Lotus transmissions during an Interception mission.
- Lotus: "We have located the enemy's planetary communication towers. Capture the towers and remain in control long enough to decode incoming messages." (download, history)
- Lotus: "These radio towers carry top secret interplanetary communications. You are going to capture the towers and decode incoming messages." (download, history)
- Lotus: "Nearby communications towers are broadcasting crucial enemy intelligence. Capture the towers and decode any incoming messages." (download, history)
During mission[]
- Lotus: "The enemy will stop to capture this intel before we do. We cannot let that happen."
- Lotus: "The enemy has adapted to our ability to intercept there communications from space. Using these new communications towers means that messages cannot be intercepted anywhere but their destination."
- Lotus: "These towers are used for encoding two way communications between planets. The more towers we control, the faster we can intercept the message."
New round[]
- Lotus: "Try and capture another signal. Be careful though, the enemy has surely rallied stronger reinforcements." (download, history)
- Lotus: "I have detected another message incoming. Capture and decode the signal." (download, history)
- Lotus: "They are broadcasting another message, make sure the enemy never receives it." (download, history)
Tower captured[]
- Lotus: "Tower online." (download, history)
- Lotus: "Tower captured, beginning stream decode now." (download, history)
- Lotus: "You have captured a radio tower." (download, history)
- Lotus: "This tower is ours now." (download, history)
Tower lost[]
- Lotus: "Tower lost." (download, history)
- Lotus: "The enemy have captured a tower." (download, history)
- Lotus: "We have lost control of a tower." (download, history)
- Lotus: "The enemy have taken a tower, you must recapture it." (download, history)
All towers captured[]
- Lotus: "We are in total control. Keep fighting." (download, history)
- Lotus: "We have control of all four towers." (download, history)
- Lotus: "We are dominating, keep it up." (download, history)
All towers lost[]
- Lotus: "The enemy is dominating, you must capture a tower, and quickly." (download, history)
- Lotus: "The enemy has all four towers. You must stop them." (download, history)
Eliminate remaining enemies[]
- Lotus: "We have successfully decoded the message. Clear the area." (download, history)
- Lotus: "We have the decoded the message. The remaining enemies must not report back to their command. Eliminate everyone." (download, history)
- Lotus: "Message decoded. Leave none alive. Clear out the remaining enemy forces." (download, history)
- Lotus: "We cannot allow the enemy to learn of our espionage. Eliminate the remaining enemy personnel." (download, history)
Continue prompt[]
- Lotus: "The enemy have deployed fierce reinforcements, are you willing to stay and decode more messages?" (download, history)
- Lotus: "More data is being broadcasted, are you willing to risk going back into the field?" (download, history)
- Lotus: "Extraction is available but there are more messages to be decoded. Will you stay or go?" (download, history)
- Lotus: "The data you have collected here today will go a long way in supporting our cause." (download, history)
- Lotus: "Good work today. Not only have we decoded the enemy transmissions, we have also disrupted their communications." (download, history)
Mission Failure[]
- Lotus: "The enemy have captured the message. We have failed today." (download, history)
- Lotus: "The enemy have decoded the message. You have failed in your mission." (download, history)
During Tethra's Doom[]
- Lotus: "We need to find out where the Fomorian power cores are being produced. Intercept Grineer messages so that we may determine the facility's location." (download, history)
- Lotus: "You are here to intercept critical information about the Grineer Fomorian power cores." (download, history)
- Lotus: "The Grineer are communicating using a highly sophisicated deep encryption algorithm. We can crack it, but we need as many message fragments as possible." (download, history)