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Wh2 dlc11 cst zombie gunnery mob

A Zombie Pirate Gunnery Mob member armed with a pistol and cutlass as depicted in Total War: Warhammer II.[1]

Gunnery Mobs are ranged troops making use of firearms that are utilised by the Zombie Pirate forces of the Vampire Coast.


Zombies are clumsy, drudge-like combatants, so more potent forms of magic are usually required to give them the dexterity required to operate firearms. Fortunately for seafaring necromancers, all those who perish on the ocean are touched by the powerful magic of the Galleon's Graveyard -- an oceanic realm of the Undead that exists between the tangible and intangible worlds, sucking in the Known World's shipwrecked vessels and the drowned corpses of their passengers and crews.[1]

The weapons of those reanimated from the depths may be rusted and sodden, but many zombies cling to the guns they held so dearly in life and use them with additional help from residual muscle memory. Wielding a shabby collection of blackpowder weapons long past their best, the Zombie Pirate Gunnery Mob appear to gain a small spark of the satisfaction they enjoyed in life through the random discharge of noisy, indiscriminate firepower.[1]

Notable Regiments[]

The Black Spot - This Zombie Pirate Gunnery Mob serves as the personal gunners of the Vampire Pirate King Luthor Harkon.[1]


