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See also: ssa, SSA, and ssą





From Proto-Finnic *-ssa, from earlier *-s-na, from *-s- (internal locative infix; see Proto-Finnic *-s-) + *-na (locative case suffix). Cognate with Erzya -со (-so), -сэ (-së).



-ssa (front vowel harmony variant -ssä, linguistic notation -ssA)

  1. The marker of inessive case; in, inside
    talo > talossa sg, taloissa pl
    metsä > metsässä sg, metsissä pl
    Onko hän talossa?
    Is he in the house?
    Ehdin tehdä sen kahdessa tunnissa.
    I managed to do it in two hours.
    Ja nyt putket ovat tyystin öljyssä.
    And now the pipes are covered in oil, through and through.
    Peruna on aivan iduissa.
    The potato is totally covered in sprouts.

Usage notes

  • See the appendix on Finnish nominal cases for more information on how the inessive case is used.
  • Dialectal forms include -s, -sa (especially in Western Finnish);.[1] the form -ssa was adopted from the eastern dialects into the standard language.


  1. ^ Lauri Kettunen: Suomen murteet III A. Murrekartasto, Suomalaisen Kirjallisuuden Seura, Helsinki 1940. Map #104. (Online link http://kettunen.fnhost.org/html/kett104.html)







-ssa (v-v?, truncative?)

  1. Marks the future tense.
  2. Marks logical necessity.

Further reading
