All Uratha, even the Ghost Wolves, recognize the value of fetishes. Fetishes are what would otherwise be mundane items or elements fashioned together and made into vessels or traps for spirits. The spirits contained within these items can be of enormous benefit to werewolves, affording them versatile advantages limited only by a fetish-crafter’s skill.
Most fetishes are marked in some way, decorated or engraved with symbols or glyphs that are meant to enhance the power of the spirit within. Recognizing a fetish or talen for what it is requires an Intelligence + Occult roll. Success indicates that the character knows it for a fetish and knows the general purpose (such as recognizing that a Mask of Life has something to do with health), while an exceptional success grants more specific information.
Starting characters may possess a fetish by having the Fetish Merit. Such items may also be found, won, stolen or otherwise acquired during the events of a story. Actually creating a fetish requires the Fetish Rite.
A character may attune himself to a fetish by wearing it next to his skin for one hour and succeeding on a Harmony roll. Success indicates that the fetish is attuned to his form and will adapt itself as an item dedicated via the Rite of Dedication would. The fetish remains attuned to the character for one lunar month (at which point he may attune himself to it again if he chooses), or until another werewolf successfully attunes herself to the fetish. A character automatically begins play attuned to any fetishes purchased at character creation via the Fetish Merit.[1]
Activating a Fetish[]
Most fetishes have a power that is used upon activation. To activate a fetish, a werewolf communes briefly with the inhabiting spirit, spurring it into action. The player must make a Harmony roll (a pool with a number of dice equal to the character’s Harmony dots), with a penalty equal to the fetish’s level (the number of dots that indicate its rating). Willpower may be spent to add three dice to this roll. Alternatively, the player may spend a point of Essence for his character to activate a fetish without need for a roll, in effect bribing the spirit with Essence.
Talens have no dot ranking and, therefore, no activation modifier.
Dice Pool: Harmony
Action: Varies by fetish
Roll Results
Dramatic Failure: The Uratha pushes the fetish’s spirit beyond the breaking point. The spirit refuses to function again until the wielder performs the Rite of Contrition.
Failure: The werewolf fails to contact the spirit, and the fetish doesn’t activate.
Success: The fetish functions normally.
Exceptional Success: The werewolf is so courteous that all rolls to activate the fetish receive a +2 bonus for a lunar month, or until a dramatic failure is rolled while attempting to activate it, whichever comes first.[2]
Fetish Ranks[]
Talen: A one-use, low-power fetish, or a minor item that doesn’t lost its power, but that doesn’t have much utility, either. Any werewolf can create one, provided she knows the Fetish Rite. Werewolves often use talens as a kind of quick currency among themselves. All talens can be used only once before reverting to an ordinary object of appropriate form.
One-Dot: A useful fetish, but only under specific circumstances. Usually given to characters upon being accepted into a tribe or by a mentor upon completing a Rite of Passage. Even a relatively unskilled ritemaster can create a fetish this powerful.
Two-Dot: A fetish weapon no more useful than a werewolf’s natural weaponry, or a more versatile fetish that grants a minor bonus in a variety of situations or a considerable bonus in one. These fetishes are more complicated to make, but are still common enough to be in circulation. A werewolf might be granted such a fetish in exchange for services to a pack or his tribe, or upon joining a lodge.
Three Dot: A potent fetish. This could be a weapon with a minor blessing, or an item that could be used reliably in dangerous situations. Crafting such a fetish of this power takes time, dedication and real talent. These items aren’t given out carelessly; a werewolf must truly distinguish herself to earn one.
Four-Dot: A fetish with a very useful, broadly applicable power. If a weapon, it may have a consistently useful power in addition to the simple damage it inflicts, or a strong power that is used infrequently. Creating fetishes of this power requires great skill, and werewolves who do so aren’t likely to give them away. These fetishes are usually inherited (or stolen), but sometimes a werewolf who performs an extremely noteworthy service for his tribe or lodge might earn one.
Five-Dot: A legendary one-of-a-kind fetish, certainly with a unique name and story, possibly with more than one spirit bound into it. If one ever bears any resemblance to another, it’s usually because one master craftsman wished to pay homage to another. If it is a weapon, it may inflict aggravated damage.
Winning a fetish of this magnitude might earn the bearer a free experience point to be spent of a Glory or Honor award. Creating such an item might be worth a free experience point to be spent on Wisdom.[3]
Contested Rolls[]
Fetishes count as a use of supernatural powers. As such, when used against another supernatural being, the rules for Supernatural Conflict (Werewolf: The Forsaken, p. 103) are in play. A werewolf would add his Primal Urge to the roll to contest a fetish's power, a vampire would add Blood Potency and so on.[4]
Fetish Lifespans[]
Like all living beings, fetishes don't endure forever, which explains why the world is not littered with the fetishes crafted over the millennia. Still, level-three fetishes can live as long as a human (often much longer than many Uratha), and higher ranked fetishes may be passed down for generations before their time is up. Eventually the bindings formed at the fetish's creation degrade, and the spirit gently returns to its place of origin in the Shadow. The binding object may quickly degrade as well without the spirit's presence, aging to the point of uselessness within a few minutes of the unbinding - even if the object should naturally endure much longer, the shell crumbles. This isn't universal, however; an old fetish knife might rust a bit, yet still remain in one piece.
The bindings on a fetish can be re-dedicated by performing the fetish rite, but this has all the same risks as the normal fetish creation rite. If the Uratha flubs the ceremony, the fetish is ruined. Most spirits are hostile to this process.
Rumor has it that should an Uratha die an extremely honorable death, such as during a great feat of renown, powerful Lunes may sever the ties of that Uratha's fetishes, allowing them to escort the dead Uratha into the afterlife. The shells of these fetishes are always buried with the Uratha, as honored allies.[5]
- Fetish: Lifespan
- Talen: 6-12 months
- Rank One: 1-5 years
- Rank Two: 5-10 years
- Rank Three: Decades
- Rank Four: Centuries
- Rank Five: Millennia
Unlike awakened objects, the spirit inside a fetish has an extremely limited ability to interact with the world. It rouses from slumber once in a while to fulfill the function or functions for which it was created, it may pulse the occasional emotional impulse to anyone touching it and it may be trigged by a sudden influx of Essence.
Under extraordinary circumstances, the Storyteller might allow a fetish to react to a situation. Examples might be when called to act by Rank 5+ spirits of its choir or descant, or when exposed to an inordinate amount of Essence. In such cases, it may even be able to use a portion of the ability it possessed while free.[6]
Here are some quick and dirty rules:
- A fetish experiencing a brief moment of autonomy can activate nay of its powers as needed.
- For anything that would normally require Finesse, Power or Resistance rolls - roll a number of dice equal to the fetish's Level + 3.
- For rolls involving resisting the fetish's power when not in the possession of its owner - what it was created to perform - the dice pool equals the fetish's Level x 2.
Fetishes And the Rest of the World[]
Detecting a Fetish[]
Communing with Fetishes[]
Honoring and Caring for a Fetish[]
Acts of Appeasement[]
Rebellious Tools[]
Creating and Using a Fetish[]
Convincing the Spirit[]
Creating and Using a Talen[]
First Edition[]
Bitter Brew[7]: This coffee-like drink is infused with anise, chicory, milk thistle and a few drops of the drinker's own blood. When consumed, Bitter Brew grants the drinker a +2 to his Speed for one hour. Any strong wind-spirit empowers this talen.
Action: Instant
Churning Smoker[8]: This hand-rolled cigar or cigarette is stuffed with tobacco leaves, human hair and crushed cliff rose petals. The user blows the smoke in target's face, and the target must immediately roll Wits + Resolve. Failing that roll means the target vomits. Humans (including ghouls and wolf-blooded) suffer a -2 penalty to the Wits + Resolve roll. Truly supernatural humans such as mages suffer no such penalty. This talen is empowered by a dizziness-spirit.
Action: Instant
Decay Dust[9]: This talen, fashioned from the dust or ashes of any once-living thing, causes one human-sized corpse to decay into dust within one turn. Any spirit of decomposition can empower this talen. The effect doesn’t work on the bodies of zombies, vampires or the undead, only on inanimate corpses.
Action: Instant
Moon’s Allure[10]: Made from crushed flower petals, this powder mitigates the effect that Lunacy has on humans. When the powder is sprinkled on a human subject, her Willpower is considered to be three dots higher than normal when exposed to the maddening sight of a werewolf’s supernatural powers. A cat-spirit empowers this talen. The effect lasts for the remainder of the scene.
Action: Instant
Storm Arrow[11]: Typically fashioned with a mundane arrow, one of these talens can also be created from stone, a bullet or any other projectile. When it strikes a target (requiring a successful attack roll), a localized thunderclap sounds. A reflexive Wits + Resolves roll is made for the target struck. If it fails, the victim is stunned temporarily and suffers a -2 modifier on his next action. The effect occurs in addition to any damage inflicted. Storm-spirits are used to empower these talens.
Action: Reflexive
Tooth Soap[12]: Two human canine teeth are buried in the center of this ragged bar of handmade soap. When allowed to lather up an inorganic object of Size 5 or smaller, the talen reduces that object's Durability by 1 until the soap lather dries. The lather dries in one hour, then flakes off. The soap is empowered by a termite-spirit.
Action: Instant
Wisp Gum[13]: This chewing gum, made from spruce gum and mixed with wood ash, must be dried prior to chewing and chewed for one hour prior to activation. Once the gum is sufficiently softened in the mouth, the werewolf can stick the gum to any surface. The wad of gum will then emit a strong of smoldering smoke - this white smoke almost glows with its own light. Only the werewolf who chewed the gum can actually perceive the smoke, however. He can see this shimmering smoke from up to a mile away, and can smell it with a Wits + Survival roll for up to two miles. The smoke stops after an hour. This talen is empowered by a spruce-spirit.
Action: Instant
Wolfsbane[14]: Human legend ascribes many properties to this plant, the ability to repel or “cure” werewolves among them. This isn’t true, of course, but properly prepared wolfsbane can force a werewolf into human form. The user simply blows the dust of the plant into the target’s face. Doing so successfully can be handled like touching an opponent, with Dexterity + Brawl (see the World of Darkness Rulebook, p. 157). A victim changes to Hishu form immediately unless a successful, reflexive Stamina + Composure roll is made for him. A target in the throes of Death Rage cannot be brought under control with wolfsbane. He remains in Gauru form. A wolf-spirit empowers this talen.
Action: Instant
One-Dot Fetishes[]
Blessing of Vigor[15]: Children of all species operate in short bursts of energy that their elders find dizzying. A werewolf who binds a cub-spirit into a fetish can benefit from this energy. Upon activation, a Cub’s Vigor fetish grants a +2 modifier on any Physical-Attribute-based action. The next turn, however, the energy wears off and the werewolf suffers a -2 modifier to all Physical Attribute-based rolls made for that turn. (That includes any Stamina rolls made reflexively as contested actions.) This fetish can be used only once per scene.
Action: Reflexive
Knothole[16]: When cupped in one hand and held steady on a solid surface, this pine knothole allows an Uratha to see through up to one foot of material. This effect lasts for two turns (six seconds) – long enough to get an idea what’s on the other side of a door or bank vault, but it cannot be used to see through the Gauntlet. This effect does not provide illumination. This fetish is made from a small pine knot that has been hollowed out. It can be powered by any spirit of the Tool Choir. A fetish knothole can be used once per scene.
Action: Instant in each turn in which it’s used
Skullbird[17]: This fetish is a small bird's skull hung from a cord and placed around the neck. Once the fetish is activated, a werewolf can mimic one sound from one animal convincingly, be it a lion's road, falcon's screech or a whale's keening. A mockingbird-spirit is used to create this item.
Action: Reflexive
Spirit Drum[18]: This fetish, a small hand-held drum, placates and numbs any spirits in the area, making them more receptive to werewolves. When beaten consistently throughout interaction with a spirit, the Spirit Drum grants a +2 modifier to all friendly Social rolls made toward spirits. The drum has no effect on ghosts (see the World of Darkness Rulebook, p. 208). Any spirit can be bound into a Spirit Drum.
Action: Instant in each turn in which the drum is beaten
Spirit Wings[19]: A favorite fetish of Irraka, this item usually takes the form of a small, sturdy feather or a piece of clay fashioned into the shape of a pair of wings. With a successful activation roll, that werewolf may fall up to 10 feet without making a sound, no matter what he lands on, or he may float 10 feet through the air in a straight line (not more than six inches off the ground). It doesn’t afford any protection if one lands on broken glass, it just deadens the “crunch.” Nor does the fetish silence any yelp of pain. Obviously, this fetish has little application for travel, although its stealth benefits are immense. Any bird-spirit can participate in the creation of this fetish. The item can be used only once per scene and a maximum of three times a day.
Floating 10 feet constitutes moving a character’s Speed in a turn. To float 10 feet and then travel Speed in distance counts as an instant action.
Action: Reflexive
Splinter Key[20]: This metal slinter, which may be sheared from cut steel or be a sliver from a busted cable, functions as a starter key for any automobile. The werewolf inserts the splinter into the ignition and activates the fetish, and the car starts. The trick is that the car will only run for a half-hour, at which point the fetish must be reactivated anew to restart the vehicle. Other more powerful versions of this fetish exist, with approximately one hour of use added per Merit point bought. An electricity-spirit is used to create this fetish.
Action: Instant
Two-Dot Fetishes[]
Fireflash[21]: This item is powered by a fire-spirit and looks like a hand mirror. When pointed at a fore it can be made to emit a bright flash, possibly blinding the target. A reflexive Dexterity + Composure roll Is made for the intended victim to avoid the flash. If it fails, he suffers blindness for two turns. (See “Fighting Blind” in the World of Darkness Rulebook, p. 166.) Once discharged, the fetish cannot be used again until it has reflected the light of a large fire. (A match or candle won’t work; nor will artificial light.)
Action: Instant
Fly Bottle[22]: This small bottle fetish is filled with dead bugs, usually flies. On a successful activation roll, a swarm of those bugs leaves the jar (encompassing a swarm far larger than whet the jar could contain) and attacks the nearest individual. Flies get in his mouth, ants dart up his pant legs and arms, moths flit in front of his eyes. The bugs, whatever they may be, cause no damage to that individual, but confer upon him a -1 penalty to all rolls, and -1 to his Defense for three turns. Whatever insect is on the jar requires that an equivalent spirit be bound to the fetish.
Action: Instant
Mercy Gem[23]: Fashioned of quartz or some other non-valuable stone, a Mercy Gem can prevent a werewolf from entering Death Rage. When a werewolf would normally enter Death Rage (a Resolve + Composure roll to remain in control fails), the player may choose to spend an Essence point instead. The Mercy Gem grows warm to the touch as it absorbs the point, and the Death Rage is averted. Death Rage cannot be terminated by contact with a Mercy Gem once it has begun. A gem works twice before it cracks and is useless. There’s no way to tell how many times a gem has been used until it shatters. A toad-spirit is used to create this fetish.
Action: Reflexive
+Scar/Tattoo Fetish[24]: Nearly all tribes make use of scar or tattoo fetishes to one degree or another. They have the advantage of being permanently part of a werewolf (unless someone physically removes the skin into which the spirit is bound, which happens sometimes). The effects of nearly any type of fetish (except for fetish weapons) can be incorporated into a scar or tattoo. Simply add one dot to the rating of the fetish in question (the Storyteller might also need to make some other judgment calls on how the scar/tattoo fetish works.)
System Key[25]: This small USB key fits into the USB port of any computer. When the fetish is activated, the spirit within literally gives a part of itself to the computer, inhabiting the system with this shard. The key can then be removed. The werewolf, at any point during the next two days, can roll his Harmony (or spend one Essence to negate the need for a roll) to see what a user is doing on that computer. Whatever the user is doing, whether downloading porn or encrypting illegal documents, becomes known to the werewolf. Each "glimpse" lasts five minutes. A curious animal-spirit (monkey, cat, rat) fuels this fetish.
Action: Instant
Three-Dot Fetishes[]
Biting Dagger (Minor Klaive)[26]: This particular example of a three-dot klaive is a small weapon, no bigger than a dagger. It inflicts damage as a knife but counts as armor piercing (see the World of Darkness Rulebook, p. 167), ignoring up to three points of Armor or an object's Durability. Such weapons are usually empowered by spirits of glass, serpents or spiders.
Other klaive weapons have different powers when activated. A three-dot klaive weapon shouldn't be more effective than a one-dot Gift.
Action: Reflexive
Bone Spur[27]: This sharp osseous spur, which is worn as a piercing through an earlobe or elsewhere, helps a werewolf suss out potential sinners. Once the fetish is activated (which lasts a scene), when encountering another character with a low Morality trait (Morality, Humanity, Harmony Wisdom or the like) score, the fetish reflexively reacts. When within five yards of a character with Morality 3-4, the spur tingles when seated in the werewolf's flesh. When within five yards of someone with Morality 1-2, the spur turns hot, and the flesh around it stings. If within five yards of someone with Morality 0, the spur burns the skin, causing a single bashing level of damage to the wearer. Note that the fetish doesn't allow the werewolf to determine who precisely is morally degraded - if the werewolf is in a crowd of people, the fetish provides no concrete indication. A spirit of wrath or justice is used to create this fetish.
Action: Reflexive
Cat’s Suture[28]: This thick leathery cord, made from dried cat intestine, is used to sew up a wound before it heals. When it heals, the skin grows around the thick stitch (though the stitch is still visible, occasionally rising above the the puckered skin like a fish's back sticking out of dark water). From that point forward, whenever a werewolf takes a wound that would kill him or knock him unconscious, he may activate this fetish to grant him three more Stamina dots, which further increases his Health levels by the same number. These dots last for a number of turns equal to half of the werewolf's Willpower (round up). Damage taken in these Health boxes accumulates on top of other damage once these boxes are taken away with the end of the effects. A dog-spirit helps create this fetish.
Action: Reflexive
Gauntlet Scar[29]: This fetish is usually crafted out of a cloth, brush or other cleaning instrument. When wet, it can be used to smooth out and close areas where the Gauntlet has suffered damage due to spirit battles or magic use. If the Gauntlet in the area had been damaged, one hour’s work with a Gauntlet Scar restores it to it normal rating. This fetish cannot raise or lower the Gauntlet’s rating beyond what it would be naturally. Werewolves use bee-spirits to create these fetishes.
Action: Extended (the character needs a number of successes equal to the damage the Gauntlet has suffered x2; each roll represents 15 minutes of effort)
The following roll results take precedent over those for standard fetish activation.
Dramatic Failure: The attempt fails utterly and the Gauntlet becomes immune to Gauntlet Scar in this area for one lunar month.
Failure: No successes are gathered at this time.
Success: Successes are accumulated, and if the required number is tallied, the character repairs the Gauntlet to its previous rating.
Exceptional Success: Several successes are gathered at one time. If five or more than the total required are gathered, the Gauntlet is restored and becomes incredibly stable. Any efforts to change it suffer a -4 penalty for one month.
Mask of Life[30]: Used mainly as an intimidation or as a last-ditch method to win a sight, the Mask of Life makes all visible damage to a werewolf’s body disappear. This simple pendant resembles a mask and is woven from the bristles of a boar. When it’s activated, wounds close, bleeding stops and the werewolf stand straight and proud without a visible injury. While no actual healing occurs, the user suffers no wound penalties to her actions; the mask fools even her own body. The effect lasts for the remainder of the scene, after which time the character once again manifests and suffers the effects of any wounds. A boar-spirit aids in the creation of this fetish. It can be used no more than once a week.
Action: Reflexive
Shadow Wings[31]: Shadow Wings usually take the form of a shirt or cloak made out of some very fine fabric. The werewolf wears only it when he intends to use the fetish’s power; if he wears anything over it, the fetish doesn’t function. Upon a successful activation roll, the werewolf can fly in the Shadow Realm (and only in the Shadow Realm) for three hours, allowing the Uratha to cover about 60 miles (at 20 miles per hour or 29 yards per turn). The fetish’s spirit must rest for another three hours before re-activation. Attacks and other tasks attempted that require a delicate touch while flying suffer a - penalty due to the awkward nature of the wings. Any bird spirit can be used to create this fetish, although owl-spirits are the most popular.
Action: Instant to activate; flying is reflexive thereafter
Timepiece[32]: This fetish always take the form of a wristwatch or pocket watch and has its origins with the Iron Masters (although all tribes now create and use them). When activated, a Timepiece records everything a werewolf experiences for three minutes, up to a range of his own senses. In effect, it records a “piece of time” from his own perspective. It’s possible for another werewolf to see the last “recording” on the Timepiece, but only after attuning the fetish to himself. The werewolf can then re-experience that moment at his leisure, studying it and learning from it. Besides the obvious information- and evidence-gathering capacity of this fetish, it also has utility in combat. If used to analyze a foe’s fighting style, the Timepiece grants a +2 modifier on all attack rolls against that foe during the next scene (and only the next scene) in which the used fights that particular foe. A werewolf can benefit from this bonus against only one foe at a time. Only one period of time can be recorded in the fetish at once. A new one erases the old.
Action: Instant
Four-Dot Fetishes[]
Bone Whistle[33]: While most werewolves don’t have much trick with the ghosts of dead humans, the Bone Shadows are interested in those strange echoes from beyond the grave. A Bone Whistle, fashioned from any decent-sized bone and imbued with a loon-spirit, forces any ephemeral spirit or ghost in the material world within 20 feet of the Uratha to become visible to all viewers when the werewolf blows. Spirits in possession of physical hosts or objects appear superimposed on their hosts’ physical features. A spirit’s Resistance is rolled as a dice pool in a reflexive and contested action. If successes rolled for the spirit match or exceed those achieved in the fetish’s activation roll, the spirit is unaffected. If multiple ghosts or spirits are within range and in the material world, a contested roll is made for each, with successes achieved compared to those of the fetish user.
Action: Instant
Four-Fingered Charm[34]: This fetish is four human fingers, dried and bound together with wire or leather cord. The fingers often retain the flesh, though the drying process makes it rough and papery. Most werewolves hang this talisman around their neck, though some keep it on a bracelet or shoved away in a deep pocket. When the fetish is used reflexively just before performing an act of theft, the fetish confers upon the werewolf's Larceny roll the "9 again" rule. Moreover, any attempts by witnesses to notice the act of theft (likely with a Wits + Composure roll) are made with a -2 penalty. This fetish is created with a crow- or blackbird-spirit.
Action: Reflexive
Fury Fang (Greater Klaive)[35]: Most klaives are of this level of power. The Fury Fang takes the form of a sword, and the wielder can feel the pulse of the spirit within when he grasps the handle. The Fury Fang encourages the wielder to cast caution to the wind when attacking. On any turn in which the character uses an all-out attack (see the World of Darkness Rulebook, p. 157), two more dice are added to the attack (raising the total bonus to +4). The spirit of a particularly aggressive animal, such as a wolverines or water moccasin, fuels this weapon.
Action: Reflexive
Lightning Rod[36]: This fetish is not a literal lightning-attracting device, but an object that can save a werewolf’s life in the event of a surprise attack. It must be created from a hand-held object and must actually be in a werewolf’s hand to be useful, so many Lightning Rods are actually created from gloves. If a surprise attack or ambush is staged against the wearer, the Storyteller makes an activation roll on the player’s behalf. If it’s successful, the werewolf’s hand jumps toward the source of the attack (actually, the fetish jumps, carrying the hand with it) and absorbs some or all of the damage inflicted. It absorbs up to seven points of bashing damage, five points of lethal damage or three points of aggravated damage inflicted in a single attack, with ant excess affecting the wearer normally. This effect applies to only the first attack staged against the fetish user in the ambush. The protection applies even if the victim notices the attackers before the trap is sprung (that is, a successful Wits + Composure roll is made). Any damage absorbed by the glove is determined after the wearer’s Armor or Defense (if any) is applied against the attack. Any quick-moving spirit (cat, fish, spider) can be used to create this fetish.
Action: Reflexive
Man’s Hammer[37]: The People respect Humanity’s aptitude for destruction. Recently, an Elodoth of the Meninna created a fetish capable of destroying any single object wrought by man. Since then, similar items have been created. Usually Man’s Hammers are made from actual hammers, but all of them contain metal of some kind. Upon successful activation, the Uratha had four turns to use the Man’s Hammer to smash man-made objects. The hammer cannot affect anything larger than Size 5. Attack rolls are made normally, with a +2 bonus for the hammer as a tool. (It is considered Size 1 and has a Damage rating of 2.) Damage done is determined normally, but the item’s Durability is ignored. So, damage is done directly to the item’s Structure. If a target is small or carried by someone, a specificed-target roll is required (see the World of Darkness Rulebook, p. 165).
Used against a living or undead target, the hammer gains no special bonuses. A person’s worn armor can be targeted with the fetish, though. A specified-target roll may be required based on the Storyteller’s discretion. The target’s Defense applies against the attack, but the highest of a piece of armor’s ratings (say, 3 for armor rated 2/3), the armor is destroyed and useless thereafter. Points of damage inflicted on armor over successive turns are cumulative. Damage inflicted reduces a target’s ratings appropriately until they drop to zero, at which point the armor is ruined. Magical armor or armor resulting from a target’s own body cannot be damaged or destroyed. When worn armor is attacked with a Man’s Hammer, the wearer no damage.
After four turns pass, a Man’s Hammer goes dormant, acting as a mundane item thereafter. It cannot be activated again for 24 hours.
Action: Reflexive
Peeper Jar[38]: The Peeper Jar is an eyeball, most likely human (though any mammal's eyes will do), sitting in a Mason jar filled with brine. A werewolf can place this jar anywhere, activating it at the time of the drop. For the next 12 hours, he can spend a Willpower point and close one eye, and see through the eyeball in the jar. The eyeball actually moves around, jerking left or right depending on which direction the werewolf "looks." He can have full 360-degree vision, provided the view from the jar isn't somehow blocked. A paranoia-spirit gives life to this fetish.
Action: Instant
Five-Dot Fetishes[]
Alpha’s Crown[39]: Packs of wolves fall into a natural pecking order. Packs of humans (and therefore werewolves to some degree) have no such instinct, so they squabble. An experienced Blood Talon, annoyed with his packmates and their constant insistence on voting on actions, created this fetish to inspire instinct. When worn by an Uratha, this leather-and-bone headband forces all other werewolves in the wearer’s vicinity (within line of sight) to obey him, provided that those werewolves have a lower Renown total (all five traits added together) than he does. If his is the highest total, other werewolves present instinctively obey the wearer. If another werewolf present has a higher total, all other werewolves (including the wearer) obey that Uratha. If there’s a tie in totals, roll a die to determine the winner.
Following the leader’s commands feels natural and acceptable; instinctive rather than forced. A reflexive and contested Resolve + Primal Urge roll is required to defy a command, with successes rolled exceeding those achieved in the activation roll of the crown. No commands are followed that will lead to harm, and anyone attacked by the leader has free will for the remainder of the scene. If a newcomer arrives in the space of the scene, a contested roll is made for him whenever he resists a command. Leaving the wearer’s line of sight frees a werewolf from influence, but returning to it calls for contested rolls once again.
The Alpha’s Crown can be used only once per day. It doesn’t work on wolf-blooded, humans or other supernatural beings.
Action: Instant to activate; reflexive thereafter
Herne’s Black Lantern[40]: This powerful fetish was created by a Hunter in Darkness known by his packmates as Herne the Huntsman. It was crafted from a black paper lantern drizzled with goat's blood. A white tallow candle burns within, though the flame never burns the paper, or the candle burn down (though one can purposefully put out the flame). When activated, the lantern casts eerie shadows over a radius of 100 yards. Any humans who come within that radius begin immediately to feel physically queasy and emotionally unsettled. They instinctively leave the lantern's radius, subconsciously identifying it as the source of their discomfort. Should they remain within that radius for more than a turn, they suffer a -3 penalty to all rolls within that area until they leave it. If placed within 10 yards of a locus, the fetish takes on further properties when active. If any spirit or creature attempts to take Essence from that locus, a lick of searing white flame flicks out and causes one point of aggravated damage per point of Essence taken. Only the werewolf to whom the fetish is attuned may take Essence without assuming this damage. This werewolf may also end the effect at any time. The fetish remains active until the next lunar phase, at which point the fetish can be reactivated. A firefly-spirit fuels this one-of-a-kind fetish.
Action: Reflexive
The Labrys (Lodge of Garm Grand Klaive)[41]: This mighty double-headed ax was created by a female Rahu of the Lodge of Garm. The labrys howls when used to strike a male opponent, and no human man can lift the mighty fetish. (No mundane human male can budge the item, although human women and any supernatural beings can operate it normally, as can any werewolf in Hishu form.) It inflicts aggravated damage against males, regardless of their species. It functions normally against women of any species, inflicting lethal damage.
Action: Reflexive
Milewalker’s Cloth[42]: Some werewolves, such as the titular Milewalker, claim no one territory and remain itinerant. This old fetish is a set of two cloths that look like white, gauzy bandages. A werewolf wraps both of his bare feet in these cloths. Once the fetish is activated, the Forsaken disappears from the physical world, but doesn't go to the Shadow, either. Some speculate the fetish allows the werewolf to walk between worlds, perhaps along the razor's edge of the Gauntlet, while others say he must be going somewhere else entirely. All the werewolf can see in this place-between-worlds are roads and paths previously traveled. These paths are lit up with brightness according to their frequency used (I-95 would shine as brightly as day, while a deer trail used by only a few hunters might appear as faintly luminescent as a dying flashlight). Provided she treks upon these previously traveled roads, her travel time is cut significantly. What would normally take her one hour now takes her 10 minutes (therefore, a six-hour trip would only last one hour). The fetish lasts until her journey is complete, and she reaches her destination (i.e., wherever she stops for more than an hour). This fetish is bound with a road-spirit.
Action: Instant
Second Edition[]
Sample Talens & Fetishes[]
Witch-Poppet (Talen)[43]: A Witch-Poppet is a weak but common talen amongst wilderness packs that want to trap intruders until the Uratha can muster a response. Usually appearing as a little charm or doll, an activated Witch-Popper is hung from a tree or bush.
Effect: The first person to touch the Witch-Poppet after activation is the victim of the Knotted Paths Nature Facet.
Dawn Shard[44]: Carrying a Dawn Shard is a good idea if an Uratha wants to deal with the volatile, unpredictable spirits of the sun.
Effect: The first impression of all Helions that the Uratha encounters improves by one level as long as they can see the sigil-carved fragment of mirror on his person.
Stalker's Lament[45]: A Stalker's Lament is a very popular fetish amongst Irraka, who often find themselves far from their packs. Usually fashioned in the form of a necklace or choker, the Lament wakens when the wearer howls.
Effect: No matter the distance to the Uratha's packmates, all other werewolves in the pack immediately hear the howl loud and clear, and know the direction of and distance to the howler. The Lament does not transmit any other information, and is often used as a pre-arranged emergency signal.
Tracker's Lantern[46]: The Tracker's Lantern is a simple little lamp or torch that blazes with a slightly odd violet light.
Effect: Where the lantern casts its illumination, all hand and foot prints made within the last hour light up with a phantasmal shimmer.
Charred Death-Rattle[47]: Charred Death-Rattles are common amongst Bone Shadows. They are little charms of scorched bone that chatter and clatter when shaken.
Effect: The Death-Rattle is used when activating the Tongue of Flame Elemental Facet, and adds a +3 bonus to the Uratha's pool for Influence (Fire).
Devourer's Fang[48]: A Devourer's Fang looks like a gnarled, twisted tooth, and is quite painful to use; the Uratha must yank out one of his own teeth and press the fetish in its place.
Effect: When the werewolf changes to any of his hybrid forms, his entire mouth is filled with vicious, grinding teeth capable of chewing through pretty much anything. He becomes able to chew any material, even rock, concrete or metal and gains sustenance from anything he eats regardless of its actual quality as food.
Rust-Talon Bindings[49]: Rust0Talon Bindings are heavy chain manacles, covered in a patina of red and brown corrosion.
Effect: Anyone bound by the fetish takes a point of lethal damage whenever she tries to use any supernatural power. She must then succeed at a Clash of Wills against the fetish, which has a dice pool of 5 - the only exception to this is the Unchained Strength Facet, which works as normal. Attempting to break or pick the bindings with a tool or weapon inflicts one point of Structure damage on the object in question, ignoring Durability.
Dragon's Egg Bezoar (Talen)[50]: Swallowing down a rough-surfaced Dragon's Egg Bezoar hurts, but when it hits the gut the lump starts to emanate invigorating heat.
Effect: Consuming the bezoar activates the Primal Strength Fact of the Gift of Strength.
Brine Bottle[51]: Brine Bottles see use amongst werewolves on the coast.
Effect: An Uratha with the Heart of Water Elemental Facet can leap into seawater to use his Facet in a startling new way. Rather than Influence (Water), the Uratha can instead spend 1 Essence and gain the ability to breathe underwater for the duration of the scene.
Gridlock Puzzle[52]: A Gridlock Puzzle is a mesh of interlocking metal rings and squares.
Effect: An Uratha with the All Doors Locked Warding Facet can pull, yank and reconfigure the puzzle to unleash the Facet in a very different way. Rather than doors and windows, the Uratha can instead control all traffic lights and other forms of traffic control within a radius of 100 yards x Honor Renown. If he wants to unleash mayhem in a busy city's rush hour, it's as simple as setting every nearby light to red.
Steel Wolf[53]: Steel Wolves see use with a few modern packs, especially those with Iron Masters in their ranks.
Effect: These fetishes are usually solidly built cars or vans. Road Shadows produce no noise when activated - their engines and wheels are entirely silent - while Ironhides have their Durability increased by +3 against attackers.
Whisper Knife[54]: While it does nothing to let its wielder see such beings, a Whisper Knife allows an Uratha to strike entities in Twilight with the weapon.
Effect: When an attack against a Twilight being hits home, the blade whispers in the user's mind, telling him the nature of the being he has wounded.
Storm Coil (Talen)[55]: A Storm Coil usually looks like an odd little lamp of copper or iron, housing a metal coil at its heart.
Effect: The talen allows the use of Influence (Electricity) 3. Storm Coils are usually used to overload a building's power with a surge, or to ground electricity from a live system to let an Uratha tamper with it.
Crimson Falx[56]: A Crimson Falx is a brutal weapon with a curved blade that's sharp on its inner edge - usually a glaive or sickle. These weapons are most commonly found in Blood Talon and Storm Lord hands.
Effect: After activation, the first enemy struck with the Falx in a scene suffers the Arm Wrack or Leg Wrack Tilt (attacker's choice) permanently, as the weapon chops the limb clean off.
Shadow Thunderhead Mask[57]: Shadow Thunderhead Masks are glowering depictions of snarling Uratha or spirit-beings. While wearing such a mask, spirits scarcely dare to try to work subtle enchantments or witchcraft against the wielder.
Effect: An Uratha wearing a Shadow Thunderhead Mask adds his Presence to all of his dice pools to resist any Influence, Numina, or Dread Power from a Claimed or spirit short of actual physical attacks.
Sky-Caller Trinket (Talen)[58]: Sky-Caller Trinkets are bundles of feathers and avian bones, usually tangled together with brightly colored thread.
Effect: These Talens allow the use of Influence (Birds) 4. Enterprising Uratha have made great use of being able to conjure loyal birds or to control entire flocks in the vicinity.
Cuneiform Cylinder (Talen)[59]: Cuneiform Cylinders are imprinted with the claw-sigils of the First Tongue, each one telling a powerful story of Forsaken history that grants deep insight.
Effect: Reading the clay cylinder's outer surface activates the This Story Is True Knowledge Facet. Some rare, ancient cylinders may be the work of the First Pack themselves, and such a talen would have an even greater effect if unleashed.
Drum of the Heavens[60]: The Drum of the Heavens resounds with a deep, beautiful note at each strike. While fairly hefty, the Drum makes music that spirits love.
Effect: For every minute that a spirit that is not outright hostile listens to the Drum, its impression of the drummer improves by one level. This has its downsides; the Fetish's owner is likely to be relentlessly pestered by spirits that just want to hear the divine, musical echoes of creation itself.
New Fetishes[]
Hearthglass[61][62]: Vikings raid for silver and slaves, but when seeking a gift for their wives, glass is the most prized substance. Glass beads come at a high price and in many colors, and have traveled from as far as Byzantium. A rare few are bound with spirits of fire or the hearth, and given on a necklace to close relatives to protect them from the cold.
Effect: When used in an extremely cold environment, the fetish downgrades the exposure by two levels for the remainder of the scene, and the user senses that warm embrace of the one who gave her the gift (see Extreme Environments on p. 97 of The Chronicles of Darkness Rulebook). The bead must be heated by a fireside for one hour between uses.
Hacksliver[63][64]: There is some debate as to whether these knives constitute a tool or a weapon. Named for fragments of silver objects cut for transport after Viking raids, the knives slice through precious metals with ease. Spirits of greed are used to empower such fetishes, and it's said that the knives can't be trusted to divide anything evenly.
Effect: Once activated, the user ignores two points of Durability when cutting silver or gold for the rest of the scene. This effect lasts until the end of the scene, and may also be used on allots or items heavily decorated with such metals.
Loki's Knuckles[65][66]: Gambling is one of the finest ways to pass a winter's night, and the game of Mia, or Liar's Dice, is popular with freemen and kings alike. This particular set of dice, carved from the knuckles of a thief or adulterer, aids the user in lying while playing the game.
Effect: The user receives +3 to Manipulation rolls while playing. This applies to lies about his rolls, but also to the boasts, wagers and political intrigue that take place over such games. The effect lasts one hour or until the game ends, whichever comes first.
Shieldbiter[67][68]: A shield can mean the difference between life and death, so why allow your foe that advantage? These fetishes commonly take the form of a hatchet. Hrolf Shipsplitter is said to have earned his deedname with one of these weapons.
Effect: Once activated, attacks with Shieldbiters ignore the durability of predominantly wooden objects, including reinforced shields. When attacking an opponent equipped with a wooden shield, ignore its Defense bonus.
- ↑ WTF: Werewolf: The Forsaken Rulebook, p. 204
- ↑ WTF: Werewolf: The Forsaken Rulebook, p. 204
- ↑ WTF: Werewolf: The Forsaken Rulebook, p. 204-209
- ↑ WTF: Lore of the Forsaken, p. 139
- ↑ WTF: Lore of the Forsaken, p. 139
- ↑ WTF: Lore of the Forsaken, p. 139
- ↑ WTF: The Rage: Forsaken Player's Guide, p. 135
- ↑ WTF: The Rage: Forsaken Player's Guide, p. 135
- ↑ WTF: Werewolf: The Forsaken Rulebook, p. 205
- ↑ WTF: Werewolf: The Forsaken Rulebook, p. 205
- ↑ WTF: Werewolf: The Forsaken Rulebook, p. 205
- ↑ WTF: The Rage: Forsaken Player's Guide, p. 135
- ↑ WTF: The Rage: Forsaken Player's Guide, p. 135
- ↑ WTF: Werewolf: The Forsaken Rulebook, p. 205
- ↑ WTF: Werewolf: The Forsaken Rulebook, p. 205
- ↑ WTF: Werewolf: The Forsaken Rulebook, p. 206
- ↑ WTF: The Rage: Forsaken Player's Guide, p. 135
- ↑ WTF: Werewolf: The Forsaken Rulebook, p. 206
- ↑ WTF: Werewolf: The Forsaken Rulebook, p. 206
- ↑ WTF: The Rage: Forsaken Player's Guide, p. 135
- ↑ WTF: Werewolf: The Forsaken Rulebook, p. 206
- ↑ WTF: The Rage: Forsaken Player's Guide, p. 135-136
- ↑ WTF: Werewolf: The Forsaken Rulebook, p. 206
- ↑ WTF: Werewolf: The Forsaken Rulebook, p. 206
- ↑ WTF: The Rage: Forsaken Player's Guide, p. 136
- ↑ WTF: Werewolf: The Forsaken Rulebook, p. 207
- ↑ WTF: The Rage: Forsaken Player's Guide, p. 136
- ↑ WTF: The Rage: Forsaken Player's Guide, p. 136
- ↑ WTF: Werewolf: The Forsaken Rulebook, p. 206-207
- ↑ WTF: Werewolf: The Forsaken Rulebook, p. 207
- ↑ WTF: Werewolf: The Forsaken Rulebook, p. 208
- ↑ WTF: Werewolf: The Forsaken Rulebook, p. 207
- ↑ WTF: Werewolf: The Forsaken Rulebook, p. 208
- ↑ WTF: The Rage: Forsaken Player's Guide, p. 136
- ↑ WTF: Werewolf: The Forsaken Rulebook, p. 208
- ↑ WTF: Werewolf: The Forsaken Rulebook, p. 208
- ↑ WTF: Werewolf: The Forsaken Rulebook, p. 208-209
- ↑ WTF: The Rage: Forsaken Player's Guide, p. 136
- ↑ WTF: Werewolf: The Forsaken Rulebook, p. 209
- ↑ WTF: The Rage: Forsaken Player's Guide, p. 136-137
- ↑ WTF: Werewolf: The Forsaken Rulebook, p. 209
- ↑ WTF: The Rage: Forsaken Player's Guide, p. 137
- ↑ WTF: Werewolf: The Forsaken Second Edition, p. 147
- ↑ WTF: Werewolf: The Forsaken Second Edition, p. 147
- ↑ WTF: Werewolf: The Forsaken Second Edition, p. 147
- ↑ WTF: Werewolf: The Forsaken Second Edition, p. 147
- ↑ WTF: Werewolf: The Forsaken Second Edition, p. 147
- ↑ WTF: Werewolf: The Forsaken Second Edition, p. 148
- ↑ WTF: Werewolf: The Forsaken Second Edition, p. 148
- ↑ WTF: Werewolf: The Forsaken Second Edition, p. 148
- ↑ WTF: Werewolf: The Forsaken Second Edition, p. 148
- ↑ WTF: Werewolf: The Forsaken Second Edition, p. 148
- ↑ WTF: Werewolf: The Forsaken Second Edition, p. 148
- ↑ WTF: Werewolf: The Forsaken Second Edition, p. 148
- ↑ WTF: Werewolf: The Forsaken Second Edition, p. 148-149
- ↑ WTF: Werewolf: The Forsaken Second Edition, p. 149
- ↑ WTF: Werewolf: The Forsaken Second Edition, p. 149
- ↑ WTF: Werewolf: The Forsaken Second Edition, p. 149
- ↑ WTF: Werewolf: The Forsaken Second Edition, p. 149
- ↑ WTF: Werewolf: The Forsaken Second Edition, p. 149
- ↑ CofD: Chronicles of Darkness: Dark Eras, p. 164
- ↑ CofD: Dark Eras: The Wolf and the Raven, p. 26
- ↑ CofD: Chronicles of Darkness: Dark Eras, p. 164
- ↑ CofD: Dark Eras: The Wolf and the Raven, p. 26
- ↑ CofD: Chronicles of Darkness: Dark Eras, p. 164
- ↑ CofD: Dark Eras: The Wolf and the Raven, p. 26
- ↑ CofD: Chronicles of Darkness: Dark Eras, p. 164
- ↑ CofD: Dark Eras: The Wolf and the Raven, p. 26