Ticker dialogue during the event.
- "Love spreads, Stardust. Sow it far and wide and fortune will favor you. Ever a lesson that bears repeating... ...and not just on Star Days. Unfamiliar, are we? Come see us on Fortuna, then. It's high time you earned your wings."
- "Starrrrdust! You made it! It would not do to stand Ticker up on this of all days. Your big day." (download, history)
Star Days Affections[]
- "Star Days are all about the things that keep these planets spinning. Love, Stardust. Love in all its forms. The love of a planet for a stranger who turned their fortunes around. That would be you, Stardust. Give love away, and it multiplies. We rarely know what we mean to others. Ticker means to change that." (download, history)
- "We've got two families: biological and logical. Roky taught me that one. Star Day is for both those families... and anyone else besides." (download, history)
- "'Star Day' is a Ticker tradition... begun for just one special person. Now... I give it to the world. If you want to know the story, you'll find it scattered across the Vallis. Today is too happy a day to tell it." (download, history)
- "Two Ostrons are freed during a daring operation, marry, have a child. I'm sure you'll be pleased to know that young 'Tenno' Helnung is doing quite well and taking after their mother on the scaffolds." (download, history)
- "It's trite, but it has to be said: be brave with that heart of yours, Stardust. At the end of the day, those we love are what matters. Don't leave things unsaid." (download, history)
- "The only family that extraordinary creatures such as we are permitted is the family whom we choose - and a fine family that is. Here's to us, Stardust." (download, history)
- "You raised yourself. You'll have questions, and nobody will be there to answer them. I want you to know: I'm here, Stardust. I won't always have the answer, but I will listen, and what I tell you will be true." (download, history)
- "Spotted Biz and Little Duck boarding her rail tractor, bound for parts unknown. I guess they celebrate today in their own way. Lots of history those two. They'll work it out."' (download, history)
- "Nobody's as hard on Eudico as Eudico. She's made mistakes, and her demons are loud. I try to dazzle 'em with love. Millions are alive today because there's a light in there that people believe in. We don't often see things as they are, so much as we are." (download, history)
- "Everybody's hurting, Stardust. Some of them hurt you. That's a given. Secret to a happy life? Find the ones worth hurting for. Happy Star Day." (download, history)
- "Star Days celebrates life and love and the value of those closest to us. Heaven may have nicer weather, but you can't beat Hell for the company. Here's to you, Stardust." (download, history)
- "Love isn't just for lovers, Stardust. It's for friends, family, your bestest Kavat. Love is an act of forgiveness, a tender look, a silent understanding. Today is about all of us and knowing that we have more binding us together than. Pushing. Us. Apart." (download, history)
- "I was never much one for looks or physique. I longed for those who sang songs only I could hear. Falling into the eyes of someone like that, a girl feels like she's getting away with something." (download, history)
- "I have loved, and I have lost. 'Their absence has gone through me like thread through a needle,' as someone once said. All that I do is stitched with their color." (download, history)
- "Words and deeds are seeds, Stardust. They may seem like nothing in the moment, but they can fall from you and begin growing in others. Fortuna used to be barren, is what I'm saying. You've given us an orchard. Happy Star Day." (download, history)
Leaving Upon Purchasing[]
- "Treat yourself." (download, history)
- "See you soon." (download, history)
- "We'll be here." (download, history)
- "Happy Star Day, Stardust." (download, history)
Ticker Floof[]
- "It sometimes feels a shame that it took a time of conflict for the Solaris to know you. I suppose it's true what they say. That a certain darkness is required if one is to see the stars" (download, history)
- "One life preserver. One ocean. One turtle. The probability of you existing is the same as that turtle sticking its head out of the water and through the middle of that life preserver. On the first attempt. One chance in ten to the power of two-million-six-hundred-and-eighty-five million. That's your lucky number, Stardust: one followed by 2.685 million zeroes. A miracle." (download, history)
- "When we help someone, our brain opens up a floodgate of all the best most lovely brain chemicals. That will get a person through almost anything. Bank it." (download, history)
- "The children tell stories about you. About friends of theirs that you helped to better lives far from here. They have a pride in them now that I'd never seen before." (download, history)
- "I see a little bit of me in everyone, Stardust. Hard not to love what you know. We are all the Universe in drag." (download, history)
- "Life will hurt you, Stardust, but you have to love. You have to feel. It's why we are here. When I die, there will be a smile on this face for all the glorious mistakes I[sic] made... So many of which were doors to Heaven itself. His name... was Volan." (download, history)
- "One reason to love people like you, Eudico, Biz? When we had all given up for so long, you lot came along and said: "Let's see what happens if we don't." And the whole world turned 90 degrees in a brighter direction." (download, history)
- "Know this: your name lives on the lips of those who love you." (download, history)
- "We are the combined effort of everyone we have ever loved, Stardust. And we've loved some good people." (download, history)