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General info

  • Members
    • Jose Manuel Cantera
    • Sergi Mansilla
    • Francisco Jordano
    • Johan Lorenzo (QA)
    • Adrian de la Rosa (guest star)
    • Cristian Rodriguez (invited actor)
  • Meetings:
    • Daily happening on IRC currently on channel #fxos-comms at 11:00 CET
    • Subteam sprint planning: last day before the global sprint planning, IRC on channel #fxos-contacts at 10:00 CET

List of bugs

Contacts issues for this sprint

Full Query
ID Summary Component Status Resolution Assigned to Depends on Blocks Whiteboard Blocking b2g Feature b2g Target milestone
1028502 Retain Add Contact activity in Multi-Tasking Scenarios Gaia::Contacts RESOLVED FIXED Francisco Jordano [:arcturus] [:francisco] --- --- 2.1 S5 (26sep)
1030564 [Contacts][DSDS] SIM label flashing once when tapping on "Add as favorite" and "Remove as favorite" Gaia::Contacts RESOLVED FIXED Jorge Prudencio [:jorgep] [priority] --- --- 2.1 S5 (26sep)
1058449 Tapping on the settings button in contacts doesn't have any effect Gaia::Contacts VERIFIED FIXED Jose Manuel Cantera 1040017 2.1+ --- 2.1 S5 (26sep)
1059082 [NFC] Could not share the contact which initial imported via NFC Gaia::Contacts VERIFIED FIXED Francisco Jordano [:arcturus] [:francisco] 1034405 1026943, 1039181 [p=1], [2.0-flame-test-run-3] [priority][p=4] 2.1+ --- 2.1 S5 (26sep)
1059544 [Contacts] Negative Import Numbers after Losing Friends and attempting to Update Facebook Synced Contacts Gaia::Contacts VERIFIED FIXED Adrián de la Rosa [2.1-flame-test-run-1] --- --- 2.1 S5 (26sep)
1059860 Regression in contacts startup 2014-08-28 Gaia::Contacts RESOLVED WORKSFORME Francisco Jordano [:arcturus] [:francisco] 1071722 1073009 [eideticker_regression][p=2] --- --- 2.1 S5 (26sep)
1061072 [Contacts] Back 'X' is missing from Set ICE page (Single select mode) Gaia::Contacts VERIFIED FIXED Jorge Prudencio [:jorgep] 1081678 1026682, 1026943 [p=5] 2.1+ --- 2.1 S5 (26sep)
1061225 Add contact transition issue Gaia::Contacts RESOLVED FIXED [LibGLA, TD-92337, QE1, C] --- --- 2.1 S5 (26sep)
1061411 [Contacts] ICE 1 & ICE 2 can be set to the same contact Gaia::Contacts VERIFIED FIXED Francisco Jordano [:arcturus] [:francisco] 1026682, 1061422 --- --- 2.1 S5 (26sep)
1061420 [Contacts] Delete all numbers which belong to an ICE contact, that ICE should be removed from ICE list Gaia::Contacts VERIFIED FIXED Jose Manuel Cantera 1062595, 1139812 1026682 [p=3][2.1-flame-test-run-2] 2.1+ --- 2.1 S5 (26sep)
1061422 [Contacts] ICE can be set to a contact without number Gaia::Contacts VERIFIED FIXED Francisco Jordano [:arcturus] [:francisco] 1061411 1026682, 1026943 [p=4] --- --- 2.1 S5 (26sep)
1061500 Add dividers between fields in Contacts Form screen Gaia::Contacts RESOLVED FIXED Cristian Rodriguez (:crdlc) 1026943 P=1 --- --- 2.1 S5 (26sep)
1062168 [Contacts] Not clearly Process when user does a search to set ICE contact, Gaia::Contacts VERIFIED FIXED Adrián de la Rosa 1026682, 1026943 2.1+ --- 2.1 S5 (26sep)
1062595 No confirm window pops up to inform users that deleted numbers are removed from an ICE contact. Gaia::Contacts VERIFIED FIXED Jose Manuel Cantera 1026682, 1026943, 1061420, 1067234 [p=1] [2.1-flame-test-run-2] --- --- 2.1 S5 (26sep)
1067234 [ICE Contacts] Create an integration test for bug 1062595 (confirm window when deleting phone numbers) Gaia::Contacts RESOLVED FIXED Adrián de la Rosa 1062595 --- --- 2.1 S5 (26sep)
1067251 [Contacts] [Regression] Cannot reset phone field when editing a contact Gaia::Contacts VERIFIED FIXED Jose Manuel Cantera 1026943 --- --- 2.1 S5 (26sep)
1067303 [Contacts] deferred actions / migrator is not working. errors in console are found Gaia::Contacts VERIFIED FIXED Jose Manuel Cantera 1056647, 1060101 [p=2] 2.1+ --- 2.1 S5 (26sep)
1067427 [Contacts] [Regression] Contacts photo / image are lost under certain interactions made by the user Gaia::Contacts VERIFIED FIXED Cristian Rodriguez (:crdlc) 1081583 2.1+ --- 2.1 S5 (26sep)
1068098 [Contacts] Deleting a comment on a contact causes all other comments to disappear on edit screen Gaia::Contacts VERIFIED FIXED Jose Manuel Cantera 1081748 [2.1-flame-test-run-2] 2.1+ --- 2.1 S5 (26sep)
1068611 [Contacts] [Regression] When importing contacts from Gmail the last imported date is not updated Gaia::Contacts VERIFIED FIXED Cristian Rodriguez (:crdlc) --- --- 2.1 S5 (26sep)
1068651 [Contacts] [ICE] In occasions the ICE Group and Contact Settings info is not correctly updated Gaia::Contacts VERIFIED FIXED Jose Manuel Cantera --- --- 2.1 S5 (26sep)
1068814 [Contacts] Setting ICE contact with only a phone number does not show on ICE contacts settings screen Gaia::Contacts VERIFIED FIXED Jose Manuel Cantera [2.1-flame-test-run-2] 2.1+ --- 2.1 S5 (26sep)
1069242 [Contacts] Missing test in bug 1062168 Gaia::Contacts RESOLVED FIXED Adrián de la Rosa --- --- 2.1 S5 (26sep)
1069867 [Contacts] ICE section appears on top of the selection list right after a contact is set Gaia::Contacts RESOLVED FIXED Cristian Rodriguez (:crdlc) --- --- 2.1 S5 (26sep)
1069895 [Contacts] User can't set ICE contact, when this contact has been selected previously and switch of ICE contact is disabled Gaia::Contacts VERIFIED FIXED Jose Manuel Cantera --- --- 2.1 S5 (26sep)
1069974 [Contacts] [ICE] Deleting ICE Contact 1 makes ICE Contact 2 to promote to position 1 Gaia::Contacts VERIFIED FIXED Jose Manuel Cantera --- --- 2.1 S5 (26sep)
1071064 [Contacts] [ICE Settings] Even if Select ICE Contact button is disabled it can be clicked Gaia::Contacts VERIFIED FIXED Cristian Rodriguez (:crdlc) --- --- 2.1 S5 (26sep)
1071500 Facebook contacts with phone number cannot be set as ICE contacts Gaia::Contacts VERIFIED FIXED Cristian Rodriguez (:crdlc) 1038701, 1096626 2.1+ --- 2.1 S5 (26sep)
1071632 [Contacts] [ICE] ICE Group is not properly refreshed after removing all phone numbers of an ICE Contact Gaia::Contacts VERIFIED FIXED Cristian Rodriguez (:crdlc) 1081696, 1113127 2.1+ --- 2.1 S5 (26sep)
1071634 ICE Contacts Group Shortcut seems to be visually incorrect (see attachment) Gaia::Contacts VERIFIED FIXED Jose Manuel Cantera --- --- 2.1 S5 (26sep)
1072203 [Contacts] [Facebook] Friends list proposal for linking seems to be visually incorrect Gaia::Contacts VERIFIED FIXED Jose Manuel Cantera 1069288 --- --- 2.1 S5 (26sep)
1073009 [kk base] Regression in contacts startup 2014-09-16 Gaia::Contacts RESOLVED DUPLICATE 1059860, 1071722 [eideticker_regression][p=2] --- --- 2.1 S5 (26sep)
1073400 [Contacts] [ICE] When all ICE Contacts are unset the ICE Contact group list is displayed as empty Gaia::Contacts VERIFIED FIXED Jose Manuel Cantera 2.1+ --- 2.1 S5 (26sep)

33 Total; 0 Open (0%); 9 Resolved (27.27%); 24 Verified (72.73%);

Sprint planning

Daily meetings


Francisco Jordano

Working on :

  • bug 1067306 - [Contacts] Estimate current haida status in contacts
  • bug 1072723} - [NFC] Could not import contact via NFC
  • Code reviews

Sergi Mansilla

Working on:

  • bug 1061503 - Comments field in contact edit form needs to have the text at the top, and be converted to a textarea
  • bug 1020757 - [FDN] Enable/Disable FDN asks to enter PUK if the enable/disable FDN failed
  • bug 1070941 - ICC.updateContact should not require to pass pin2 as a parameter

Jose Manuel Cantera

To be updated

Johan Lorenzo

Past days has been focus on dialer task mainly, but will catch up with contacts today.


Francisco Jordano

Working on:

Bug 1072723 — NEW, — [NFC] Could not import contact via NFC

Bug 1073009 — DUPLICATE, — [kk base] Regression in contacts startup 2014-09-16

Sergi Mansilla

Working on:

Bug 1061503 — NEW, — Comments field in contact edit form needs to have the text at the top, and be converted to a textare

Bug 1020757 — NEW, — [FDN] Enable/Disable FDN asks to enter PUK if the enable/disable FDN failed

Jose Manuel Cantera

Working on:

Bug 1069895 - [Contacts] User can't set ICE contact, when this contact has been selected previously and switch of ICE contact is disabled (under review)

Bug 1073400 — NEW, — [Contacts] [ICE] When all ICE Contacts are unset the ICE Contact group list is displayed as empty (under review)

Adrián de la Rosa

Working on:

Bug 974589 - [contacts] Contacts needs "open" activity to support text/vcard because bug 887663 added it to the MimeMapper so email thinks they are downloadable

Cristian Rodriguez

Working on:

[Bug 1071500] Facebook contacts with phone number cannot be defined as ICE contact (under review)

Bug 983766 - [B2G][Dialer] Suggested phone numbers don't appear for Facebook contacts that have edited phone numbers (under review)

Johan Lorenzo

  • Catching up with bugmail
  • Triaging some ICE Contacts bugs. Working with Wilfred on that
  • ICE Contacts exploratory tests


Francisco Jordano

Working on:

Bug 1059860 - Regression in contacts startup 2014-08-28 (under review by JMCF)

Sergi Mansilla

Working on:

Bug 978014 — NEW, — [FDN] Edit FDN contact does not ask for PUK2 password when PIN2 gets blocked

Bug 1020757 — NEW, — [FDN] Enable/Disable FDN asks to enter PUK if the enable/disable FDN failed

Jose Manuel Cantera

Working on:

Bug 1069974 - [Contacts] [ICE] Deleting ICE Contact 1 makes ICE Contact 2 to promote to position 1 (under review)

Bug 1069895 - [Contacts] User can't set ICE contact, when this contact has been selected previously and switch of ICE contact is disabled

Bug 1071634 - ICE Contacts Group Shortcut seems to be visually incorrect (under UI Review)

Bug 1071632 - [Contacts] [ICE] ICE Group is not properly refreshed after removing all phone numbers of an ICE Contact

Adrián de la Rosa

Working on: - [ICE Contacts] Create an integration test for bug 1062595 (confirm window when deleting phone numbers)

Cristian Rodriguez

Working on:

[Bug 1071500] Facebook contacts with phone number cannot be defined as ICE contact (under review)

Bug 1069354 - [Contacts] When I import Facebook contact, *not* all contacts are imported

Johan Lorenzo

  • Catching up with bugmail
  • Triaging some ICE Contacts bugs. Working with Wilfred on that


Francisco Jordano

Working on:

Bug 1059860 - Regression in contacts startup 2014-08-28

Sergi Mansilla

Working on:

Bug 978014 — NEW, — [FDN] Edit FDN contact does not ask for PUK2 password when PIN2 gets blocked

Bug 1020757 — NEW, — [FDN] Enable/Disable FDN asks to enter PUK if the enable/disable FDN failed

Jose Manuel Cantera

Working on:

Bug 1069974 - [Contacts] [ICE] Deleting ICE Contact 1 makes ICE Contact 2 to promote to position 1

Bug 1069895 - [Contacts] User can't set ICE contact, when this contact has been selected previously and switch of ICE contact is disabled

Bug 1071005 - [Contacts] [ICE] An inactive ICE Contact remains selected even if all their tel numbers are removed

Pending review:

Bug 1068651 - [Contacts] [ICE] In occasions the ICE Group and Contact Settings info is not correctly updated

Bug 1070914 - [Contacts] [Settings] SIM Import label has disappeared

Adrián de la Rosa

Working on: - [ICE Contacts] Create an integration test for bug 1062595 (confirm window when deleting phone numbers)

Cristian Rodriguez

Working on:

Bug 1071064 - [Contacts] [ICE Settings] Even if Select ICE Contact button is disabled it can be clicked

[Bug 1071500] Facebook contacts with phone number cannot be defined as ICE contact


Francisco Jordano

Working on:

Bug 1059860 - Regression in contacts startup 2014-08-28

Sergi Mansilla

Working on:

Bug 978014 — NEW, — [FDN] Edit FDN contact does not ask for PUK2 password when PIN2 gets blocked

Bug 1020757 — NEW, — [FDN] Enable/Disable FDN asks to enter PUK if the enable/disable FDN failed

Jose Manuel Cantera

Working on:

Bug 1069974 - [Contacts] [ICE] Deleting ICE Contact 1 makes ICE Contact 2 to promote to position 1

Bug 1069895 - [Contacts] User can't set ICE contact, when this contact has been selected previously and switch of ICE contact is disabled

Refactoring ICE Settings to avoid race conditions

Adrián de la Rosa

Working on: - [Contacts] Missing test in bug 1062168 - [ICE Contacts] Create an integration test for bug 1062595 (confirm window when deleting phone numbers)


Francisco Jordano

Working on: — REOPENED, — [Contacts] ICE 1 & ICE 2 can be set to the same contact — NEW, — [Contacts] ICE can be set to a contact without number

José Manuel Cantera

Working on: — NEW, — [Contacts] Setting ICE contact with only a phone number does not show on ICE contacts settings scree

Waiting for review:

Adrián de la Rosa

Working on: — REOPENED, hola — Intermittent contacts/test/unit/views/list_test.js | Render contacts list Facebook Contacts List Sea — NEW, hola — [ICE Contacts] Create an integration test for bug 1062595 (confirm window when deleting phone number 11:24 — NEW, hola — [Contacts] Not clearly Process when user does a search to set ICE contact,

Sergi Mansilla

Not present


Francisco Jordano

Working on uplifting: this was the one reverted Bug 1064256 now it has a specific patch for 2.1 waiting for being uplifted and the one that was not able to apply

José Manuel Cantera

Working on:

Waiting for review:

Adrián de la Rosa

Working on:

Sergi Mansilla

Not present



Actions taken from last sprint

  • 85% of achieved commitments

Things that went well

  • Number of issues resolved is amazing.
  • Again, trello is looking good, and now that we have the burn down chart with google charts even better.

Things that went not that well

  • In some cases 2 weeks sprint planning look a bit too short and we have a lot of overhead of meetings.
  • Late 10ln bugs are frustrating.

Actions for this sprint

  • Try to sync (somehow) trello and bugzilla
  • Create mailing list for the contacts team
  • Propose triage session for contacts