- The following documentation is located at Module:hu-nominals/documentation. [edit] Categories were auto-generated by Module:module categorization. [edit]
- Useful links: subpage list • links • transclusions • testcases • sandbox
Used by {{hu-infl-nom}}
local m_utilities = require("Module:utilities")
local m_links = require("Module:links")
local lang = require("Module:languages").getByCode("hu")
local export = {}
-- Functions that do the actual inflecting by creating the forms of a basic term.
local inflections = {}
-- The main entry point.
-- This is the only function that can be invoked from a template.
local infl_type = frame.args[1] or error("Inflection type has not been specified. Please pass parameter 1 to the module invocation")
local args = frame:getParent().args
if not inflections[infl_type] then
error("Unknown inflection type '" .. infl_type .. "'")
local data = {forms = {}, title = nil, categories = {}}
-- Generate the forms
inflections[infl_type](args, data)
-- Postprocess
postprocess(args, data)
if args["form"] then
table.insert(data.categories, "hu-decl with form")
return make_table(data) .. m_utilities.format_categories(data.categories, lang)
-- Inflection functions
local function check_acc(stem, acc_sg_vowel, acc_sg_vowel2)
if (mw.ustring.find(stem, "[nsz]$") or mw.ustring.find(stem, "[aáeéiíoóöőuúüű][lr]$") or mw.ustring.find(stem, "ny$") or mw.ustring.find(stem, "[aáeéiíoóöőuúüű]ly$")) and not mw.ustring.find(stem, "cs$") then
acc_sg_vowel2 = ""
if acc_sg_vowel ~= acc_sg_vowel2 then
local function make_stems(stem)
local stems = {normal = stem}
stems.b = mw.ustring.gsub(stem, "bb$", "b") .. "b"
stems.k = mw.ustring.gsub(stem, "kk$", "k") .. "k"
stems.n = mw.ustring.gsub(stem, "nn$", "n") .. "n"
stems.r = mw.ustring.gsub(stem, "rr$", "r") .. "r"
stems.t = mw.ustring.gsub(stem, "tt$", "t") .. "t"
stems.v = stem .. "v"
-- Remove v after a long consonant
stems.v = mw.ustring.gsub(stems.v, "(ccs)v$", "%1")
stems.v = mw.ustring.gsub(stems.v, "(ddz)v$", "%1")
stems.v = mw.ustring.gsub(stems.v, "(ddzs)v$", "%1")
stems.v = mw.ustring.gsub(stems.v, "(ggy)v$", "%1")
stems.v = mw.ustring.gsub(stems.v, "(lly)v$", "%1")
stems.v = mw.ustring.gsub(stems.v, "(nny)v$", "%1")
stems.v = mw.ustring.gsub(stems.v, "(ssz)v$", "%1")
stems.v = mw.ustring.gsub(stems.v, "(tty)v$", "%1")
stems.v = mw.ustring.gsub(stems.v, "(zzs)v$", "%1")
stems.v = mw.ustring.gsub(stems.v, "([bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwz])%1v$", "%1%1")
-- Assimilate v to preceding short consonant
stems.v = mw.ustring.gsub(stems.v, "csv$", "ccs")
stems.v = mw.ustring.gsub(stems.v, "dzv$", "ddz")
stems.v = mw.ustring.gsub(stems.v, "dzsv$", "ddzs")
stems.v = mw.ustring.gsub(stems.v, "gyv$", "ggy")
stems.v = mw.ustring.gsub(stems.v, "lyv$", "lly")
stems.v = mw.ustring.gsub(stems.v, "nyv$", "nny")
stems.v = mw.ustring.gsub(stems.v, "szv$", "ssz")
stems.v = mw.ustring.gsub(stems.v, "thv$", "tht")
stems.v = mw.ustring.gsub(stems.v, "tyv$", "tty")
stems.v = mw.ustring.gsub(stems.v, "xv$", "xsz")
stems.v = mw.ustring.gsub(stems.v, "zsv$", "zzs")
stems.v = mw.ustring.gsub(stems.v, "([bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwz])v$", "%1%1")
return stems
local function make_plural(data, stem, vh)
if vh == "o" then
vh = {a = "a", aa = "á", o = "o", oo = "ó", u = "u"}
elseif vh == "ö" then
vh = {a = "e", aa = "é", o = "ö", oo = "ő", u = "ü"}
elseif vh == "e" then
vh = {a = "e", aa = "é", o = "e", oo = "ő", u = "ü"}
data.forms["nom_pl"] = {stem .. "k"}
data.forms["acc_pl"] = {stem .. "k" .. vh.a .. "t"}
data.forms["dat_pl"] = {stem .. "kn" .. vh.a .. "k"}
data.forms["ins_pl"] = {stem .. "kk" .. vh.a .. "l"}
data.forms["cfi_pl"] = {stem .. "kért"}
data.forms["tra_pl"] = {stem .. "kk" .. vh.aa}
data.forms["ter_pl"] = {stem .. "kig"}
data.forms["esf_pl"] = {stem .. "kként"}
data.forms["esm_pl"] = {stem .. "k" .. vh.u .. "l"}
data.forms["ine_pl"] = {stem .. "kb" .. vh.a .. "n"}
data.forms["spe_pl"] = {stem .. "k" .. vh.o .. "n"}
data.forms["ade_pl"] = {stem .. "kn" .. vh.aa .. "l"}
data.forms["ill_pl"] = {stem .. "kb" .. vh.a}
data.forms["sbl_pl"] = {stem .. "kr" .. vh.a}
data.forms["all_pl"] = {stem .. "kh" .. vh.o .. "z"}
data.forms["ela_pl"] = {stem .. "kb" .. vh.oo .. "l"}
data.forms["del_pl"] = {stem .. "kr" .. vh.oo .. "l"}
data.forms["abl_pl"] = {stem .. "kt" .. vh.oo .. "l"}
data.forms["np1_pl"] = {stem .. "ké"}
data.forms["np2_pl"] = {stem .. "kéi"}
local function make_singular_short(data, stem, stem2, spe_sg_stem, acc_sg_vowel, v, vh)
if vh == "o" then
vh = {a = "a", aa = "á", o = "o", oo = "ó", u = "u"}
elseif vh == "ö" then
vh = {a = "e", aa = "é", o = "ö", oo = "ő", u = "ü"}
elseif vh == "e" then
vh = {a = "e", aa = "é", o = "e", oo = "ő", u = "ü"}
stem2 = make_stems(stem2 or mw.ustring.gsub(stem, "[aeoö]$", ""))
if v then
stem2.v = stem2.normal .. v
local stem_no_vowel = mw.ustring.gsub(stem, "[aeoö]$", "")
spe_sg_stem = spe_sg_stem or stem2.normal
spe_sg_stem = spe_sg_stem .. (mw.ustring.find(spe_sg_stem, "[aáeéiíoóöőuúüű]$") and "" or vh.o)
local acc_sg_stem = stem
if acc_sg_vowel == "-" then
acc_sg_stem = stem2.normal
elseif acc_sg_vowel then
acc_sg_stem = stem_no_vowel .. acc_sg_vowel
data.forms["nom_sg"] = {mw.title.getCurrentTitle().text}
data.forms["acc_sg"] = {acc_sg_stem .. "t"}
data.forms["dat_sg"] = {stem2.n .. vh.a .. "k"}
data.forms["ins_sg"] = {stem2.v .. vh.a .. "l"}
data.forms["cfi_sg"] = {stem2.normal .. "ért"}
data.forms["tra_sg"] = {stem2.v .. vh.aa}
data.forms["ter_sg"] = {stem2.normal .. "ig"}
data.forms["esf_sg"] = {stem2.k .. "ént"}
data.forms["esm_sg"] = {stem2.normal .. vh.u .. "l"}
data.forms["ine_sg"] = {stem2.b .. vh.a .. "n"}
data.forms["spe_sg"] = {spe_sg_stem .. "n"}
data.forms["ade_sg"] = {stem2.n .. vh.aa .. "l"}
data.forms["ill_sg"] = {stem2.b .. vh.a}
data.forms["sbl_sg"] = {stem2.r .. vh.a}
data.forms["all_sg"] = {stem2.normal .. "h" .. vh.o .. "z"}
data.forms["ela_sg"] = {stem2.b .. vh.oo .. "l"}
data.forms["del_sg"] = {stem2.r .. vh.oo .. "l"}
data.forms["abl_sg"] = {stem2.t .. vh.oo .. "l"}
data.forms["np1_sg"] = {stem2.normal .. "é"}
data.forms["np2_sg"] = {stem2.normal .. "éi"}
local function make_singular_long(data, stem, vh)
if not mw.ustring.find(stem, "%-$") then
if not mw.ustring.find(stem, "[iuüáéíóőúű]$") then
elseif stem ~= mw.ustring.gsub(mw.title.getCurrentTitle().text, "([aeoö])$", {["a"] = "á", ["e"] = "é", ["o"] = "ó", ["ö"] = "ő"}) then
if vh == "o" then
vh = {a = "a", aa = "á", o = "o", oo = "ó", u = "u"}
elseif vh == "ö" then
vh = {a = "e", aa = "é", o = "ö", oo = "ő", u = "ü"}
elseif vh == "e" then
vh = {a = "e", aa = "é", o = "e", oo = "ő", u = "ü"}
local stems = make_stems(stem)
data.forms["nom_sg"] = {mw.title.getCurrentTitle().text}
data.forms["acc_sg"] = {stems.normal .. "t"}
data.forms["dat_sg"] = {stems.n .. vh.a .. "k"}
data.forms["ins_sg"] = {stems.v .. vh.a .. "l"}
data.forms["cfi_sg"] = {stems.normal .. "ért"}
data.forms["tra_sg"] = {stems.v .. vh.aa}
data.forms["ter_sg"] = {stems.normal .. "ig"}
data.forms["esf_sg"] = {mw.title.getCurrentTitle().text .. (mw.ustring.find(stems.normal, "%-$") and "-" or "") .. "ként"}
data.forms["esm_sg"] = {stems.normal .. vh.u .. "l"}
data.forms["ine_sg"] = {stems.b .. vh.a .. "n"}
data.forms["spe_sg"] = {stems.normal .. "n"}
data.forms["ade_sg"] = {stems.n .. vh.aa .. "l"}
data.forms["ill_sg"] = {stems.b .. vh.a}
data.forms["sbl_sg"] = {stems.r .. vh.a}
data.forms["all_sg"] = {stems.normal .. "h" .. vh.o .. "z"}
data.forms["ela_sg"] = {stems.b .. vh.oo .. "l"}
data.forms["del_sg"] = {stems.r .. vh.oo .. "l"}
data.forms["abl_sg"] = {stems.t .. vh.oo .. "l"}
data.forms["np1_sg"] = {stems.normal .. "é"}
data.forms["np2_sg"] = {stems.normal .. "éi"}
local function make_singular_Vk(data, stem, stem2, spe_sg_stem, acc_t, v, vh)
if vh == "o" then
vh = {a = "a", aa = "á", o = "o", oo = "ó", u = "u"}
elseif vh == "ö" then
vh = {a = "e", aa = "é", o = "ö", oo = "ő", u = "ü"}
elseif vh == "e" then
vh = {a = "e", aa = "é", o = "e", oo = "ő", u = "ü"}
local stems = make_stems(stem)
if v then
stems.v = stems.normal .. v
stem2 = stem2 or stem
spe_sg_stem = spe_sg_stem or stem2
acc_t = acc_t or "t"
local fill_vowel = mw.ustring.find(spe_sg_stem, "[aáeéiíoóöőuúüű]$") and "" or vh.o
data.forms["nom_sg"] = {mw.title.getCurrentTitle().text}
data.forms["acc_sg"] = {stem2 .. acc_t}
data.forms["dat_sg"] = {stems.n .. vh.a .. "k"}
data.forms["ins_sg"] = {stems.v .. vh.a .. "l"}
data.forms["cfi_sg"] = {stems.normal .. "ért"}
data.forms["tra_sg"] = {stems.v .. vh.aa}
data.forms["ter_sg"] = {stems.normal .. "ig"}
data.forms["esf_sg"] = {stems.k .. "ént"}
data.forms["esm_sg"] = {stems.normal .. vh.u .. "l"}
data.forms["ine_sg"] = {stems.b .. vh.a .. "n"}
data.forms["spe_sg"] = {spe_sg_stem .. fill_vowel .. "n"}
data.forms["ade_sg"] = {stems.n .. vh.aa .. "l"}
data.forms["ill_sg"] = {stems.b .. vh.a}
data.forms["sbl_sg"] = {stems.r .. vh.a}
data.forms["all_sg"] = {stems.normal .. "h" .. vh.o .. "z"}
data.forms["ela_sg"] = {stems.b .. vh.oo .. "l"}
data.forms["del_sg"] = {stems.r .. vh.oo .. "l"}
data.forms["abl_sg"] = {stems.t .. vh.oo .. "l"}
data.forms["np1_sg"] = {stems.normal .. "é"}
data.forms["np2_sg"] = {stems.normal .. "éi"}
inflections["regular"] = function(args, data)
local stem = args[1] or (mw.title.getCurrentTitle().nsText == "Template" and "{{{1}}}") or ""; if stem == "" then error("Parameter 1 (base stem) may not be empty.") end
local vh = args[2] or (mw.title.getCurrentTitle().nsText == "Template" and "o")
local acc_sg_vowel = args[3]; if acc_sg_vowel == "" then acc_sg_vowel = nil end
local stem2 = args["stem2"]; if stem2 == "" then stem2 = nil end
local spe_sg_stem = args["spe_sg_stem"]; if spe_sg_stem == "" then spe_sg_stem = nil end
local v = args["v"]; if v == "" then v = nil end
if not (vh == "o" or vh == "ö" or vh == "e") then
error("Vowel harmony type must be \"o\", \"ö\" or \"e\".")
local vh_pl = vh
if mw.ustring.find(stem, "[aeoö]$") then
data.title = "stem in " .. m_links.full_link({lang = lang, alt = "-" .. mw.ustring.match(stem, "([aeoö])$") .. "-"}, "term")
if vh == "ö" and mw.ustring.find(stem, "e$") then
vh_pl = "e"
make_singular_short(data, stem, stem2, spe_sg_stem, acc_sg_vowel, v, vh)
elseif mw.ustring.find(stem, "[iuüáéíóőúű%-]$") or mw.title.getCurrentTitle().nsText == "Template" then
data.title = "stem in long/high vowel"
make_singular_long(data, stem, vh)
error("The stem must end in vowel or \"-\".")
if vh == "o" then
data.title = data.title .. ", back harmony"
elseif vh == "ö" then
data.title = data.title .. ", front rounded harmony"
elseif vh == "e" then
data.title = data.title .. ", front unrounded harmony"
make_plural(data, stem, vh_pl)
inflections["ak"] = function(args, data)
data.title = "plural in " .. m_links.full_link({lang = lang, alt = "-ak"}, "term") .. ", back harmony"
local base = args[1] or (mw.title.getCurrentTitle().nsText == "Template" and "{{{1}}}") or ""; if base == "" then error("Parameter 1 (base stem) may not be empty.") end
local final = args[2] or ""
local acc_t = args[3]; if acc_t == "" then acc_t = nil end
local stem2 = args["stem"]; if stem2 == "" then stem2 = nil end
local spe_sg_stem = args["sup"]; if spe_sg_stem == "" then spe_sg_stem = nil end
local v = args["v"]; if v == "" then v = nil end
if acc_t and not mw.ustring.find(acc_t, "^[aeoö]t$") then
error("Invalid accusative singular")
make_singular_Vk(data, base .. final, stem2, spe_sg_stem, acc_t, v, "o")
make_plural(data, (stem2 or base .. final) .. "a", "o")
inflections["ek"] = function(args, data)
data.title = "plural in " .. m_links.full_link({lang = lang, alt = "-ek"}, "term") .. ", front unrounded harmony"
local base = args[1] or (mw.title.getCurrentTitle().nsText == "Template" and "{{{1}}}") or ""; if base == "" then error("Parameter 1 (base stem) may not be empty.") end
local final = args[2] or ""
local acc_t = args[3]; if acc_t == "" then acc_t = nil end
local stem2 = args["stem"]; if stem2 == "" then stem2 = nil end
local spe_sg_stem = args["sup"]; if spe_sg_stem == "" then spe_sg_stem = nil end
local v = args["v"]; if v == "" then v = nil end
if acc_t and not mw.ustring.find(acc_t, "^[aeoö]t$") then
error("Invalid accusative singular")
make_singular_Vk(data, base .. final, stem2, spe_sg_stem, acc_t, v, "e")
make_plural(data, (stem2 or base .. final) .. "e", "e")
inflections["ek2"] = function(args, data)
data.title = "plural in " .. m_links.full_link({lang = lang, alt = "-ek"}, "term") .. ", front rounded harmony"
local base = args[1] or (mw.title.getCurrentTitle().nsText == "Template" and "{{{1}}}") or ""; if base == "" then error("Parameter 1 (base stem) may not be empty.") end
local final = args[2] or ""
local acc_t = args[3]; if acc_t == "" then acc_t = nil end
local stem2 = args["stem"]; if stem2 == "" then stem2 = nil end
local spe_sg_stem = args["sup"]; if spe_sg_stem == "" then spe_sg_stem = nil end
local v = args["v"]; if v == "" then v = nil end
if acc_t and not mw.ustring.find(acc_t, "^[aeoö]t$") then
error("Invalid accusative singular")
make_singular_Vk(data, base .. final, stem2, spe_sg_stem, acc_t, v, "ö")
make_plural(data, (stem2 or base .. final) .. "e", "e")
inflections["ok"] = function(args, data)
data.title = "plural in " .. m_links.full_link({lang = lang, alt = "-ok"}, "term") .. ", back harmony"
local base = args[1] or (mw.title.getCurrentTitle().nsText == "Template" and "{{{1}}}") or ""; if base == "" then error("Parameter 1 (base stem) may not be empty.") end
local final = args[2] or ""
local acc_t = args[3]; if acc_t == "" then acc_t = nil end
local stem2 = args["stem"]; if stem2 == "" then stem2 = nil end
local spe_sg_stem = args["sup"]; if spe_sg_stem == "" then spe_sg_stem = nil end
local v = args["v"]; if v == "" then v = nil end
if acc_t and not mw.ustring.find(acc_t, "^[aeoö]t$") then
error("Invalid accusative singular")
make_singular_Vk(data, base .. final, stem2, spe_sg_stem, acc_t, v, "o")
make_plural(data, (stem2 or base .. final) .. "o", "o")
inflections["ök"] = function(args, data)
data.title = "plural in " .. m_links.full_link({lang = lang, alt = "-ök"}, "term") .. ", front rounded harmony"
local base = args[1] or (mw.title.getCurrentTitle().nsText == "Template" and "{{{1}}}") or ""; if base == "" then error("Parameter 1 (base stem) may not be empty.") end
local final = args[2] or ""
local acc_t = args[3]; if acc_t == "" then acc_t = nil end
local stem2 = args["stem"]; if stem2 == "" then stem2 = nil end
local spe_sg_stem = args["sup"]; if spe_sg_stem == "" then spe_sg_stem = nil end
local v = args["v"]; if v == "" then v = nil end
if acc_t and not mw.ustring.find(acc_t, "^[aeoö]t$") then
error("Invalid accusative singular")
make_singular_Vk(data, base .. final, stem2, spe_sg_stem, acc_t, v, "ö")
make_plural(data, (stem2 or base .. final) .. "ö", "ö")
inflections["k-back"] = function(args, data)
if args["stem"] or args["sup"] then
data.title = "plural in " .. m_links.full_link({lang = lang, alt = "-k"}, "term") .. ", back harmony"
local base = args[1] or (mw.title.getCurrentTitle().nsText == "Template" and "{{{1}}}") or ""; if base == "" then error("Parameter 1 (base stem) may not be empty.") end
local final = args[2] or ""
make_singular_long(data, base .. final, "o")
make_plural(data, base .. final, "o")
inflections["k-front1"] = function(args, data)
if args["stem"] or args["sup"] then
data.title = "plural in " .. m_links.full_link({lang = lang, alt = "-k"}, "term") .. ", front unrounded harmony"
local base = args[1] or (mw.title.getCurrentTitle().nsText == "Template" and "{{{1}}}") or ""; if base == "" then error("Parameter 1 (base stem) may not be empty.") end
local final = args[2] or ""
make_singular_long(data, base .. final, "e")
make_plural(data, base .. final, "e")
inflections["k-front2"] = function(args, data)
if args["stem"] or args["sup"] then
data.title = "plural in " .. m_links.full_link({lang = lang, alt = "-k"}, "term") .. ", front rounded harmony"
local base = args[1] or (mw.title.getCurrentTitle().nsText == "Template" and "{{{1}}}") or ""; if base == "" then error("Parameter 1 (base stem) may not be empty.") end
local final = args[2] or ""
make_singular_long(data, base .. final, "ö")
make_plural(data, base .. final, "ö")
function postprocess(args, data)
local n = args["n"] or args["form"]; if n == "" then n = nil end
if n and not (n == "sg" or n == "sing" or n == "pl" or n == "isg") then
error("The parameter \"n\" must be \"sg\", \"pl\", \"isg\" or empty.")
-- isg: "i-type singular" like képeim, képeid, képei, which need to be inflected like singular but displayed as plural
if n == "isg" then data.forms["esm_pl"] = data.forms["esm_sg"] end
-- sortedPairs saves a list of keys so that we can modify the table
-- while iterating over it.
for key, form in require "Module:table".sortedPairs(data.forms) do
-- Do not show singular or plural forms for nominals that don't have them
if (n == "pl" and key:find("_sg$")) or ((n == "sg" or n == "sing") and key:find("_pl$")) then
data.forms[key] = nil
-- if "isg" is given for "n", singular forms are copied into the plural, then the singular forms are set to nil
if (n == "isg" and key:find("_sg$")) then
data.forms[string.gsub(key, "sg", "pl")] = form
data.forms[key] = nil
local function any_arg(...)
for _, key in ipairs {...} do
if args[key] and args[key] ~= "" then
return true
return false
local has_esm_sg = any_arg("esm_sg", "ul", "ül")
local has_esm_pl = any_arg("esm_pl", "akul", "ekül", "okul", "ökül", "kul", "kül")
local has_noposs = any_arg("noposs", "é", "éi")
if not has_esm_sg then
data.forms["esm_sg"] = nil
if not ((n == "isg" and has_esm_sg) or has_esm_pl) then
data.forms["esm_pl"] = nil
-- Blank the non-attributive possessive rows if noposs is specified in the call
if has_noposs then
data.forms["np1_sg"] = nil
data.forms["np2_sg"] = nil
data.forms["np1_pl"] = nil
data.forms["np2_pl"] = nil
-- Make the table
function make_table(data)
local function show_form(forms, code)
local form = forms[code]
if not form then
return "—"
elseif type(form) ~= "table" then
error("a non-table value was given in the list of inflected forms.")
local ret = {}
local accel = {
form = code:gsub("%f[^_](%a%a)$", {sg = "s", pl = "p"}):gsub("_", "|"),
for key, subform in ipairs(form) do
table.insert(ret, m_links.full_link({
lang = lang,
term = subform,
accel = accel,
return table.concat(ret, "<br/>")
local function repl(param)
if param == "lemma" then
return m_links.full_link({lang = lang, alt = mw.title.getCurrentTitle().text}, "term")
elseif param == "info" then
return data.title and " (" .. data.title .. ")" or ""
return show_form(data.forms, param)
local wikicode = mw.getCurrentFrame():expandTemplate{
title = 'inflection-table-top',
args = {
title = 'Inflection{{{info}}}',
tall = 'yes',
palette = 'green'
} .. [=[
! class="outer" |
! class="outer" | singular
! class="outer" | plural
! [[nominative case|nominative]]
| {{{nom_sg}}}
| {{{nom_pl}}}
! [[accusative case|accusative]]
| {{{acc_sg}}}
| {{{acc_pl}}}
! [[dative case|dative]]
| {{{dat_sg}}}
| {{{dat_pl}}}
! [[instrumental case|instrumental]]
| {{{ins_sg}}}
| {{{ins_pl}}}
! [[causal-final]]
| {{{cfi_sg}}}
| {{{cfi_pl}}}
! [[translative case|translative]]
| {{{tra_sg}}}
| {{{tra_pl}}}
! [[terminative case|terminative]]
| {{{ter_sg}}}
| {{{ter_pl}}}
! [[essive-formal]]
| {{{esf_sg}}}
| {{{esf_pl}}}
! [[essive-modal]]
| {{{esm_sg}}}
| {{{esm_pl}}}
! [[inessive case|inessive]]
| {{{ine_sg}}}
| {{{ine_pl}}}
! [[superessive case|superessive]]
| {{{spe_sg}}}
| {{{spe_pl}}}
! [[adessive case|adessive]]
| {{{ade_sg}}}
| {{{ade_pl}}}
! [[illative case|illative]]
| {{{ill_sg}}}
| {{{ill_pl}}}
! [[sublative]]
| {{{sbl_sg}}}
| {{{sbl_pl}}}
! [[allative case|allative]]
| {{{all_sg}}}
| {{{all_pl}}}
! [[elative case|elative]]
| {{{ela_sg}}}
| {{{ela_pl}}}
! [[delative case|delative]]
| {{{del_sg}}}
| {{{del_pl}}}
! [[ablative case|ablative]]
| {{{abl_sg}}}
| {{{abl_pl}}}
! non-attributive<br>possessive – singular
| {{{np1_sg}}}
| {{{np1_pl}}}
! non-attributive<br>possessive – plural
| {{{np2_sg}}}
| {{{np2_pl}}}
]=] .. mw.getCurrentFrame():expandTemplate{ title = 'inflection-table-bottom' }
return mw.ustring.gsub(wikicode, "{{{([a-z0-9_]+)}}}", repl)
return export