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Walking Dead Wiki
Walking Dead Wiki
Walking Dead Wiki

Xingjian is a character mentioned in The Walking Dead: Typhoon. He is the brother of Yangyi, both of which were were taken to the Beacon of Light to work. He is 27 and described as "Tall like Zhu. He has a strong jaw but a very large forehead. He's not very bright but very sweet."


Fongyuan, Hunan, China[]

Nothing is known about him aside that he had a sister named Yangyi and two parents.


Fongyuan, Hunan, China[]

When the outbreak started, the elders in Fongyuan were prepared and ordered a fence to be built around the village, successfully protecting it's residents. When Changsha fell, the army showed up twice and drafted young people to help build the Beacon of Light. Among them were Xingjian and his sister, Yangyi.

None of the residents taken were ever heard from again. Stories end up spreading about the terrible fate which had befallen the workers who constructed the Beacon from Fongyuan and the other neighboring villages.


His elderly parents at the Grove approach Zhu asking about their children.


Killed By

It's likely Xingjian was killed while constructing the Beacon of Light as stories were told about how many of the workers died while working. The Beacon also has a high death rate. If Xingjian survived then it's also likely he was killed after the Beacon was overrun.


