Xero, birth name unknown, is one of the members of Bolverk Squad, a team of cyborgs utilized by the shady organization known only as MBORF. A survivor from a young age, he had to fight for his own life in his childhood and became a common thief before he was taken into a secret organization of ninja and became one of their operatives.
However, after a mission went wrong, he was kidnapped by MBORF and forcibly transformed into a cyborg, becoming a member of Bolverk Squad and losing his memories, though his resentment for MBORF and Bolverk Squad, those who had defeated him and killed his allies, remained. He grew to respect his new leader, however, and found some semblance of a home with his new team.
Powers and Stats
Tier: At least 9-B, possibly 9-A | 9-A | 8-B
Key: Original Armor | 2.0 | Cervical Armor
Name: Xero
Origin: Xionic Madness
Age: 21 years old
Gender: Male
Classification: Cyborg
Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Enhanced Senses (Capable of effectively fighting in complete darkness), Master Swordsman, Marksman, and Hand-to-Hand Combatant, Self-Destruction | Flight, Blood Manipulation, Teleportation | Air Manipulation, Electricity Manipulation, Time Manipulation (Can overcharge the Aeroblade to cause a time fluctuation that boosts his speed dramatically), Duplication
Attack Potency: At least Wall level (Superior to Askaad, who can do this), possibly Small Building level (Should scale to his own durability) | Small Building level+ (Comparable to Omega, who melted through an iron door in a weaker form) | City Block level (Comparable to Omega, who destroyed a building with a punch).
Speed: At least Hypersonic+ (Can casually deflect gunfire at close ranges, even holding back sustained minigun fire) | At least Supersonic (Faster than Omega, who was able to trade blows with XV right after XV effortlessly dodged his gunshots) | At least Hypersonic+ (Even faster than before), Supersonic+ in short bursts (Stated to be able to move at Mach 3), Relativistic with overcharged Aeroblade (He can boost his speed so much that bullets appear motionless to him, and then deliver a series of slashes before they move at all).
Lifting Strength: Unknown | Class 5 (Can casually swing around a sword weighing 200 kilograms, and lift Omega, who weighs over a ton) | Class M (Comparable to Omega, who can lift buildings, as with Kary)
Striking Strength: At least Wall level, possibly Small Building level| Small Building level+ | City Block level
Durability: At least Wall level, possibly Small Building level (Took a blast that seemingly destroyed multiple corpses) | Small Building level+ | City Block level (Took blasts from Kary, who can blow up buildings)
Stamina: High. Xero is capable of sustaining nearly nonstop combat for a long period of time, battling against many opponents at once even as he takes increasingly severe injuries, continuing to fight Kary even after taking wounds that would've killed most people, such as many deep slashes to his abdomen and a grenade to his unarmored face, and even after most of his weapons were broken and his armor was destroyed.
Range: Extended melee range, further with Sawers | Extended melee range | Extended melee range, tens of meters with Nightstar, Aeroblade, Red Fang, and Bloodwire, further with Light Arrow
Standard Equipment: A number of weapons, which he can teleport into his hands on command.
- Hollow: An unusually long sword made with a special compound that does not reflect light, preventing it from being seen by the human eye. Its length and invisibility makes it a difficult weapon to use effectively, but Xero has mastered its use.
- Longinus Knife: Also known as a Loner, the Longinus Knife is a highly corrosive, electromagnetic dagger that, when used by the owner on themselves, will synchronize with their DNA, causing them to short-circuit and self-destruct with a large explosion.
- Ripper: An experimental sword with the teeth and motor of a chainsaw, created for the destruction of heavily armored targets, such as tanks.
- Sawer: Xero's only ranged weapon in this armor, a sort of shuriken with a built-in gyroscope that means it will return to Xero's hand once thrown. Similarly to a chainsaw, its blades are constantly in movement, and it is effectively both as a thrown and melee weapon.
- Slicer: Xero's most basic sword, a simple but lethally sharp blade useful for both slashing and stabbing attacks.
Intelligence: Trained as a ninja and assassin from an early age, Xero is a lethally skilled combatant capable of fighting multiple armed opponents at once without taking any injuries. He specializes in close quarters combat, particularly the use of swords, but his reckless, self-destructive style of fighting is borderline suicidal and often puts him at unnecessary risk.
Weaknesses: Xero is reckless in combat, to the point of being borderline suicidal, taking unnecessary but profitable risks. Red Hill and Red Fang need blood to be used at their full capacity, and Aeroblade's overcharged version only lasts for a second.
Notable Matchups