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This is it, tonight. We gotta move fast. The disruption charges brought out more of the dead. Tonight's will bring even more. After post-task health check, go to Consignee Fitness, locker 678. The key will get you out of the building, under the base, and away. Follow the map. There's a red canoe in the brush. I love you. And I left you a little something.
Rick Grimes telling Michonne the escape plan.[src]

Michonne Grimes' Escape Attempt is the attempt by Michonne Grimes to escape from the Civic Republic Military.



Alone, Rick pulls out his old consignee uniform and gear, a pair of paddles and pours over some maps, tracing a route along the coast. Hearing explosions in the distance, Rick takes notes about preemptive charges to the north/northeast at 21:00 and takes a drink.

The next day, as Michonne finishes eating, Rick discreetly passes her a note. In a subway tunnel, Rick finds a skeleton pinned under a beam with a bag full of food cans and a message carved into the floor next to it reading "TELL THEM I'M SORRY I LIED." Hearing walkers nearby, Rick draws a large coil of wire. At 20:17, Rick reaches the Spring Garden turnstiles which has a number of walkers on the other side. Rick reaches the riverbank where he finds a couple of half-submerged walkers and awaits Michonne's arrival.

In the note, Rick tells Michonne that tonight is their chance to make an escape and the disruption charges brought out more of the dead with the next night's bringing out even more. Following Rick's directions, Michonne goes to locker 678 in Consignee Fitness after post-task health check where she finds a key that will get her out of the base and away, a flashlight and a hand drawn map detailing a way out. Michonne is instructed to find a red canoe hidden in the brush and discovers that Rick also left Michonne's katana for her. Moving through the tunnels, Michonne dispatches a lone walker with her sword, and discovers the rest of the herd held back by wire that Rick had earlier strung across the tunnel. At 21:00, the disruption charges go off in the distance and Michonne reaches the Spring Garden turnstile where she witnesses the walkers forcing themselves through, cutting to pieces a walker that was trapped in the turnstiles.

Michonne reaches the riverbank and finds the canoe, but no sign of Rick aside from one of the walkers in the river being dressed in Rick's old consignee jacket. In the canoe, Michonne finds another letter in Rick's bag where Rick reveals that he's not coming with her, but if Michonne doesn't go, she will never escape, and they will both die here. Rick needs to stay at the Civic Republic to make sure that Michonne gets away, believing that it's the only way to get his wife back to Judith. Rick tells Michonne that he loves her forever and if she loves him, Michonne will go. Michonne is devastated by Rick's sacrifice to ensure that she can escape.

The next day, Rick joins Thorne at the culling facility where she tells Rick that he's in real trouble now. Michonne is amongst the consignees putting down walkers, doing so with a fury that surprises and impresses Cleo and the other consignees. Thorne recalls that Michonne had said during intake that she was looking for safety in numbers which had helped Thorne to make her case. However, Michonne doesn't look like someone who relies on others for safety. Michonne exchanges a look with Rick before wordlessly walking away and Rick looks the sign with his score on it.


  • Rick decides to stay in the CRM to cover for Michonne.
  • Michonne chooses to stay in the CRM.


The Ones Who Live[]

Season 1[]


To be added.
