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VS Battles Wiki


Yuuichi is the main antagonist of Kinder and its remake, Re:Kinder. He started out as a regular, if not a bit abused, youth from a remote Japanese town. However, after entering in contact with a special Storybook, he developed special powers and went on to destroy his native town.

Powers and Stats

Tier: 9-B, possibly 7-C

Name: Yuuichi

Origin: Kinder

Gender: Male

Age: 13

Classification: Human

Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Reality Warping, Teleportation, Fire Manipulation, Can Paralyze opponents, Water Manipulation, Mind Manipulation, Time Manipulation, Memory Manipulation

Attack Potency: Wall level (Superior to the Mistresses, who can produce huge flames), possibly Town level (Implied to have control over the whole town. Possibly submerged it with water. Has control over the whole storybook world)

Speed: Superhuman (Comparable, if not superior, to Shunsuke)

Lifting Strength: Unknown

Striking Strength: Wall level, possibly Town level

Durability: Wall level, possibly Town level (Comparable to the kids, who can survive his attacks)

Stamina: Unknown

Range: Several Kilometers

Standard Equipment: The Storybook

Intelligence: Above Average

Weaknesses: Suicidal, Emotions-driven


  • Transformed the whole town into a wasteland.

Notable Attacks/Techniques:

  • Campanella: An attack that constantly prevents the opponent from moving.

Notable Matchups



