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If you didn't already know, not long ago, I recalculated the feat where Metal Sonic cuts a mountain clean off the earth and it ended up degrading the result from the original calc. So if it gets accepted, I'd like to have back-up scaling that could either support the lower rating, or maybe strengthen the argument for the explosion Metal Sonic made that I also calculated.

Feats: 1 and 2


Sonic should have taken the full force of 3 missiles that created large explosions. Why do I think he took the full force? They were locked onto Sonic and blew up where he ended up. Tails was confident the missiles couldn't kill Sonic, and when he reveals the 4'th missile that never detonated and launches it at Eggman's mech, he again tanks it from near point blank with no damage at all. It would also be practically impossible to measure how far he is away from each explosion from the angle we get.

Screenshot 2021-10-27 5.17.10 PM

Skyscrapers are at least 150 meters tall.

150/93 = 1.612 meters per pixel.

There's three explosions. I'll measure the size of one, and just tripple the energy output due to them all being of the same size/output. But there's two images I took for the explosion. One I measured before it got a bit blurry and a tad bit blurry, and one after the explosion expanded to its full size, but is a bit blurry (pretty sure the pixel scaling on it is still accurate though, and would yield slightly better results. Likely a bit more accurate despite it being a tad bit hard to see)

Screenshot 2021-10-27 5.20.02 PM

Screenshot 2021-10-27 5.21.57 PM

Low-End: 1.612*593 = 955.916/2 = 477.958 meters (Radius)

High-End: 1.612*664 = 1070.368/2 = 535.184 meters (Radius)

It's clearly ground burst.


Low-End: W = 477.958^3*((27136*1.37895+8649)^(1/2)/13568-93/13568)^2 = 8.7 Kilotons * 3 = 26.3 Kilotons; Town level

High-End: W = 535.184^3*((27136*1.37895+8649)^(1/2)/13568-93/13568)^2 = 12.3 Kilotons * 3 = 36.9 Kilotons; Town level

That's nice. pretty consistent given that Metal Sonic who's superior to Eggman's conventional weaponry got Town level+.

The next feat isn't really 'visible' per say. We just see the after affects. Metal Sonic is stated by the President to have destroyed cities. In particular, he left one in flames, flooded another, and left a third one in ruins and was just leaving it. I hardly doubt these were overtime, and him destroying them with ease and going from city to city not only fits the story (he was trying to destroy the land of the sky until he found the 'weakspot' of the planet), but also other feats he pulled off. I'll just calculate the destruction of one city, and use fragmentation since there were still buildings, albeit all completely broken down. I may use violent fragmentation as a high-end.

Given that this is a Japanese film, and takes place on a Planet that seems like Earth (Which it was presumed to be in another calc for the verse), I'll use the average size of a city in Japan which I estimated here to be about 523.60 square kilometers. Which I than converted to 22.88 Kilometers (Double that length and you nearly get 523.60). I'll use 22.88 as a Radius for what he destroyed and use a hemisphere as the means to get volume (since city busting often leaves behind a crater of sort that's more often than not spherical).

Plugging 22.88 into this calculator gives me a volume of 25085725979377250349 cm^3. I'll use fragmentation and violent fragmentation of rock.


25085725979377250349*8 = 2.00685807835018002792e20 Joules/47.9 Gigatons; Island level

25085725979377250349*69 = 1.730915092577030274081e21 Joules/413.6 Gigatons; Large Island level

Just what I was hoping for. It coincides with the explosion Metal Sonic generated.

Final Results[]

Sonic tanks explosives:

26.3 Kilotons; Town level

36.9 Kilotons; Town level

Metal Sonic destroys cities:

47.9 Gigatons; Island level

413.6 Gigatons; Large Island level

This would further support the results of my other calculation assuming it gets calculated. Thus it would serve as supportive material for Sonic and Metal Sonic's statistics.