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Walking Dead Wiki
Walking Dead Wiki
Walking Dead Wiki

Carla Ching is an American writer and actress who worked as a writer for AMC's Fear the Walking Dead.


Carla is a playwright and TV writer who hails from Los Angeles, California but was a long time New Yorker. Her plays have been produced by South Coast Rep, Ensemble Studio Theatre, Lyric Stage, Theatre Mu, Artists at Play, PFP, Ma-Yi Theater Company and 2g.

She is an alum of the CTG Writers Workshop and the Ma-Yi Writers Lab. Proud member of New Dramatists and The Kilroys. She wrote on USA's Graceland and Amazon's I Love Dick.

Episodes Written[]

Season 2[]

Other Works[]

  • Graceland
  • I Love Dick
  • Terra Cotta
  • Futurestates

External Links[]
