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Warhammer Wiki

"A common sight across Sylvania and beyond, the gibbet -- or hanging cage -- is where the living who displease their Undead lords often end up."

—Description of the Sylvanian Gibbet in Total War: Warhammer.[1a]

A gibbet, or hanging cage, can be found throughout Sylvania -- indeed, much of the Old World uses this gruesome punishment for thieves, bandits and other criminals, and as a warning to others who might contemplate such malfeasance.[1a]

In Sylvania, living itself is a form of crime and those among the still-breathing peasants or nobles of that land who, having displeased the Vampire Counts, aren't instantly torn to shreds or consumed may end up in such a cage, on display as a stark warning, but also as a way of leeching life-force from the condemned. Their energy slowly drips away even as Zombies and carrion birds gather to nibble at the remains through the rusted iron bars.[1a]

