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"Wielding magic and might in equal measure, the Ice Guard execute the unyielding will of the tzarina herself."

—Description of the deadly Ice Guard of Kislev in Total War: Warhammer III.[2]
Tzarina Katarin Flanked by Two Ice Guard

Two Ice Guards flank Tzarina Katarin Bokha of Kislev as depicted in Total War: Warhammer III.[2]

The Ice Guard are an elite fighting formation of mystical Kislevite warrior-women who serve as the elite bodyguards of the Ice Witches of the Motherland and share their arcane abilities with Ice Magic.


Ice Guard TWW Concept

Concept art of the Ice Guard created for Total War: Warhammer III.

In Kislev, the voice of a woman is equal to that of a man, and the worth of a ruler is judged by the wisdom of their rule and their might in battle. Perhaps that, more than any other reason, gave rise to the unusual martial sisterhood known as the Ice Guard. These are the warrior elite of the Ice Court who serve as bodyguards for the Ice Witches, and who are imbued with the same magical power in the Lore of Ice as their mistresses. The Ice Guard are fearsome and fearless, conditioned to put the interests of Kislev first and to face the vilest horrors of the Old World without hesitation.[2]

Kislev Ice Guard

Concept art of the Ice Guard created for Warhammer: The Old World.

The Ice Guard is staffed by formidable warrior women, sent to the Bokha Palace before they reach adolescence. These youths are then sorted for their aptitude for magic. Those with the gift begin a training regimen that will enable them to take their place within the Ice Court, a clandestine place of intrigue and power, typically headed by the senior matriarch of the Kislevite royal family. Each weapon these women wield is imbued with Ice Magic, glowing with its own inner light.[2]

Ice Guard

The Ice Guard defend Tzarina Katarin Bokha, the Ice Queen and greatest of the Ice Witches the Ice Guard serve, in battle.

Members of the Ice Guard are known for being equally skilled with bow and sword. But where they differ significantly from other Kislevite warriors is that they are able to channel the elemental magic of their realm in a similar manner to their Ice Queen and tzarina, Katarin Bokha -- the most powerful practitioner of this unique form of wizardry. Enchanted ice wreaths the Ice Guards' blades and arrow tips. Indeed, they make for cold-hearted killers on the battlefield...[1]

Game History[]

The Ice Guard is a recent addition to the Kislev faction made by Warhammer: The Old World.


