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This article is about the Sandbox character. You may be looking for his Comic Series or TV Series counterparts. For other pages with the same name, see: Carson

Negan? Things got done when he was in charge. He knew when to call the harsh shots, which was quite often. It was just more fun with him around, you know?
―Carson to the player about Negan.[src]

Carson is a survivor of the outbreak in The Walking Dead: The Sandbox. He is a former member of the Saviors and a resident of the Alexandria Safe-Zone.


Location Unknown[]

Nothing is known about Carson's life prior to or as the outbreak began.


Following the outbreak, Carson joined a group known as the Saviors. However, after going to war with Alexandria, the Savior were defeated and their leader Negan was imprisoned. Carson would later become a member of Alexandria, though he still held Negan in high regards.

"A Day In Alexandria"[]

The player questions Carson about his knowledge of Negan and he tells them things got done when Negan was in charge and was more fun with him around, like when people mouthed off or argued with against him, he dealt with it then and there. Carson tells them of a time when Negan killed a man with an axe because he didn't like the way he sounded.

Killed Victims[]

This list shows the victims Carson has killed:


The Sandbox[]


  • Unlike his Comic Series counterpart, this version of Carson still holds Negan in high regards.
    • He also bares hardly any resemblance to his comic counterpart.