Dukemon (X-Antibody)

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Name & Etymology
Digimon Reference Book Digimon Life Virtual Pets Video Games Misc
⇨ Japanese
This Holy Knight Digimon is called one of the "Royal Knights" alongside Omegamon and Magnamon. The Royal Knights are Digimon assigned the highest rank of Network Security, so it is absolutely impossible to violate Security in their presence. It is a being containing contradictions, as it is called a guardian deity of the Net despite being a Virus attribute, and if by any chance its balance is lost, it is possible for it to become a dangerous being. It is clad in holy armor refined and constructed from 99.9% pure Chrome Digizoid, and its right hand can become the holy lance "Gram" while its left hand can become the holy shield "Aegis". It honors chivalry, and is a loyal vassal towards its lord. Its Special Moves are a strong blow dispatched from the holy lance Gram (Royal Saber), and firing a beam which purifies everything from the holy shield Aegis in its left hand (Final Elysion).
The effect on Dukemon's Digicore due to the X-Antibody
Carrying out its devotion as a knight, this Dukemon threw itself into the sacred battle and was at last blessed with the supreme sacred armor, sacred lance, and sacred shield. It has sacred hybrid equipment combining "Red Digizoid", "Blue Digizoid", and "Gold Digizoid", which are rare metals, as well as Chrome Digizoid boasting the highest known purity. Since its form was remodeled in order to demonstrate its holy power, the lance of light emitted from its sacred lance Gram was amplified, and it acquired a new Special Move called "Sieg Saber" which lengthens it. In addition, it is said that Dukemon's red mantle from before acquiring the X-Antibody was given to the hero, Leomon.
Digimon Reference Book

Attack Techniques[edit]

Name Translation Kanji/Kana Romanization Description
Sieg Saber [2] Deu: Victory Saber ジークセーバー Zīku Sēbā Greatly amplifies light emitted from its sacred lance Gram[N 1].
Royal Saber [4]
ロイヤルセーバー Roiyaru Sēbā A powerful blow from Gram, or a beam of light fired from it.
Final Elysion [2]
[N 2]
ファイナル・エリシオン Fainaru Erishion Fires a purifying beam from its shield, Aegis.[N 3]


Evolves From[edit]

Evolves To[edit]



Digital Monster X-evolution[edit]

Dukemon (X-Antibody) was one of the Royal Knights who began to lose faith in Yggdrasill and as a result was killed by Omegamon. However, he was reborn with the power of the X-Antibody.

Dukemon (X-Antibody) in Digital Monster X-evolution.


Digimon Chronicle[edit]

Dukemon (X-Antibody) is a member of the Royal Knights and a servant of Yggdrasill.


Digimon Chronicle X[edit]

Dukemon (X-Antibody) is a member of the Royal Knights and a servant of Yggdrasill.


Digimon Chronicle X[edit]

Video Games[edit]

Digimon Life[edit]

Digimon Collectors[edit]

Digimon Crusader[edit]

Digimon World Re:Digitize Decode[edit]

Dukemon (X-Antibody) is the Partner Digimon of Matsuda Takato. He can be fought as the 3rd fight of the Heavenly Hall Free Battle: "We'll put you to the test".

Dukemon X-Antibody appears in the Lament of the X-Antibody chapter (慟哭のX抗体編 Dōkoku no X-Kōtai-hen) in order to find out Yggdrasill's true intentions. Based on what is hinted in the game, it may be the same as the one of Digital Monster X-evolution. Alongside Omegamon (X-Antibody), they're responsible for gathering the Infinity Mountain Exploration Team.

After Taiga defeated Vitium Adult in Signpost Woods, Plotmon ran towards him since it heard a loud sound. Taiga explained what happened and Plotmon realized it missed a huge fight but it refused to give up and went to the Memorial Stella, with Taiga following. They then found a new distortion. Plotmon tried to get close to it but was stopped by DORUmon, who explained said distortion was the X-Program. From it, the Royal Knights Dukemon (X-Antibody) and Omegamon (X-Antibody) emerged. Plotmon thought they looked very strong and DORUmon warned it they would delete it, which confused Plotmon. Omegamon realized they weren't the energy that brought them there, but Taiga was, to Dukemon's surprise, and they both attacked him to confirm. Dukemon and Omegamon were surprised Digimaru wouldn't go down and wondered if he had the X-Antibody. Omegamon then turned to DORUmon, who it considered a coward as he was scared of the X-Program despite having the X-Antibody and wouldn't challenge them despite killing all his friends. Dukemon stopped Omegamon from bullying DORUmon any further as he was just an useless weakling, but Taiga wasn't, so they'd awaken his potential if he came with them to new, unexplored lands. Dukemon explained they were the creators of the X-Program who fought the unfathomable, then they left into the distortion.

Omegamon (X-Antibody) and Dukemon (X-Antibody) showed up again in Floor 11 of Infinity Mountain after DORUgamon evolved into DORUgoramon, both confused and wondering if this is the will of Yggdrasill. Dukemon considers DORUguremon's devotion to pure power, even if it means sacrificing his soul, wonderful, proof of the beauty of life. Omegamon disagrees. Dukemon considers it the truth, as Yggdrasill's will, then leaves with DORUguremon. Omegamon doesn't understand, since he thought Dukemon wanted to help the Digimon being erased, so he leaves to pursue his friend. When Taiga and Kuga Yuuya found them in the next floor, Omegamon had been defeated by Dukemon. Omegamon wanted to know what Dukemon was thinking of. According to Dukemon, Omegamon was too weak, and Dukemon had learned of Yggdrasill's true intentions, which Omegamon thought impossible as the god's intentions were always uncertain beyond its desire for violence which would bring catastrophe to all the Digital World. Dukemon wondered if the potential of life took the form of DORUguremon and his desire for absolute destruction, which was simple, the most beautiful thing in the world. Dukemon refused to allow DORUguremon's evolution to be stopped, as that was what Yggdrasill truly was: a blessing for wild, unrestrained life. Omegamon pointed out the tragedy of the three terminals must not be repeated and it would not tolerate self-righteous slaughter. Dukemon called it a hypocrite since both of them were responsible for the loss of life, and accepted only one of their fates could continue. Omegamon turned to Taiga and Yuuya and told them to seize their fate and the fate of the world, as Dukemon's victory would mean dishonoring life, so Omegamon would stop it. The trio managed to defeat Dukemon (X-Antibody), who laughed at his defeat, congratulated the humans them on their strength, and left the fate of the world in their hands. Omegamon laughed at his euphenisms, said that Dukemon always struggled to find a spark of life while maintaining the appearance of a Holy Knight, and asked him to be honest with himself next time. Omegamon then put his trust in the humans as well, for DORUguremon's sake as well. Both asked them to protect the world from genocide and violence, then left.

After Taiga defeats Yggdrasill_7D6, he can face Omegamon (X-Antibody) and Dukemon (X-Antibody) in the Colosseum 30th floor Free Battle: "The Protectors of this World". Winning this awards Taiga an Omegamon (X-Antibody) and a Dukemon (X-Antibody) card. Beating this battle unlocks the Heavenly Hall Free Battle: "The Future we must create", where Dukemon (X-Antibody) is fought alone. Winning this awards Taiga 10 of each of the following: HP Chip, Brains Chip, Defense Chip.

Dukemon (X-Antibody) is also an obtainable Digimon which is evolved from Dukemon using the Supreme X-Antibody item. It can also be obtained as a collectible card. Its card is part of the Viral Knights (ウイルスをもつ騎士 Uirusu o Motsu Kishi) set.

Omegamon (X-Antibody) and Dukemon (X-Antibody) in Signpost Woods
Dukemon (X-Antibody) facing Digimaru, Black and Omegamon (X-Antibody)

Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth[edit]

Dukemon (X-Antibody) is available as a Digimon Medal.

Digimon Linkz[edit]

Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth Hacker's Memory[edit]

Dukemon (X-Antibody) is available as a Digimon Medal.

Digimon Masters[edit]

Digimon RPG[edit]

Digimon Soul Chaser[edit]

Digimon ReArise[edit]

Digimon New Century[edit]

Virtual Pets[edit]

Pendulum X 2.0 & 2.5[edit]

Evolves from Medieval Dukemon. Can also be obtained by Jogressing Dinotigemon (2.0) or Ulforce V-dramon (X-Antibody) (2.5) with Alphamon (1.0) or Death-X-DORUgoramon (1.5).

Pendulum X 3.0[edit]

Can be obtained as a Blast Evolution of Hisyaryumon or Ouryumon.

D-Cyber Version 2.0[edit]

D-Cyber Ultimate[edit]

D-Spirit 2[edit]

Digimon Accel Evil Genome[edit]

Can evolve from any Child through Ultimate Digimon, once the X-Point Gauge reaches 20.

Digimon Xros Loader[edit]

Digital Monster X[edit]

Digital Monster X Ver.3[edit]

Vital Bracelet Digital Monster[edit]


Hyper Colosseum


Card Game Alpha
Digimon Card Game

Image Gallery[edit]

Virtual Pets[edit]

Dukemonx vpet penx.gif Dukemonx blast vpet accel.gif Dukemonx vpet xloader.png Dukemonx vpet dmx.gif Dukemonx vpet vb.png
Digimon Pendulum X Digimon Accelerator
(Blast Mode)
Digimon Xros Loader Digital Monster X Vital Bracelet Digital Monster

Additional Information[edit]

References Notes
  1. Gram was the sword that Sigurd used to kill the dragon Fafnir in Norse mythology.
  2. Elysion (Ηλύσιον) is a reference to the Elysian Fields (Ηλύσια Πεδία), the final resting place of heroes in Greek Mythology.
  3. Aegis (Αιγίς) is the shield of Zeus. The DigiCode present on Aegis reads "Digital Monster"
    Dcde.pngDcji.pngDcta.pngルDcmo.pngDcn.pngDcsu.pngDcta.pngDcchouon.png (デジタルモンスター Dejitaru Monsutā)