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VS Battles Wiki
VS Battles Wiki

So the Eggrobo's black hole supposedly comes from the Indigo Asteroid, another wisp that can induce black holes.

Also I've never really noticed how much the Indigo Asteroid Wisp's power kinda induces a black hole. I'll go ahead and calc it for clarity.


Sonic is 1 meter and the black hole's radius is 107.5 px, or 1.535 meters.


Black Hole Mass = (299792458² * Radius) / (2 * 6.67408e-11), so M = (89875517900000000 * 137958920000000000) / (2 * .0000000000667408) =  / .0000000001334816‬, which is 103354260000000000000000000 kg.

Black Hole Solar Mass = 103354260000000000000000000 / 1988550000000000000000000000000 = .0000519746851

Energy to create the Black Hole = .0000519746851 * 5.693e+41 Joules = 29589188200000000000000000000000000000 joules

7071985.707457057 zettatons, or 7.071985707 Ronnatons.

Large Planet level, surprisingly.


This is the shorter method where I use this site.

Schwarzschild Radius: 1.535 meters

KG: 1033542600149395180609162611

Energy: 9.2890176432938E+43 joules

Large Star


Large Planet to Large Star+, and it's close to being Large Planet+, so.