MassVitrifyModx256 MassVitrify130xWhite
Mass Vitrify

Create an expanding ring of molten glass that slowly crystallizes enemies who enter. When the expansion is complete, the ring hardens to block weapons fire. The ring draws extra strength from the health and shields of crystallized enemies. Use Shattered Lash to smash the ring and send razor-sharp glass flying outward.

Introduced in Update 22.0 (2017-10-12)

AbilityStrengthBuff Strength:1x (damage multiplier)
925 (ring segment base health)
250 (segment explosion damage)
250 (shatter explosion damage)
AbilityDurationBuff Duration:3.5 s (expansion time)
3 s (effect duration)
AbilityRangeBuff Range:2 m (ring initial radius)
8 m (ring max radius)
8 m (segment explosion range)
8 m (shatter explosion range)

Misc: 3 m (ring initial height)
12 m (ring max height)
3 s (crystallization time)
12 (ring segments)
50% (absorbed damage)


  • Gara coats herself in a shell of hardened glass, becoming immobile, invulnerable to damage, and immune to Status Effects as she unleashes a radial ring of molten glass that expands outward and downward. Ring expansion occurs over 3.5 seconds, initially draining 2 energy per second which ramps up to 15 energy per second over the course of expansion. The molten glass ring's initial horizontal radius from Gara is 2 meters, which expands up to a maximum horizontal radius of 8 meters. The molten glass ring's initial height is 3 meters high, which expands downward up to a maximum height of 12 meters.
    • Molten glass bypasses all entities, obstacles, and terrain as it expands.
    • When the molten glass ring is created, its base is aligned with Gara's feet to ensure that the initial ring height is about Warframe height.
    • Ring height expands downward much faster than ring horizontal radius, reaching full height before expansion time completes.
  • Mass Vitrify's glass undergoes two distinct phases with diverse effects on Gara, allies, and enemies:

  • Enemies that contact the molten glass are crystallized over 3 seconds, slowing in movement and attack speed until completely solidified in place for 3 seconds. Each enemy crystallized contributes extra health to the barrier formation phase, based on a portion of their maximum Shields and Health.
  • On death, crystallized enemies shatter into glass with visual and sound effects.

  • Upon pressing the ability key again (default 4 ), when maximum horizontal radius is reached, or when Gara runs out of Energy, Gara sheds her glass shell as the molten glass ring solidifies into a hardened glass barrier.
  • The glass barrier consists of a circle made out of 12 individual segments, each possessing 925 base health, Mass Vitrify also converts a portion of their maximum shields and health into extra health for the glass barrier segments. When a segment's health is depleted, it explodes outward and damages all enemies for 250 damage in a range of 8 meters. Glass barrier lasts until all segments are destroyed or when Mass Vitrify is recast.
    • During the crystallization phase, the number of total crystallize converted health is displayed beside the shield and health indicators on the HUD, as a buff icon with the number of converted health below the icon.
    • The number of intact glass barrier segments is shown on the ability icon while at least 1 segment exists.
  • All players, including Gara herself, cannot go through the barrier

    • Can be cast while in midair.
    • Can be recast while active to expand molten glass and create a new barrier. Only 1 barrier may remain active per player.
    • When the barrier duration expires, the glass barrier shatters harmlessly into fragments that float away upward.
    • Molten glass, hardened glass, and crystal tint color and particle effects energy color are affected by Gara's chosen Warframe energy color.
    • Casting Mass Vitrify in the air often delays the effect of refreshing Splinter Storm's duration until Gara lands on the ground, or if done from extreme heights, not refresh it at all.
    • Interrupting the expansion quickly after casting might sometimes result in a "fake" barrier which does not block damage and can not be detonated with Shattered Lash. This can also occasionally happen without voluntarily stopping the expansion.
