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Defenders are one of the three Hunter creeds who follow the virtue of Zeal. Unlike the otherwise similar Avengers, Defenders concentrate on protecting mortals rather than destroying supernatural creatures, though they are certainly capable of doing so if necessary. They believe caution and caring separate hunters from mobs and try to protect those they care for, be it their families or other hunters. Defenders tend to be strategists who know they can't take the fight to the enemy if their flank is exposed and that destroying the enemy is pointless if they die in the process or ruin what they hope to save. Many of the Edges commonly granted to Defenders are accordingly defensive in nature.

The special ability some Defenders have is the creation of protective tokens that bestow an unusual element of resilience to the people who receive them, or the objects or locales with which these tokens are placed. What powers these creations is their hope, wishing above all else their charge will survive the war unharmed.


  • Aggressive
  • Temperate
  • Tolerant

Standard Edges[]

  • [1]
    • Ward: Whether through sheer determination, monsters' fear, or some invisible barrier, they cannot approach a Defender unless they allow it or their will is stronger than the Defender's. A Defender doesn't have to concentrate for this power to persist, but it fails if they're incapacitated.
    • Alarm: Creates an invisible security perimeter, warning the Defender if supernaturals approach with an unpleasant feeling that increases as the number of creatures that cross the perimeter increases.
  • [2]
    • Rejuvenate: Minor injuries close up and heal visibly. Strained joints stop swelling on their own and pop back into place. Even broken limbs heal within days or sometimes hours. Defenders can impart some of their healing upon others. The edge does not cure long-term illnesses or re-grow lost appendages.
    • Lock: Seals anything (a door, window, book, computer, etc.) against supernatural passage, intrusion or observation. Monsters find entryways blocked by invisible walls, views beyond a window impenetrably black, a computer won't turn on.
  • [3]
    • Brand: The hunter's hand crackles with energy and, when laid upon a supernatural creature, can burn a mark on it, smoldering through any clothing that covers it. The brand can be in the shape of any symbol in the hunter language.
    • Guard: Allows a hunter to monitor someone, safeguarding them from a distance. The hunter can immediately tell if that person is in danger of being harmed by a supernatural being through a strong feeling of dread.
    • Stand: By activating this edge, a hunter can step back from death's door for a time. Through severely injured, they are able to keep fighting or moving. Unfortunately, this effect is temporary.
  • [4]
    • Champion: This edge forces their foe to confront them instead of others. A monster will have difficulty focusing its attention on anything but the Defender until they deactivate the edge, is incapacitated or someone else attacks the monster.
    • Protect: The hunter becomes naturally resistant to harm from attacks of supernatural creatures and their powers. This doesn't interfere with mundane attacks such as a bullet or a punch from a normal person, but does interfere with monsters' claws, bites and spells.
  • [5]
    • Burn : The hunter is infused with a searing energy visible to everyone as if lava was running through their veins. Touching the hunter in this state is painful and damaging.
    • Blast: When this edge is activated, a ring of electrical energy erupts from the character's body and expands. A monster coming into contact with it is showered in miniature lightning bolts. The effect is visible to all hunters and supernaturals, but doesn't affect humans or other hunters.


^  Level 1

Ward HTR: Hunter: The Reckoning Rulebook Buy it from DriveThruRPG! Pg. 157-158
Ward cMET: Laws of the Reckoning Pg. 211
Alarm HTR: Hunter Book: Defender Buy it from DriveThruRPG! Pg. 74-75
Alarm cMET: Laws of the Reckoning Pg. 211-212

^  Level 2

Rejuvenate HTR: Hunter: The Reckoning Rulebook Buy it from DriveThruRPG! Pg. 158
Rejuvenate cMET: Laws of the Reckoning Pg. 212
Lock HTR: Hunter Book: Defender Buy it from DriveThruRPG! Pg. 75
Lock cMET: Laws of the Reckoning Pg. 212-213

^  Level 3

Brand HTR: Hunter: The Reckoning Rulebook Buy it from DriveThruRPG! Pg. 158-159
Brand cMET: Laws of the Reckoning Pg. 213
Guard HTR: Hunter Book: Defender Buy it from DriveThruRPG! Pg. 75-76
Guard cMET: Laws of the Reckoning Pg. 213-214
Stand HTR: Hunter: Holy War Buy it from DriveThruRPG! Pg. 100

^  Level 4

Champion HTR: Hunter: The Reckoning Rulebook Buy it from DriveThruRPG! Pg. 159
Champion cMET: Laws of the Reckoning Pg. 214
Protect HTR: Hunter Book: Defender Buy it from DriveThruRPG! Pg. 76
Protect cMET: Laws of the Reckoning Pg. 214-215

^  Level 5

Burn HTR: Hunter: The Reckoning Rulebook Buy it from DriveThruRPG! Pg. 159
Burn cMET: Laws of the Reckoning Pg. 215
Blast HTR: Hunter Book: Defender Buy it from DriveThruRPG! Pg. 76
Blast cMET: Laws of the Reckoning Pg. 215

Hunter: The Reckoning Creeds
Imbued creeds Avenger · Defender · Hermit · Innocent · Judge · Martyr · Redeemer · Visionary · Wayward
Mortal creeds Entrepreneurial · Faithful · Inquisitive · Martial · Underground
