- ABB Insurgency
- Abaddon
- Abhorror
- Accord
- Accord's Ambassadors
- Acidbath
- Adalid
- Adamant
- Advance Guard
- Aegis
- Africa
- Agitation
- Agitation 3.1
- Agitation 3.10
- Agitation 3.11
- Agitation 3.12
- Agitation 3.2
- Agitation 3.3
- Agitation 3.4
- Agitation 3.5
- Agitation 3.6
- Agitation 3.7
- Agitation 3.8
- Agitation 3.9
- Agnes Court
- Ahrima
- Aisha Laborn
- Alabaster
- Alexandria
- All-or-Nothing
- Allfather
- Amaymon
- America (disambiguation)
- Amias Vasil
- Amy Dallon
- Anchorage
- Andrew Richter
- Anelace
- Angelica
- Anguished Heart
- Animos
- Annette Hebert
- Annex
- Antarctica
- Antares vs Lung
- Apocrypha
- Apollyon
- Arbiter
- Arcadia High
- Archer's Bridge Merchants
- Armiger
- Aroa Vasil
- Ash Beast
- Ashley Stillons
- Ashley Stillons II
- Asia
- Assault
- Assault on the Time Bubbles
- Aster Anders
- Astrologer
- Atlanta
- Atlantic Archipelago
- Atlas
- Audiobook
- Auger
- August Prince
- Auroch
- Austin
- Australia
- Auzure
- Axehead
- Azn Bad Boys
- Backwoods
- Bakuda
- Bakuda vs The Undersiders
- Balk
- Ballistic
- Baltimore
- Bambina
- Bamet
- Barcode
- Barfbat
- Barker
- Barrow
- Bastard
- Bastard Son
- Bastion
- Battery
- Battle against Echidna
- Battle against Khonsu
- Battle against Leviathan
- Battle at Hyde Park
- Battle at Killington
- Battle at Schenectady
- Battle at the Bank
- Battle at the Gallery
- Battle in Las Vegas
- Baumann Parahuman Containment Center
- Beacon
- Beacon 8.1
- Beacon 8.10
- Beacon 8.11
- Beacon 8.12
- Beacon 8.2
- Beacon 8.3
- Beacon 8.4
- Beacon 8.5
- Beacon 8.6
- Beacon 8.7
- Beacon 8.8
- Beacon 8.9
- Beast of Burden
- Behemoth
- Behemoth vs New Delhi
- Bentley
- Big Picture
- Bijou
- Birdbrain
- Bitch's Dogs
- Biter
- Bitter Pill
- Black
- Black 13.1
- Black 13.10
- Black 13.11
- Black 13.2
- Black 13.3
- Black 13.4
- Black 13.5
- Black 13.6
- Black 13.7
- Black 13.8
- Black 13.9
- Black Kaze
- Blackforest
- Blaster
- Blastgerm
- Blasto
- Blinding
- Blinding 11.1
- Blinding 11.10
- Blinding 11.11
- Blinding 11.12
- Blinding 11.2
- Blinding 11.3
- Blinding 11.4
- Blinding 11.5
- Blinding 11.6
- Blinding 11.7
- Blinding 11.8
- Blinding 11.9
- Blindside
- Blister
- Blood Diamond
- Bloodplay
- Blowout
- Blue Bomber
- Blue Team vs Lord of Loss' Mercs
- Bluestocking
- Boardwalk
- Boat Graveyard
- Bohu
- Bonesaw
- Boston
- Boston Games
- Braindead
- Brandish
- Bratva
- Breaker
- Breaking
- Breaking 14.1
- Breaking 14.10
- Breaking 14.11
- Breaking 14.12
- Breaking 14.2
- Breaking 14.3
- Breaking 14.4
- Breaking 14.5
- Breaking 14.6
- Breaking 14.7
- Breaking 14.8
- Breaking 14.9
- Breakthrough
- Breed
- Brian Laborn
- Brickhaus
- Bridgeport
- Brio
- Brockton Bay
- Brockton Bay Portal
- Broken Trigger
- Browbeat
- Brute
- Brutus
- Bryce Kiley
- Bullet Time
- Burnscar
- Butcher
- Buzz
- Buzz 7.1
- Buzz 7.10
- Buzz 7.11
- Buzz 7.12
- Buzz 7.2
- Buzz 7.3
- Buzz 7.4
- Buzz 7.5
- Buzz 7.6
- Buzz 7.7
- Buzz 7.8
- Buzz 7.9
- Byron Vera
- Cache
- Cadence
- Califa de Perro
- Campanile
- Canada
- Canary
- Candy Vasil
- Canon
- Cape
- Capricorn
- Captain's Hill
- Captain Claw
- Carnie
- Caryatid
- Case 53
- Case 70
- Case Files
- Cask
- Cassie
- Cauldron
- Cauldron Compound
- Cauldron Vial
- Cedar Point
- Cell
- Cell 22.1
- Cell 22.2
- Cell 22.3
- Cell 22.4
- Cell 22.5
- Cell 22.6
- Challenger
- Changer
- Chantilly
- Chapter List
- Chapter List/Row
- Character Reference Sheet
- Chariot
- Charlatan
- Charlotte
- Chastity Vasil
- Chatroom Group
- Cherish
- Chevalier
- Chicago
- Chicken Large
- Chicken Little
- Chinese Union-Imperial
- Chitter
- Chopshop
- Chris Elman
- Chronicler
- Chrysalis
- Chrysalis 20.1
- Chrysalis 20.2
- Chrysalis 20.3
- Chrysalis 20.4
- Chrysalis 20.5
- Chubster
- Chuckles
- Chugalug
- Cinderhands
- Cinereal
- Circus
- Circus and the Elite
- Citrine
- Clairvoyant
- Clarendon High
- Clay
- Cleat
- Clockblocker
- Clockwork Dogs
- Coalbelcher
- Cockroaches
- Cockroaches 28.1
- Cockroaches 28.2
- Cockroaches 28.3
- Cockroaches 28.4
- Cockroaches 28.5
- Cockroaches 28.6
- Codes
- Codex
- Coiffure
- Coil
- Coil's Betrayal
- Coil's Organization
- Colin Wallis
- Collapse of the Empire Eighty-Eight
- Colony
- Colony 15.1
- Colony 15.10
- Colony 15.2
- Colony 15.3
- Colony 15.4
- Colony 15.5
- Colony 15.6
- Colony 15.7
- Colony 15.8
- Colony 15.9
- Colt
- Containment Foam
- Contender
- Contessa
- Contessa vs Lung
- Copse
- Corona Pollentia
- Coronzon
- Corporate Team
- Countenance
- Cozen
- Cradle
- Cradle's Army
- Crane the Harmonious
- Crater Lake
- Crawler
- Creep
- Crested
- Cretan
- Cricket
- Crimson
- Crock o’Shit
- Crucible
- Crusader
- Crushed
- Crushed 24.1
- Crushed 24.2
- Crushed 24.3
- Crushed 24.4
- Crushed 24.5
- Crystalclear
- Cuff
- Daddy
- Daiichi's Gang
- Damsel of Distress