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Walking Dead Wiki
Walking Dead Wiki
Walking Dead Wiki

Jonah is a survivor of the outbreak in AMC's The Walking Dead. He was a member of the Saviors. After the conclusion of the war and the apparent death of Rick Grimes, he is adopted by two Alexandrians and moves to the Alexandria Safe Zone.


Location Unknown[]

Nothing is known about Jonah's life prior to or as the outbreak began.


Washington, D.C.[]

At some point in the apocalypse, Jonah and his family or guardian somehow came into contact with a group named "the Saviors" which they subsequently joined.

After losing his family during the war against the Militia, Jonah becomes an orphan and remains living in the Sanctuary. When the community eventually falls, he is adopted by two Alexandrians and moves to Alexandria.

Season 9[]


Jonah is among the Alexandrian children to enjoy the bonfire with Winnie, Linus, P.J. and the other kids from Jocelyn's group. He attends a sleepover at the house Jocelyn and her kids are staying at when in the middle of the night, they all leave Alexandria under the guise of playing a game. In reality, Jonah and the other Alexandrian children, including Judith, Alice, and Marcus, are kidnapped and brought to an abandoned school.

When Michonne and Daryl arrive at the school to rescue the children that dawn, they are rushed by Jocelyn's group members into a trailer, with Mitchell ordering Winnie to kill them all. Fortunately, none of the Alexandrian kids are hurt and they were brought safely back to Alexandria. Upon arriving home, Jonah is hugged by his adoptive parents.

"Who Are You Now?"[]

Following the six-year time jump, Jonah, alongside his mother, have not been seen in Alexandria, suggesting he either left the community or died due to unknown causes. Regardless, his current location and fate remain unknown.

Killed Victims[]

This list shows the victims Jonah has killed:





TV Series[]

Season 9[]


  • According to the actor, the name Jonah was assigned to his character, but was never mentioned on the show.[1]

