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Rick and Morty is a big verse, that uses the infinite universes as a plot point for characters and their personalities. Most notably Rick Sanchez and Morty Smith.

Universe (6-D, likely higher)[]

The universe is basically an animal. It grazes on the ordinary. It creates infinite idiots just to eat them.
~ Rick Sanchez (C-137)]

All the universes in the verse is at least a hundred quintillion light years, thousands of times bigger than ours, and likely far bigger.

Universes can inhabit and contain beings like the Shleemypants, who is from a race of Time cops that are fourth dimensional[1] [4-D] or fifth dimensional aliens[2] [5-D]. It also contains a crystal that extends infinitely into spatial dimensions[3] that Morty cannot see [6-D, likely higher].

Universes look like giant spheres that contain all their dimensions and existence inside[4]

Central Finite Curve (Infinite 7-D, likely higher)[]


Do you know what the Central Finite Curve is? They built a wall around infinity, separated all the infinite universes from all the infinite universes where he’s the smartest man in the universe. Every version of us has spent every version of all of our lives in one infinite crib, built around an infinite fucking baby.
~ Evil Morty's Speech

The Central Finite Curve is a protective barrier built around the entire multiverse[4], the Citadel of Ricks built it to keep out smarter and powerful foes from other parts of the infinite multiverse[4].

Central Finite Curve contains heavens and hell depending on what the victim believes, which are explained to be paradimensional planes of existence[5].

"Para" meaning "further and beyond", "Dimensional" meaning "measurable extents of some kind, such as length, width, height". Which means these planes of existence would be beyond the dimensionality of Rick and Morty. [7-D, likely higher]

The Multiverse (Infinite 7-D, likely higher)[]

Beyond the Curve

Beyond the Central Finite Curve lies the Multiverse[4], shown by the chaotic lifestyle of Evil Morty which is due to its infinite nature. Its a a realm inhabited by entities far more powerful and intelligent than those confined within the curve[4].

Furp Rock[]

An unregistered cross-temporal asteroid, and the location of Furp Rock Plaza[6] and Jerryboree[6]. It appears to be a hub between universes.[6]

It is hinted to exist outside the confines of time and space and likely finds itself between all universes, dimensions, and timelines[6]. Therefore, you can get here on an ordinary ship at the coordinates "3924917"[6] according to Rick, flown there from your own reality.

Meta Reality[]

Meta Reality is far beyond the cosmology of Rick and Morty[7].

It is a purely conceptual and abstract realm[7] that governs and controls entire reality and narrative of Rick and Morty[7], when Morty was inside Meta Reality with Rick's glasses he was capable of seeing the aspects and information, code and the script that govern Reality[7]. As stated by Joseph Campbell all beings are meta[7]

Meta Reality beings are able to control time[7], reality[7], space[7], existence[7], causality[7] and more.

Meta Energy is conceptual and informational energy that is completely unbound and beyond everything in Rick and Morty.


  1. Rick and Morty Season 2 Episode 1, A Rickle in Time
  2. Rick and Morty Season 6 Episode 1, Solaricks
  3. Rick and Morty Deluxe Edition #TPB 8 (Part 2)
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 Rick and Morty Season 5 Episode 10, Rickmurai Jack
  5. Rick and Morty Season 7 Episode 9, Mort: Ragnarick
  6. 6.0 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 Rick and Morty Season 2 Episode 2, Mortynight Run
  7. 7.0 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 7.6 7.7 7.8 7.9 Rick and Morty Season 6 Episode 7, Full Meta Jackrick