From WiKirby, your independent source of Kirby knowledge.
Heyo. As you could already tell from my username, I'm Ultimate Kirb. Although this is my first time actually contributing to a wiki, I'm still happy to be able to help out here. If I ever mess something up while editing or contributing, do let me know. I'd appreciate it! Oh, and here's my testing page, if you for some reason wanted to see that. Don't know why, but... it's there.
Kirby's Adventure ability icons for later use.
Edit Counter: 354
This user is male.
This user's birthday is on January 17th.
This user listens to video game music as his primary source of music.
This user is from the United States.
This user is the ultimate Kirb.
This user's favorite Copy Ability is Hammer. This user says "I simply like how powerful using this ability feels. Nothing more, nothing less.".
This user's least favorite Copy Ability is Copy. This user says "Outside of MWW, it's pretty useless since Kirby can just inhale.".
This user believes Light should never have been a Copy Ability. This user says "You have Spark and you have Fire. You should've been able to use those instead of being forced to use an ability as awful as Light.".
This user's runner-up favorite Kirby game is Kirby and the Forgotten Land. This user says if not for Planet Robobot being his first Kirby game, Forgotten Land would've easily been his favorite.
This user's least favorite Kirby game is Kirby: Canvas Curse. This user says "It just feels unfun to play and control.".
This user has a self-proclaimed rivalry with SupremeKirb, for obvious reasons related to usernames.
This user finds the Meta Knightmare modes to be very fun. Except the original. This user says "Meta Knight's moveset in the original is very lackluster, making it feel unfun and bland.".
This user is not going to stop with these userboxes.
This user thinks he really should start being more active again on WiKirby... and is currently trying to.
This user gets very nervous very easily when contributing and interacting, though this user is also slowly starting to get more comfortable with it.