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Inbox messages and dialogue during the event.

Before Event[]


All Hands: Incoming Fomorian

Vay Hek is making his move. We have just detected a Balor Fomorian traveling on an interception course with Vesper Relay. The beast moves slowly, but if we allow it to get within firing range, it will surely obliterate our new Relay. We need to destroy it before that happens.

Intelligence reports state that the Balor Fomorian’s power core emits a thick energy field composed of deadly omega radiation. In order to break through the field, you will need to craft this Fomorian Disruptor. It will allow you to safely approach the core, and, when activated, it will temporarily disrupt the core, allowing you to inflict damage.

Take note, Tenno: the Disruptor is forged using Omega Isotopes. These are a by-product of a Fomorian’s core and only appear on planets when a Fomorian nears.

Move quickly, Tenno. This is the first Balor Fomorian attack, but it won’t be the last. When the others come, we must be ready.

—The Lotus

(Attachment: Fomorian Disruptor Blueprint)

During Eyes of Blight Mission[]

  • Lotus: "This is the threat, a Balor Fomorian. Your mission is to get inside the beast and inflict as much damage as possible. Get in range."
  • Lotus: "The Fomorian will remain impenetrable until you destroy all its shield generators."
  • Lotus: "Find and destroy all the shield generators on the ship's exterior."
Destroying shield generator
  • Lotus: "Shield generator down."
  • Lotus: "Good work, now take out the remaining generators."
  • Lotus: "Shield generator destroyed. Take out the rest."
Second shield generator destroyed
  • Lotus: "Shields down. Now get inside."
  • Vay Hek: "Death, death, death. Death to the Tenno."
  • Vay Hek: "No. No, you will not stop this."
  • Vay Hek: "Brothers, do not let the Tenno threaten our destiny."
  • Vay Hek: "Tenno... Tenno... Tenno are here! Stop them. Stop them at once!"
Entering Formorian
  • Lotus: "There's the core. Deploy your Fomorian Disruptor to knock out the power field."
If idle
  • Lotus: "Tenno, one of you needs to employ the Power Disruptor from your inventory to disable the power field."
  • Lotus: "Tenno, the core is protected by a power field. Engage your Power Disruptors to shut down the field."
Activating Fomorian Disrupter
  • Lotus: "Power field down. The core is exposed. Open fire!"
Formorian Disrupter effects wear off
  • Lotus: "Hurry, Tenno. That power field will regenerate soon, and you do not want to be in here when it does."
12 seconds left to escape
  • Lotus: "Power field regeneration imminent. Get out of there, FAST."
In the clear
  • Lotus: "You've done your part, Tenno; now rendezvous with your Liset."
  • Lotus: "You're out of critical range, Tenno. Get to extraction."

Progressing Through Event[]

If a relay survives

Eyes of Blight: <RELAYNAME> Relay is Safe


The Fomorians are not invincible; this is proof. Keep fighting – we must save our Relays.

—The Lotus

(Diorama of Fomorian being destroyed)

If a relay was destroyed

The End of Strata Relay

Death to the Tenno.
—Vay Hek

(Diorama of relay being destroyed)

  • Ordis: "Oh dear... I was particularly fond of that Relay."
  • Ordis: "No, no, no, NO! No way are we going to let Vay Hek get away with this! Isn't that right, Operator?"
  • Ordis: "Operator, please tell me you will personally destroy every last one of his Fomorians. That is the only answer."
  • Ordis: "He's wrong. The Lotus says his fleet is greatly diminished. We can stop him."

Eyes of Blight: This Fight Isn't Over

Your efforts are commendable, but we can still use your help. Take this to assist you on your next mission.

—The Lotus

(Attachment: Credits reward)

Eyes of Blight: This Fight Isn't Over

You stared a Balor in the eye and made it blink. You flew into the belly of the beast and struck where it hurts. You have done your part, but I urge you to not rest. Instead, take this reward and use it to finish this fight.

—The Lotus

(Attachment: Eyes of Blight Emblem and Rahk Fluctus Fluctus Skin; Mod TT 20px Magma Chamber and Mod TT 20px Searing Steel); or ImperatorVandal Imperator Vandal)

A Token of Gratitude


The members of your clan fought hard to drive back Vay Hek's Fomorian assault. To commemorate your efforts, I am awarding [clan] with this trophy.

May you continue to protect the balance.

—The Lotus

(Attachment: Eyes of Blight Clan Trophy)



Councillor Vay Hek,

Your Fomorian assault on the Tenno has been an abject failure. You have exhausted our entire Balor fleet, and yet the Tenno still raid our ships and gather in their Relays. Are you even aware of the resources you have squandered? Do you understand how much oxium goes into a single Fomorian? We put great faith in your abilities, Councillor, but we now see that faith was misplaced.

Perhaps Tyl Regor will prove a more competent replacement.

We await your penance.

—Your Queens