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Middenheim has a reputation for liberal attitudes, and agitators airing petty grievances from street corners are only occasionally harassed by the watch. However, a growing movement of ardent progressives and resentful malcontents has gathered under the banner of the New Millennialists, and their revolutionary creed is considered dangerously seditious.[1a]

Many of the New Millennialists are devotees of Verena, though they do not enjoy the endorsement of the official cult. They believe that society should be reordered from the top down to uphold core principles of justice and rationality. The group also strongly opposes the Dark Gods and their followers, for Chaos means the end of order and reason.[1a]

Despite their avowed love of truth and justice, they are a hive of conspiratorial bias. They declare the schism between followers of Ulric and Sigmar to be designed to stir up resentment between poor people who might otherwise rise to better themselves. They regard the sacrifices nobles make in war as cynical justification for their despotism in times of peace. They point to Middenheim's disparities in wealth as evidence of the wealthy's contempt for the poor.[1a]

The New Millennialists are not as influential as they would like. Whilst they claim to champion the common folk, they paradoxically scorn the masses for their lumpen complacency, and whilst most of the New Millennialists have righteous aims, they also enable a minority of malcontents who just wish to lash out at the world.[1a]


  • 1: Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay: Middenheim - City of the White Wolf (4th Edition)
    • 1a: pg. 140