Name & Etymology
Digimon Reference Book
Anime & Manga
⇨ Japanese A Cyborg Digimon that wanders about everywhere in the vast "Net Ocean", forging connections with various marine Digimon. It is capable of diving into ultra-high pressure zones thanks to the Bodysuit that covers its whole body, and has even intruded the "Abyss Sanctuary", which is constructed at the extreme depths of the sea. Like Angel Digimon and God Man Digimon, it is permitted to pass judgment upon those judged to be evil in the Net Ocean. Once a battle begins, its usual merriment undergoes a complete about-face like the raging sea, and it strikes sinners with a blow of judgment.
Its Special Moves are shooting cold air from its fist to freeze the opponent (Crystal Freezer), sending off ultra-high pressure water cutters from its horizontally swung hand (Aqua Zanba), and delivering a kick with its electrified foot (Raiburn Break). Also, it can deploy several Jellyfish Units to form its "Umbre Defender" electromagnetic shield to protect itself or its companions.
Digimon Reference Book
⇨ English 広大な“ネットの海”のどこでも回遊し、様々な海生デジモンと縁を結ぶサイボーグ型デジモン。全身を覆うボディースーツにより超高圧層への潜水を可能とし、超深海に建つ「アビスサンクチュアリ(深海神殿)」にも入城を果たした。天使型デジモンや神人型デジモンより、ネットの海における悪と判断した者を断罪することを許されている。戦いが始まれば普段の陽気さは荒れ狂う海��ように一変し、罪人へ裁きの一撃をお見舞いする。 必殺技は、拳から凍気を撃ち出し相手を凍結させる『クリスタルフリーザー』、水平に振るった手から飛び出す超高圧水のカッター『アクアザンバー』、足に電撃を纏わせてキックを叩き込む『ライバーンブレイク』がある。また数体のクラゲユニットを展開して電磁シールド『アンブレディフェンダー』を形成し、自分や仲間を守ることができる。
⇨ Japanese A Cyborg Digimon. It is capable of diving into ultra-high pressure zones thanks to the Bodysuit that covers its whole body. Its Special Moves are shooting cold air from its fist to freeze the opponent (Crystal Freezer), sending off ultra-high pressure water cutters from its horizontally swung hand (Aqua Zanba), and delivering a kick with its electrified foot (Raiburn Break). Also, it can deploy several Jellyfish Units to form its "Umbre Defender" electromagnetic shield to protect itself or its companions.
Toei Animation | Digimon Ghost Game
⇨ English サイボーグ型デジモン。全身を覆うボディースーツにより超高圧層への潜水が可能となった。必殺技は、拳から凍気を撃ち出し相手を凍結させる『クリスタルフリーザー』、水平に振るった手から飛び出す超高圧水のカッター『アクアザンバー』、足に電撃を纏わせてキックを叩き込む『ライバーンブレイク』がある。また数体のクラゲユニットを展開して電磁シールド『アンブレディフェンダー』を形成し、自分や仲間を守ることができる。
English Japanese Key Contents
Special/Signature Moves
Special/Signature Moves (other Digimon)
Forms (other Digimon)
Equipment (other Digimon)
Titles (other Digimon)
Attack Techniques[edit]
Crystal Freezer
Kurisutaru Furīzā
Frozen Crystal[1]
Shoots cold air from its fist to freeze the opponent.
Aqua Zanba
Akua Zanbā
Aqua Blade[1]
Sends off ultra-high pressure water cutters from its horizontally swung hand.
Raiburn Break
Thunderburn Break
Raibān Bureiku
Thunder Break[1]
Delivers a kick with its electrified foot.
Umbre Defender
Anbure Difendā
Umbrella Defender[1]
Deploys several Jellyfish Units to form an electromagnetic shield.
Evolves From[edit]
Evolves To[edit]
Amphimon is the partner Digimon of Higashimitarai Kiyoshiro.
Amphimon in Digimon Ghost Game.
Amphimon using Aqua Zanba.
Video Games[edit]
Virtual Pets[edit]
Image Gallery[edit]
Virtual Pets[edit]
Additional Information[edit]