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VS Battles Wiki
VS Battles Wiki
VS Battles Wiki




Monster Association = 145 Px | 8,708 Meters 
Screen = 771 Px 
  • D = 8,708 * 771 /(145 * 2 * tan(70deg / 2)
  • D = 33,063.43 Meters


Radius = 33,063.43 m
Height = 8,000 m

  • Volume = Pi * 33,063.43 ^ 2 * 8000 = 2.7474872e+13 m³
  • Density = 1,003 kg / m³
  • Mass = 2.7474872e + 13 * 1,003 = 2.7557296e+13 kg

Latent heat of water condensation: = 2512080 J / kg

  • Q = 2.7557296e + 13 * 2512080 = 6.9226132e+19 J


  • Mass = 2.7557296e+13 kg

Considering 3 seconds, the speed is: 11,021.14 m / s

  • E = 0.5 * 2.7557296e + 13 * 11,021.14² = 1.6736307e + 21 J


  • Tatsumaki and Psykorochi create a huge storm:
    • Condensation = 6.9226132e+19 J, or 16.5 Gigatons of TNT (6-C, Island) [8.25 Gigatons for each one]
    • KE = 1.6736307e+21 J, or 400 Gigatons of TNT  (High 6-C, Large Island) [200 Gigatons for each one]
  • Tatsumaki and Psykorochi LS = 2.7557296e+13 kg (Class T) [1.3778648e+13 kg for each one]