Wiki Warframe Español

Actualización 2025


Wiki Warframe Español
Wiki Warframe Español
Última edición, 22-09-2020 por JARVIII

La pistola Tysis expulsa dardos  Corrosivos que consumen a sus víctimas desde dentro.

El Tysis es un arma infestada que dispara dardos  Corrosivo, respaldados por su increíble probabilidad de estado que le permite desgastar hasta la armadura más pesada con facilidad.

Requisitos de fabricación





Tiempo: 24 hrs
Acelerar: 30
Precio del : 120 Precio del : 30,000


This weapon deals  Corrosivo damage.


  • Highest base probabilidad de estado of any secondary weapon.
    • With the right combination of mods, the Tysis can be modded to have a 100% status chance, guaranteeing a proc with every shot.
  • Innate  Corrosivo Damage makes the Tysis very effective against Grineer as well as Fosilizada Infested.
    • This enables the addition of  Eléctrico or  Toxina damage as standalones, as well as other elemental combinations.
    • Due to the Tysis's lack of physical damage, it is guaranteed to proc elemental damage types.
  • Pinpoint accuracy.
  • This weapon's projectiles are not affected by gravity.


  • Innate Corrosive Damage deals less damage to Protoescudos.
  • Needles fired from this weapon have a travel time, requiring the user to lead their shots.
  • Relatively low fire rate.
  • Fairly low damage. 
  • Physical damage mods (such as Disparo rasurador) will have no effect on the Tysis. 

Configuraciones para el arma[]

  • Revisa una configuración del arma para ver como los jugadores modifican esta arma.
  • Revisa guías para la configuración del arma para guías sobre cómo usar esta arma de forma efectiva.
  • Para más ayuda general con armas, navega por guía para armas.


  • Tysis needles retain their course after piercing their first target, possibly penetrating multiple targets without losing accuracy.
  • Tysis needles will be invisible if energy color is Black, making target leading harder as you can't estimate travel speed and deviation.



  • The Tysis' needles may stretch targets if they are already pinned to the wall by another weapon's projectile (like the Boltor).
  • Es la segunda arma infestada disponible en el mercado. La primera fue la Mire.
    • The Tysis is the first Infested sidearm to be non-clan exclusive.
  • The Tysis may derive its name from the suffix "-ptysis", which typically refers to spitting out substances (e.g. Hemoptysis would refer to spitting blood).
  • The head of the Tysis vaguely resembles the head of a Goblin shark.

Historia de actualizaciones[]

Revisión 23.1.2
  • Fixed a visual bug with the Tysis' dangles getting tangled.

Actualización 22.12

  • Mastery Rank increased from 4 to 9.
  • Damage increased from 35 to 79.
  • Critical chance increased from 2.5% to 3%.
  • Improved Projectile trail FX.
  • Mag size decreased from 15 to 11.

Actualización 11.7

  • Introducido.