Galvanized Mods are alternative versions of some mods. They have slightly lower base stats and higher maximum drain than their original counterparts, but provide additional stacking buffs from killing Enemies.
Each mod can be purchased at rank 0 from the Arbitrations vendor for 20 Vitus Essence in the Arbiters of Hexis room in any Relay (regardless of the player's personal standing with the Arbiters of Hexis), and all these mods can be traded between players.
Weapon Class | Multishot | Status Chance and Damage per Status Type |
Critical Chance when Aiming |
Projectile Speed and Beam Range |
Rifle | ||||
Shotgun | ||||
Pistol | ||||
Weapon Class | Status Damage and Status Chance |
Heavy Attack Efficiency & Initial Combo | Critical Chance and Critical Damage | |
Melee |
- Cannot be equipped with their other counterparts (e.g. Galvanized Diffusion cannot be equipped with Barrel Diffusion or Amalgam Barrel Diffusion).
- In most Galvanized mods when their buffs time out, only one stack is lost and the buff duration resets.
- Galvanized Scope and Galvanized Crosshairs behave differently in that each stack has its own duration.
- Only kills from a weapon equipped with a Galvanized mod will give stacks, and only the weapon equipped with said mod will benefit from the buff. If the same mod is equipped on both a normal weapon and an Exalted Weapon (such as Mesa's Regulators or Hildryn's Balefire Charger), it will affect both weapons.
- Kills from status procs (including from Hunter Munitions) from a weapon equipped with a Galvanized mod will give stacks.
- However, kills from status procs on the target's head do not count as a headshot kill, with the exception of Electricity and Gas.
- The shotgun mod Galvanized Acceleration currently has no rifle or pistol counterpart (for Terminal Velocity and Lethal Momentum, respectively). In the same manner, shotguns do not have a Galvanized version of Laser Sight, which the other two ranged weapons have (for Argon Scope and Hydraulic Crosshairs, respectively).
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