystal
- Burning of Quel'Thalas
- Caer Darrow
- Canine
- Cannibalism
- Cannon
- Caravan
- Cataclysm (event)
- Cataclysm in-game cinematics
- Cataclysm Recap Video: Legendary Rogue
- CDev questions
- Celestial vault
- Chalice of Rebirth
- Chaplain
- Charge of the Dragonflights
- Choose
- Chrysalun chamber
- Circle of Power
- Circle of the Ancients
- Circle of Warding
- Civil War in the Plaguelands
- Clan
- Cleric
- Confessor
- Consort of Malygos
- Constellar
- Constellation
- Contents of Mosh'Ogg Bounty
- Convocation of Silvermoon
- Council of the Black Harvest Campaign
- Courier station
- Court conjurer
- Creation myth
- Crowley
- Crown of the Triumvirate
- Cult of the Dark Strand
- Curse of Flesh
- Curse of Sethe
- Cycle
- Dagath's Hammer
- Dark Portal
- The Dark Portal and the Fall of Stormwind
- Dark Riders
- Darkstorm
- Darkwolf
- Darkwood
- Daughter of the Sea
- Dead Goliath
- Death
- Death Knight Campaign
- Death knight organizations
- Death ritual
- Deathwing timeline issue
- Decay
- Defense of Gnomeregan
- Demigod
- Demon Hunter Campaign
- Demon lord
- Demoniac
- Demonology (lore)
- Denbrawn's Treatise on the "Song of Aegwynn"
- Destruction of the Dark Portal
- Di Chen and the Desert
- Diamond Blade
- Dimensional gateway
- Dimensional ship
- Dinomancer
- Domination
- Doomhammer
- Draenethyst
- Dragon Aspects
- Dragon Riders of Loreth'Aran
- Dragon Wars
- Dragonflight
- Dragonflight in-game cinematics
- Dreamform
- Druids of the Fang
- Drums of War trailer