"Feel that sou-wester blowing up? There'll be gifts from Stromfels scattered on the shore tomorrow morning, and a few more souls in his jaws this night."
- —Thijs Vroom, Marienburg sailor[8b]
Stromfels, known as the "Shark God," the "Wrecker," the "Lord of Predators,"[3a] "Stromfalo" in Tilea[6a], and "El Bicho del Mar" ("The Sea Bug") in Estalia, is the god of the dangers of the sea, who represents the predatory, destructive and savage aspects of the sea and its creatures.[1a]
Unlike most Old World gods, Stromfels is neither the son nor brother of another deity; nor a mortal ascended to godhood. He is, according to the cult's members and the few scholars and priests willing to talk, an aspect of Manaan, the god of the sea himself.[5a]
Others see him as the sworn enemy of the god of the sea and the Cult of Manann. Whereas Manann is at times a capricious and uncaring god, Stromfels is a far more malevolent deity who takes great delight in being a predator who takes the lives of those who sail on the sea. Worship of Stromfels is outlawed throughout the Empire and the Wasteland, and is punishable by death.[1a]
Theologians often debate the nature of Stromfels, some claiming him to be a primeval Norscan god, whilst others see him as an aspect of the Blood God. Other scholars muse -- never within earshot of a follower of Manann, of course -- that the two gods are one and the same, that Stromfels is merely an ancient aspect of Manann.[1a]
Priests of Manann vociferously disagree. Followers of Stromfels see things differently, however, viewing their god neither as an aspect nor a sect, but as Manann viewed as he truly is -- Manann the Destroyer, the furious and unbridled wrath of the sea.[1a]
Stromfels is worshipped by the raiders of the Sea of Claws, by wreckers along the coastal and river regions of the Empire, and by pirates throughout the Old World, especially in Sartosa where he is worshipped openly. It was they who celebrated Stromfels as an aspect of Manann, giving the shark god a name and the epithet of the "Shark Lord" and the "King of the Raging Seas."[1a][7a]
Cult of Stromfels[]
Stromfels, the shark god of the deeps, claims another victim.
Banned in the Empire and the Wasteland, the Cult of Stromfels worships a deity who rules over the dangers of the sea: predators such as sharks and giant squids, storms that sink ships and take sailors' lives, and pirates and wreckers.[2a]
Symbolised by a giant shark with its jaws open to bite, the cult views itself as not evil, but as recognising the sea for what it is: uncaring, brutal, and where the strong eat and the weak are eaten. It is the mortal enemy of the cult of Manann, and considers the sacrifice of a captured priest to be the highest honour they can give their god.[2a]
The Cult of Stromfels is not a sub-cult of the Cult of Manann; indeed, worship of the Shark God is punishable by death in the Empire and Marienburg. However, Old World scholars have speculated on the resemblance between the doctrines of the two cults, leading some to hypothesise (never in the hearing of a Manannite priest or knight!) that Stromfels is an ancient aspect of Manann, a survival of more primitive days. The truth, whatever it may be, is unknown.[2a]
Worship of Stromfels was outlawed as a result of Marienburg's treaty with the Sea Elves in 2150 IC. In the years following, the priests of Manann cut their ties to the Cult of Stromfels and concealed Stromfels' association with their god. Despite this, Stromfels is still venerated by those who work on the sea and profit by the deaths of others upon it.[3a]
Imperial fishermen are known for the custom of sacrificing a cat by throwing it into the sea, to curry favor with Stromfels; usually the unfortunate creature is collected in one of the squalid alleys of the various ports of the Old World.[9]
Those with a little knowledge of Stromfels assume him to be a god of piracy. Those who know more would challenge this, stating that he is better understood as a god of predation and the violence of the sea, and that pirates merely fit that theme rather than exemplify it.[8a]
Many in the Old World assume that Stromfels is a Norscan deity, given his violent nature and his popularity among reavers, but if he ever was a god of the Norscans they have apparently abandoned him in favour of darker powers. Unpleasant as Stromfels is, he still represents an aspect of the natural world, and is no friend to followers of Chaos.[8a]
Because of the links between the practices of Stromfels and piracy, the Norscans are often shunned by others who live by piracy.[8a]
Some suggest Stromfels used to be a savage Norscan deity, possibly an aspect of the Blood God Khorne. If he ever was worshipped by the Norscans, they have all but abandoned him now, but scholars do point out that his cult is strongest in Marienburg and Sartosa, two places with histories of Norscan settlement.[8b]
Sharks are the embodiment of Stromfels' will.
Stromfels is a neutral but vicious deity.[5a]
Area of Worship[]
Unique among the gods, Stromfels has the same name among most of the peoples of the Old World. He is worshipped along all the coasts of the Old World and its great rivers. He is almost unknown elsewhere, except for an isolated cult in eastern Stirland, whose existence is unexplained, though their own legends show they may be descended from a pirate band that fled inland.[5a][8b]
Cultists of Stromfels gather where the violence of the sea meets the violence of people. They are pirates, raiders, or wreckers. They respect the sea out of fear and believe in taking whatever they want, as they too should be feared. Such folk honour the swift kill and the daring raid. Whilst they are outlawed, they do not find common cause with the forces of Chaos or those who indulge in needless sadism. The consequences of their acts may be cruel, but such cruelty is a side-effect rather than a purpose.[8b]
Along the Pirate Coast and among the islands of the Tilean Sea, Stromfels's worship is more open, and even has official approval in settlements where the worship of Manann has been usurped. Here he is known as "Stromfalo" by the Tileans, and "El Bicho del Mar" by the pirates of Estalia.[8b]
In Marienburg, rumours have it that the cult is centred among the criminal classes of the fishing village of Broekwater in the adjacent Wasteland, though no investigation has ever resulted in convictions. Cynical observers have put it about that this is because members of the Ten support piracy, especially if it is directed against the Sea Elves.[8b]
Priest of Stromfels[]
![Priest of Stromfel](
A priest of Stromfels often shares many similarities with their brethren who serve Manaan, sporting tridents and bones of dead sea creatures.
Priests of Stromfels are actively involved in the business of piracy, raiding, or wrecking -- to do less would be hypocrisy. To become a priest of Stromfels required that an initiate have first undertaken a predatory occupation. This need not be a seafaring career; there are outlaws, bandits and racketeers who might find much to admire in Stromfels, but most of his priests have either served as crew on a pirate vessel, or worked as wreckers.[8b]
Notable Miracles of Stromfels[]
Perhaps more than any other god, Stromfels helps those who help themselves. The blessings and miracles unleashed by priests of Stromfels are the same enjoyed by followers of Manann, though this is, of course, surely pure coincidence. Stromfels is stingy with his blessings and miracles.
- Blood Trail - When trying to track someone who has been injured, the priest smells the smallest drops of blood even if some attempt has been made to remove them.[8b]
- Curse of the Harsh Mistress - The priest inflicts nightmares upon their target that makes it impossible for them to get a good night's sleep, resulting in lethargy and weakness. The nightmares are extremely vivid, disturbing, and connected to the ocean in some way; they commonly involve a woman draped in fronds of bloodwrack walking from the sea to torment the victim.[8b]
- Manann's Mood Made Meaningless - The priest proclaims that Stromfels is the true lord of the sea, and that the superstitions of those who respect Manann are delusions, overriding the blessings and needs of the sea god while at sea.[8b]
- Raging Seas - The priest commands the sea to form a massive wave that crashes into a specific target, such as a person in the water or on the shore, a boat, or a lighthouse.[8b]
- Seasickness - The priest curses someone, even the saltiest of seadogs, with a bout of seasickness that lasts for one hour.[8b]
- Send 'em to Stromfels - The priest focuses on a stricken vessel, exerting their will to ensure that none escape. Splits and tears in the target ship's hull widen as a result of the miracle.[8b]
- Storm Winds - The priest calls the winds to blow with greater force into the sails of one ship.[8b]
The only temple to Stromfels that operates openly is a converted temple of Myrmidia in Sartosa. While built in the Myrmidian style, it is decorated with trophies and treasure taken in centuries of pirate raids over the Southern Sea. Elsewhere, Stromfels cults worship in hidden chapels and shrines, secret grottos and caves along the coast, where sacrifices are tossed to sharks that congregate in pools leading to the sea.[5a]
In less respectable ports, such as Brionne and Mousillon, there may be semi-clandestine shrines in sailors' guildhalls.[8b]
In other areas, the shrine will be a certain rock on a beach, or simply an icon in a sailor's locker. In less reputable towns and cities, such as Brionne and Mousillon, there may be semi-clandestine shrines in sailors' guildhalls.[5a]
The most common symbols of Stromfels are a trident dripping blood, a huge shark and a bolt of lightning. The trident is a perversion of the symbol of Manaan, and is used during the occasional Human sacrifice or ritual combat with a shark. The shark is Stromfels' most common form, and crude drawings are made by his worshippers to signal others or to indicate a safe hiding-place. Lightning symbolises the terrific storms of the Sea of Claws, and the most fanatic worshippers conduct their services during lightning-wracked thunderstorms.[5a]
The Grey Barbed Shark that frequents the Sea of Claws is venerated as a sacred animal by the Cult of Stromfels, and is called "Stromfels' Kitty."[3a]
Fog is sometimes called the "breath of Stromfels."[4a]
Friends and Enemies[]
The Cult of Stronfels sees itself as the enemy of no other cult, save the Chaos Gods and Manaan's hypocritical priests: it is merely fulfilling the natural order of the sea. The Cult of Manaan takes every chance to denounce Stromfels' worship as heretical, but other Old World cults are neutral to it. Sea Elves attack ships dedicated to Stromfels on sight.[5a]
Stromfels and Manann[]
"Very nasty--tends to rip 'em apart and send 'em down to Stromfels' Chest with all hands lost...to my true father's delight!"
- —Aranessa Saltspite about the Saw-Shark's Blade, the saw-blade shaped ram that projects from the bow of her galleon Swordfysh.[10a]
The cultists of Stromfels loathe those of Manann, regarding them as hypocrites who deny their god's true nature. The Cult of Manann reciprocate the antagonism, and the worship of Stromfels is proscribed in Marienburg and persecuted around the shores of the Empire, so the cultists must hide their allegiance. They know priests of Manann would hunt them unto death, and so can never allow a Manannite to live.[8b]
Stromfels and Chaos[]
The followers of Stromfels may be considered antisocial, even murderous, but they at least consider themselves part of a natural order, and are not well disposed toward the followers of Chaos. Even Khorne, who shares many superficial characteristics with Stromfels, is regarded as too wanton and gluttonous in his bloodthirst. A predator must continue to have prey, not kill them all.[8b]
Cultists of Stromfels can be quite tolerant of mutation, provided it does not weaken the mutant in question. This may be regarded by many folk as tolerance of Chaos, particularly as some mutants find a home amongst pirate crews, but the cultists of Stromfels do not see it that way.[8b]
Holy Days[]
Like the Cult of Manann, Mitterfruhl (the spring equinox) is held sacred by the followers of Stromfels, except for them it's seen as the start of hunting season. Mittherbst, the autumn equinox, is a lesser holy day, being the start of the storm season when Stromfels' wrath lashes the oceans and coasts.[5a]
Cult Requirements[]
The Cult of Stromfels appeals to all those who prey on others via the sea: pirates, raiders and wreckers. It also attracts worshippers, though no priests, from those who seek to appease the god's anger and return safely from an ocean voyage.[5a]
Stromfels is a cold and uncaring god, difficult to offend. He also has little in the way of theology; his priests tend to lead by example and muck in with wrecking and raiding, rather than with contemplating his mysteries.[8b]
The Cult of Stromfels forbids showing mercy to prisoners -- if they deserved to live, they would have been strong enough to resist capture. Gatherings of more than ten cultists (and any priest, wherever he finds himself) must offer Human or Sea Elf sacrifice every equinox and solstice, preferably during a storm. Priests of Manaan have their tongues cut out and are thrown to the sharks after torture.[5a]
With that said, there are a few traditions kept by his adherents, delineated below.[8b]
Take No Prisoners[]
The cult forbids showing mercy to the vanquished. Caring for hostages, even those who would earn their captors a fine ransom, draws the ire of the god. Leaving prisoners to the mercy of the elements by marooning them or throwing them into the sea is said to please Stromfels.[8b]
In the case of a captive priest of Manann, Stromfels is more demanding, and expects the poor soul's tongue to be cut out before they are pitched into the sea.[8b]
Power For Its own Sake[]
Authority is granted to those with the strength and ferocity to take it. It is appropriate for a follower of Stromfels to respect a strong leader, but it is also appropriate for them to depose a leader whose strength has waned. Failing to respect strength is offensive to the god.[8b]
Power Through Physical Force[]
Followers of Stromfels believe that the physical power of the body decides everything in the end. A follower of Stromfels who neglects their own strength may find themselves forsaken. Thus, a priest of Stromfels is required to develop their physical strengt whenever possible. [8b]
Send a Sacrifice when the Tides Turn[]
Every equinox, a follower of Stromfels is expected to deliver a sacrifice. This should be a Human or Elf, thrown into the sea or ritually drowned.[8b]
The most common penance for a Stromfels worshipper is to swim a stretch of water inhabited by sharks or other dangers. Cultists whose loyalty is doubted are sent on plundering or piracy raids, while a priest might be required to lead a major raid. Those who have seriously offended the god are forced to fight a Grey Barbed Shark with only a dagger for a weapon.[8b]
Trials set by Stromfels might involve participating in or leading a particularly daring raid, perhaps to desecrate a temple or shrine of Manaan. Those who have offended the god are forced to fight a shark with only a dagger for a weapon.[5a]
- 1: Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 2nd Edition: Tome of Salvation (RPG)
- 1a: pg. 33
- 2: Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 2nd Edition: Sigmar's Heirs (RPG)
- 2a: pg. 35
- 3: Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 2nd Edition: The Thousand Thrones (RPG)
- 3a: pg. 25
- 4: The Black Plague: Wolf of Sigmar (Novel) by C. L. Werner
- 4a: Ch. 9
- 5: Marienburg: Sold Down the River (Novel) by C. L. Werner
- 5a: pp. 142-143
- 6: Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 4th Edition: Up in Arms (RPG)
- 6a: pg. 50
- 7: Liber Chaotica (Background Book)
- 7a: pp. 404
- 8: Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 4th Edition: Sea of Claws (RPG)
- 9: Total War: Warhammer (PC Game)
- 10: Total War: Warhammer II (PC Game)
- 10a: The Saw-Shark's Blade, Special landmark building