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Walking Dead Wiki
Walking Dead Wiki
Walking Dead Wiki

This page focuses on the relationships of Karina.


Karina appears to be good friends with Paul. Paul was the one who brought Karina into their group and promised her to take the oath, something he often reminded her about. When Karina finds out that Paul is bitten, she quickly runs into action and tries to find a hospital that would possibly treat him. She is greatly upset by his apperent death, something that leads her to commit suicide. Paul is angered by how Gale tricked Karina into killing herself. Afterwards, not wanting to let her go, Paul takes out all of Karina's teach and takes her now zombified self with him as his companion.

Gale Macones[]

In the episode "Choice", on first meeting, Gale appears to bond well with Karina as the pair share a similar background. At this time Karina thinks she will soon be the only one of her group left, believing Paul to be close-to-death because of God's plan to punish her following her decision to leave a little girl behind when she was faced with a walker. Gale's background is similar as she is all alone, like Karina believes herself soon to be. They are seen holding each other's hands.

Gale kills Karina through a mercy killing after offering her another way out of the walker-ridden new world.
